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What is wrong with these pictures?

Your right hand is glued to the controller. Two fingers on the same two buttons in three pictures.
You picked your snakes to color-coordinate with your cats, or picked the cats to color-coordinate with the snakes?
You keep a trash bag behind the couch?
(it's been a while I don't laugh so hard with a thread... thanks Jim)
Well, whatever is actually wrong with these pictures is gonna be a real let-down after all the possibilities we've come up with!
That's actually Jim's date? Orrrrr... That was captured on hidden camera when Jim was out of town!
Dang it, Jim! Didn't I tell you not to go on blind dates any more??! ;)

Odd...you took the pics with out a camera?
Everything seems fine to me.

I know you have a nice pc/tv/etc setup.

Jim, I think spying on yourself with your own secret webcam...may...be odd. To some.

Will we be seeing you on Dateline NBC...???