I have had my share of
"why in the world would you own a snake?" I refrain from telling anyone except my immediate family that I own 52 of them....LOL. If they think owning one snake is strange I could just imagine if they found out how many I really own.
I agree with all the above remarks. They don't shed, they are fairly easy on maintanence, they don't bark of make other unwanted noises, beg to go out and then come in full of mud or shed all over the house (I dearly love my dogs but not the dirt and hair they liberally place on my floors and furniture), they don't dig in my house plants (again, I dearly love my cats - and my ferret that passed away two years ago - but placing large stones in the larger potted plants has become a must!). And I too have always found holding them very calming. Whenever I feel stressed I find that letting one of them - one of the calmer ones that is - slide through my hands is very theraputic indeed. They are so soft and smooth and their movement so carefree. And I also find them fascinating in a scientific way, the way they are made with no arms or legs, the way they move so effortlessly, no hearing and their sense of smell through their tongues. Everything about them is otherworldly and, yet, also not. Truly fascinating.
And I love taking some to schools and such to educate people and make them aware of their uniqueness and necessity on earth. If it touches only a few people and makes them realize that they don't 'need' to kill every snake they happen upon, that is good.
LOL...here's a good story of peoples reaction to snakes! I am the secretary of our Catholic Church and had taken a picture I particularly liked of one of my baby snakes and made a desktop picture for my computer at home and also put it on my computer at work. Wellllll, one day one of the women from my parish came into my office and was talking to me when she suddenly stopped and said in a horrified voice, "Is that what I think it is on your computer screen?" I was confused at the sudden change of topic and looked over at my screen. Yep, that lil' ole snake was happily poised in strike mode, nice and large on the monitor. I simply said, "yes, it's a snake." She was shocked and asked why I had it on the screen. I told her is was a picture of my snake and I liked it there. You should have seen her face. "YOU OWN A SNAKE?" she said. She was so shocked at this that for a split second I was tempted to say " No, I own 52 of them." But, deiciding cute remarks would be badly taken, I nicely said simply yes instead. She then proceeded to tell me that they were evil and Satan was in them and that I should not have anything like that at the Rectory. I proceeded to tell her that they were not evil, that they are a symbol of the temptations given to man and that God created snakes as well as people and God does not and can not create anything EVIL! I did, however, for the sake of peace remove the picture and replace it with a picture I also very much like of the Sacred Heart of Mary - more appropriate for the surroundins I have to admit. (It also helped my descision to do this when I found out the priest I work for is very afraid of snakes).
Well, I hope you enjoyed my little experience as much as I did. My question to all of you is: What do you think they would say if they found out that I get my shipments of my snakes shipped to me at the office.......LOL. One day UPS was dropping off my package and the priest asked what it was because he thought it was a delivery for the church. I simply said it was my delivery and left it at that. He said, OK and the subject was dropped seeing as I get all my packages delivered there not only my snakes.
I can just imagine what would happen if something drastic came up and I were not able to be there for the delivery and my pastor got it and opened it up thinking it was something for the church. Do you think I could be prosecuted for involuntery murder???
As a side note, so people don't think I would actually allow my priest to have that happen to him. He doesn't open any deliveries made to the church. If any deliveries are made while I am not there, all are placed in my room for me to take care of the following day. And I only schedule "my" deliveries for when I know I will be there. I just thought it was a funny thought seeing as I find there are soooo many people who are either afraid of snakes or truly think they are the embodiment of Satan.