Ah yes, I'm sure I can. You however, well, that's just a different story...
Hm, so you know how intelligent rosy boas are, but you don't know how big they get? :shrugs:
This is a great segment. First you thought a snake with barely any borders was an okeetee....or maybe a normal.
And then 15 mins later...
So after 4 guesses you still need to see more pictures?
Ah, 2 hours later and now we're back to one being a hypo!
Either or? Either or 5, maybe.
I thought we went over this in the poop thread, if you don't know what you're talking about, why are you giving advice? You're not going to see veins on freshly laid eggs.
Someone gave you rep points....?
Yeah, woo hoo! The magical rat!! It flew away, like Puff the Magic Dragon!
Because that was sure pertinent information in a hatchling thread...
Ah yes, every snake is 'yummy' and 'gorgeous'!!!
And to think, this was only a sampling of 100 of your 1000 posts!