Grand Bubble Burster
cornscorpfrog said:Sorry to but in, but I have another question, I understand everything about the amel het caramel and the amel with the butter het stripe now.
My new question is what would I get if I bred a snow with the butter het stripe?
I know the anery gene stops the production of red pigments but I'm confused because a butter is a amel and caramel but doesn't produce red pigments ether. I think I read some were that the gene in butters that produced red was mutated to produce yellow but I'm not sure if this is right, but if it is then would the anery stop the production of yellow?
Snow x Butter het stripe = 100% amels het caramel, anery, 50% het stripe.
Anery has nothing to do with the production of yellow. The caramel gene combined with the amel gene produces the rich yellow that you're talking about. A lot of anerys have quite a bit of yellow. Caramel is responsible for the yellows.