Under Tank Heather
My first snake came from Carol Huddleston. One of my favorite snakes to this day.
Mine came from a local Petco, when I was 17. I had been wanting a Corn Snake for a little while, and one day before work I had begged my mom if I could bring one home, once I was able to save up enough for one... she seemed fine with the idea. That night, while I was working at the (then) local video store, my mom had surprised me with my 1st snake (Corn Snake). She had put the container that he was in into an empty movie case, and when I opened the case to enter it as a return and felt how light the case was, I opened it up to find him in there... One of my best memories!
I would imagine that pet-stores are a pretty popular option for 1st time owners. I was lucky that mine was so healthy, and to this day he's my best behaved snake (though I think that had more to do with the excessive amount of time I spent handling him. Him being my 1st and only snake and all...).
Haha... yeah, she is pretty cool! And definitely a good thing that he didn't accidentally get rented out, lol. Depending on the person, it could have been anywhere from a nature video, to a horror.Aw, that's a cute story... your mom sounds pretty cool! Good thing you checked the video box, and didn't just throw it on the return cart.
I do! I guess I didn't realize how rare it is to have a mom that's so supportive until I'd read and heard how contrary other people's experiences with keeping snakes can be.You have an AWESOME Mom!