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Whiskers on kittens


New member
A co-worker of mine recently adopted a stray bedraggled starving kitten out of our company parking lot.
She took it to the vet, and has been feeding it tons of good food, and since she lives nearbyy we got treated to a visit today. He is still very tiny, but sleeker and shinier and a wonderful friendly purr machine.

I love kittens. So, I thought I'd start a thread about our favorite things.

Recently, someone (you know who you are Wade :roflmao:) mentioned that in my threads I did not always include my own answers to the questions I pose, so here is MY list of my favorite things:

Blue Bell ice cream
Having dinner at home with my grown kids when they come to visit, and hearing them talk about their lives.
My dogs and other critters
A good adventure or science fiction novel, with an afternoon to relax and read
Kids in general, they are wonderful, and families
Hearing a good rain when I don't have to get out and go anywhere
Lasagna, fried chicken, pizza, cannoli
Roses and daylilies
Old sterling silver jewelry
Led Zeppelin
Janis Joplin

So what are a few of YOUR favorite things?
Favorite things:

Afternoon conversations with the person I love.
Waking up to find a message from the person I love.
Snuggling with my boys.
The smell of my children in the morning during snuggle time.
Crunching on leaves in the fall
Serendipitously discovering money in an old jacket
Dreams revolving around departed family members
Falling in love when it was least expected
Getting back in touch with old friends
Signing into facebook and seeing a 1st grade photo posted that included my late sibling
The smell of burning leaves
These are just a few of my favorite things.
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I am some kind of mad eclectic woman who just adores soooo much in life!

Industrial electro gigs
Tim Burton's original artwork
High pitched Danish bands (Mew!)
Fetish/Burlesque clubs
Heated arguments
Sharp objects
The pain from putting your finger into a pot of melted candle wax
Comedy clubs
Cheesy flavoured things, but NOT cheese
Converse high tops
Running my fingers though warm soil
The smell of mice
Snakes... duh
Moss... squishy pink moss
Watching slugs mate. It's adorable.
Pigglewigs in a huff
My dragon hat
Purple... it tastes so good
Supernatural (TV show)
Fae folk
Bitterly cold mornings
Sleeping naked (best feeling evur)
Hippy festivals (Belladrum, Wickerman etc etc)
Fire... I'm a complete pyromaniac.
Big cats and their huge paws
Floppy Beagle ears
French stuff
Mythical creatures (Particularly dragons)
Antique furniature
Vintage clothes
Venus fly traps... Mine is called Vinnie
Lighting storms
A freshly made bed
Stars... especially shooting stars
Festivals... cold nights in your tent with your SO
Glow sticks
Ben and Jerries (Bohemian Rhapsody)
Classical music
Mice pruning themselves
Luisiana hot sauce! The hotter the better.
Burnt food
Crispy bread
All things shineh and sparkly
VW camper vans
Cloud watching. I have a scientific book on this highly skilled activity.
Log fires
Pus... and squeezing spots

I could go on forever...
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Hmmm my favorite things?

Food especially steak, pizza, anything italian, chocolate, and cheesecake
the beach
clear nights
scuba diving/snorkling
warm weather
my kids kisses and hugs
anything burnt and the smell of it burning
warm bread homemade
puppy kisses
Butterflies and lady bugs
climbing trees
warm blankets fresh from the dryer
fabric softner

I'm sure I'll think of more- I like a lot

Oh yeah- Wade...I like Wade:D
phone calls with my guy
chatting with him online
red bell peppers
a good book
rereading a good book
crunchy cheetos
mountain dew
chinese food
my stuffed wolf
sleeping in baggy t-shirts
my cat's purring
getting fedex or UPS boxes
sappy movies
munching popcorn while watching sappy movies
duct tape
craft knives
depressing music
sappy music
rereading a good book yet again
Animals of all kinds
Sleeping with my sweet little dog
my boyfriend
Good music - like reggae, the beatles, led zeppelin, janis joplin, the velvet underground...
going to parties
having long conversations
shopping.. haha
swimming in the ocean
waking up beside someone you love
My list seems rather sick and twisted compared to all the hugs and loves and kisses and sentimenal stuffs. Oh dear...
-Catching first-glimpse of my girl in the airport after a seemingly interminable separation.
-Everything following that.
-Hanging with my little Sis.
-The first bite of my Mom's signature dishes (Flautas, Mac & Cheese, Chimis, etc.).
-Led Zeppelin!
-Re-reading my favorite books (LOTR, Dune series, Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises, Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, All the King's Men, Saga of Pliocene Exiles).
-First frost.
-Second frost.
-Sweet corn (on the cob).
-Vodka after a rough day.
-Vodka on an easy day.
-First seasonal blizzard.
-Unexpected out-of-office messages from managers.
-Setting my own out-of-office messages.
-Hershey's syrup and milk (ice-cold & a little on the weak side).
-The 1st cig after falling off the nic wagon (angels sing in every cell).

Too many more to list...
So, so much would come from the antics of these two:
My list seems rather sick and twisted compared to all the hugs and loves and kisses and sentimenal stuffs. Oh dear...

I thought your list was great, i agree with you on many of thoes things, mainly playing with hot wax, snails, tim burtons origional artwork and all things shiney/sparkley. On top of that, even though i know i like all thoes things, i probably wouldnt have thought of it. Your neat. :D
-my bunnies
-my snakes
-my laptop
-my desktop
-snow days (not having to go to work)
-the leaves changing in fall
-mint tea with honey
-smell of paint thinner
-hot chocolate
-Being able to breathe every morning
-Not smelling like an ashtray
-My personal vaporizer (it's shiney and it has a light!)
-Taking a nice warm nap in freshly laundered bedding that's still warm from the dryer
-Hot showers
-Neutrogena body oil (makes me shiney)
Some of my favorite things are:

Fall colors
Full tanks of gas
Underlining meaningful lines in books
Simple rituals with my guy
Post-jogging aches in my legs
High heels
Having a clean room
Soy chai
Writing something worthwhile
Listening to older folks tell stories
Artichoke paninis
Seeing people truly happy
Taking pictures
Watching movies on rainy days
Family get-together type things
Ruger's velvety ears
Kriger's silly expressions
Coffee dates with old friends
Letters from my papa
Smooth legs
Under Armor
Week-old running shoes (when they are just FINALLY broken in, but still have no pressure points)
- Taking pictures and sharing my view of the world with others
- Traveling. Somewhere new, somewhere I have been before - just out enjoying and exploring.
- Dragonflies
- Anything Native American
- My kitties
- Laughter from children
- Classic rock
- Watching a good movie with my roomies
- Sweet Tea
- Good Italian food
- Pastries
- Dragons, wolves and big cats
- my collection of books
- Johnny Depp and Matthew McConaughey
- the smell from my grama's kitchen when she is baking apple pie
- spending time with my daddy
- sterling silver jewelry - especially rings
- anything celtic
- Scotland
- sleeping in late
- tattoos
- the smell of gardenias
- hockey
- archaeology
- always being able to go back home and feel like I never left
- good friends
-Reading a good book
-sitting by the window on an airplane
-traveling in general
-chainsaws, weed eaters, anything that says "echo" or "stihl"
-riding horses
-reptiles and field herping
-finding treasures at the flea market or thrift store
-good friends and family
-going out to get sushi or thai food
-India Pale Ales
-waking up to the smell of coffee
-the smell of fresh cut wood
-the feeling after cleaning the house
-getting home from work
-taking the dogs for a walk on a crisp autumn day
-the smell of fall leaves
-snickerdoodle cookies
-fresh homemade pumpkin pies
-getting home late from work and cuddling with my special someone
-Morgan Freeman's voice (I could listen to the man read the phone book and pay for it)
-Sweet Corn made on the grill
-The soreness after decoying some hard biting dogs
-Seeing decoys faces when Kriger gives them a surprise
-Once a new snake is finally acclimated to it's new home and being able to handle it
-Buying a new gun
-Laying in a hammock on a warm summer day.
-Beer... a good micro brew.. dark heavy ales...mmmmm
-Staring into a bonfire and just zoning out
-The smell of my wool sweater after a big backpacking trip
I am some kind of mad eclectic woman who just adores soooo much in life!

Industrial electro gigs
Tim Burton's original artwork
High pitched Danish bands (Mew!)
Fetish/Burlesque clubs
Heated arguments
Sharp objects
The pain from putting your finger into a pot of melted candle wax
Comedy clubs
Cheesy flavoured things, but NOT cheese
Converse high tops
Running my fingers though warm soil
The smell of mice
Snakes... duh
Moss... squishy pink moss
Watching slugs mate. It's adorable.
Pigglewigs in a huff
My dragon hat
Purple... it tastes so good
Supernatural (TV show)
Fae folk
Bitterly cold mornings
Sleeping naked (best feeling evur)
Hippy festivals (Belladrum, Wickerman etc etc)
Fire... I'm a complete pyromaniac.
Big cats and their huge paws
Floppy Beagle ears
French stuff
Mythical creatures (Particularly dragons)
Antique furniature
Vintage clothes
Venus fly traps... Mine is called Vinnie
Lighting storms
A freshly made bed
Stars... especially shooting stars
Festivals... cold nights in your tent with your SO
Glow sticks
Ben and Jerries (Bohemian Rhapsody)
Classical music
Mice pruning themselves
Luisiana hot sauce! The hotter the better.
Burnt food
Crispy bread
All things shineh and sparkly
VW camper vans
Cloud watching. I have a scientific book on this highly skilled activity.
Log fires
Pus... and squeezing spots

I could go on forever...

Elle, i find it very interesting how much we have in common! especially that last one...that my boyfriend thinks i'm a freak for!

some of my favorite things...hmmm...

snakes duhhh
all my other pets, lizards, my dog, my cockatiel
food, eating!!!!! (it's a wonder i'm not morbidly obese...yet)
researching...hellooooooooooo google!
chai tea lattes from starbucks. can't resist!
my computer
tattoos (well done tattoos, which unfortunately there aren't many of)
my boyfriend
family get-together times, christmas, thanksgiving
those longs talks that just make you sigh with...i don't know what but, the ones that make you feel like you accomplished something
rainbows (and my brazilian rainbow boas!!)
skinny dipping
summer in general
falling asleep to the sound of rain (which fortunatley i have been able to do a LOT of lately...50mm overnight rainfall warning in my area)
ummmm okay i'm running out of steam. i may add more later!
My dogs
Peaceful walks with my dogs
Compassionate people
Quality family time
Great conversation
The feeling of springtime
The first snow fall, and being snowed in without having anywhere to go
The spirit of Christmas, and the nostalgia leading up to it
Carma, both sides
Self awareness
The power of the human spirit
Honesty, loyalty, and integrity
Nature, wildlife, and areas unaffected by human destruction

Chicken and mashed potatoes
Cotton candy
Mac & Cheese
Creamy tomato soup, not too hot, not too cold
Hot chocolate after coming in from the cold
Lucky charms

Tupac Shakur: The message, the brilliance, the power, the passion, the sacrifice, the music, the talent
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Lyfe Jennings
Music from my childhood

Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Tupac Resurrection

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