Pragmatic & Logical
Spending time with my hubby
Stroking a soft kitty
Watching kids, kitties, or puppies play
Ice cream
The smell of vanilla, roses, citrus, or bread or cakes baking
The smell AND taste of chocolate
Gazing at the red rocks of Sedona
The intense colors of fuchsia and turqouise blue
Looking at a really brightly colored, gorgeous corn or Amazon tree boa
The first cold front of the season (here in Florida) that FINALLY allows a breath of fresh, cool, dry air after the long, hot, rainy season.
That is what came to me right now - I am sure I could come up with lots more!
Stroking a soft kitty
Watching kids, kitties, or puppies play
Ice cream
The smell of vanilla, roses, citrus, or bread or cakes baking
The smell AND taste of chocolate
Gazing at the red rocks of Sedona
The intense colors of fuchsia and turqouise blue
Looking at a really brightly colored, gorgeous corn or Amazon tree boa
The first cold front of the season (here in Florida) that FINALLY allows a breath of fresh, cool, dry air after the long, hot, rainy season.
That is what came to me right now - I am sure I could come up with lots more!