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Who or what got you into snakes?

Ooh I like these stories! I want to play!...

When I was a little 5 year old girl, I visited with my first cousin and his buddy. Being rambunctious 13 year old boys, they decided to scare the little girl with a snake. So they went to the park and told me to wait for them, and when they came back they had a snake. They dangled it in front of my face and asked me if I wanted to hold it (apparently they said it mockingly, I don't remember :(). Anyhow I took it and played with it, and they got all bored and left.

Ever since then I had a fascination for snakes.

Now I have one who lives with me, who I can care for! :)
Hey All,

Cool thread that I must have missed the first time around :D Fun!

For me, this website got me seriously interested in corns. My very first interaction with snakes was when my brother obtained a Burmese. As he got older and the snake got bigger he spent less and less time with it and I spent more and more time. Finally, at about 6 or 7 feet long it got mites and my brother just didn't have the time to eradicate the buggers. So, I did it. I was not living at home and pregnant for my first child. I had "Jake" for about 6 or so months. It surprised me at how interactive he was. I'd go upstairs and so would he... downstairs and so would he. My favorite thing was to take the top off of my jeep and wrap him around the roll bars. He loved the "sun" time. Believe me - NOBODY bothered me. When I was close to delivering my son (now 20) I gave Jake back because I didn't want a large snake in the house with a human pinky. My mother swears that Jake was depressed for a month.

After that, I pestered my (now ex) husband for a while and for my very first mothers day I got a corn snake. I loved that little one to death. Since then I've had Corns, Ball Pythons and Retailed Boas as pets. When my daughter turned 16 she wanted a snake for her birthday. Well, I encouraged her to get a corn for her first one. We picked up a darling little amel that came home with mites.

I did a web search and wa-la, found this website and a TON of information. It sparked my passion for genetics and I've been hooked ever since. We still have the little amel, who is fast becoming one of my most beautiful kids and a few more <snicker> that I've picked up here and there. hehehe

Thanks for the thread, it was fun!

I think the thing that really sparked my interest to actually own a snake, rather than just observe their beauty, was when my aunt Amy caught a "cornsnake" (thinking back, it definitely was NOT a corn :grin01: ) and let me hold it. I held that thing for like an hour or something insane like that...and then they made me put it back. I wanted one eer since. I was like 11 then...and I wasn't able to convince my parents to let me have one till I was 14! Ah! Now I'm hooked...
well..hum... My parents never aloved me to have any animals when I was younger(exept a few WC frogs and smal lizards that we only ceept for a few days and then put out).
and e few years later, I was 17years old(?!?) I saw that some one was selling two corns and their viv.. I asked my mum just for fun beliving there was no chance in hell as long as I lived at home.. but she said -"well...ok, but I will have nothing to do withém!"

haha.. who would have known.. :rolleyes:

but when I moved from home I could´n ceep them :cry:

this time around I was "bugging" my boyfriend to geet a third dog... an he refused!! so I asked if I could get some snakes and he said -"well...ok, but I will have nothing to do withém!" :grin01: *dejavu*

Now, a year later we have a three dogs and eleven snakes! :nyah:

:dancer: :dancer: :dancer:
Well, I still don't have a snake, but...

I started wanting one in high school. I don't know why exactly. I suppose I figured it'd be cool or something. And it's been hanging around in the back of my mind ever since as something I'd like to do. My favorite part of the zoo is the reptile house, and I like to check out the reptiles at the pet store--actually, I check out everything but the birds. I can't get into birds.

I see my appreciation of snakes as almost exactly the same as my appreciation for mushrooms, actually (I'm an extremely amateur, sub-beginner mycologist ;)). People have such a fear of both, and both are seen as slimy and dark and creepy. Yet both are actually really beautiful and unusual. I can totally ignore a flower bed and get excited over a mushroom. And I could ignore a tree full of squirrels to get a look at a nice snake.
I started off with dinosaurs,and slowly progressed to studying everything with leathery skin (not Sylvester Stallone,though). The very first snake i held was an eight foot burmese that i had a picture taken with.

My very first snake was a cali king called snapper (for obvious reasons). I next went on to corns,royal pythons,boas and a seven foot yellow anaconda and a thirteen foot burmese. Now i've gone full circle and skipped the kings to concentrate on breeding corns instead.

I never really had anyone lead more towards my love of animals and snakes in particular.
From the time I was able to walk I was chasing anything that moved.
There where so many times as I was growing up, while everyone else was riding bikes or playing ball, I was wading through creeks, wading through swamps or hiking through the woods, looking for animals.
In the late 60's and early 70's the pet stores around here only carried fish, rodents and occasional birds, no reptiles.
I played sports too, but I enjoyed my time in the woods much more then football, baseball or wrestling practice.
There were a few of my friends, as I was growing up, who took a slight interest in reptiles but I was the only one I knew who was actually out there trying to catch them and bring them home.
So, I guess I owe it all to my mom.
Although she didn't like all the frogs, lizards, turtles and snakes I was bringing home she never discouraged me, she simply made it clear that if I couldn't care for them properly, back to the wild they would go.
I had to buy my own books and supplies which helped teach me to do the proper research if I wanted to keep the things I caught.
I used to be scared of snakes, until I seen this one at the pet store...I fell in love with him, I've always been a big animal lover now, I am also a snake lover.