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Why is my guy spinning?


New member
Hi everyone, I' m new to the forum & new to having a corn snake. I have inherited my grandson's snake & love him. I saw him do the weirdest thing this week. He was coiled in 3 rings, and spinning so fast it just didn't seem possible. I was absolutely floored. He did this for about 1-2 minutes. Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks!
Uh no,lol sounds neurological though and weird. Doesn't quite sound like stargazing, but if he eats and poops normally just keep an eye on it.
Hi everyone, I' m new to the forum & new to having a corn snake. I have inherited my grandson's snake & love him. I saw him do the weirdest thing this week. He was coiled in 3 rings, and spinning so fast it just didn't seem possible. I was absolutely floored. He did this for about 1-2 minutes. Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks!

Had you been out drinking a lot of margaritas?
I do wish I had been fast enought to get it on tape, but I was so mesmerized that I couldn't move. And no, I had not been drinking! I will keep close watch, he will be dining tomorrow & hopefully he is O.K. I've really become quite fond of the handsome fellow. I'm assuming he's a boy! When we got him he was being called Angus. How do you tell anyway?
I do wish I had been fast enought to get it on tape, but I was so mesmerized that I couldn't move. And no, I had not been drinking! I will keep close watch, he will be dining tomorrow & hopefully he is O.K. I've really become quite fond of the handsome fellow. I'm assuming he's a boy! When we got him he was being called Angus. How do you tell anyway?

You could probe but it isn't recommended for a novice (such as myself) A less traumatic method would be popping them. Voila

Angus is nearly 5 ft long, and I don't have any idea what popping means, so I'm just going to say he's a boy.
I know alligators and crocs have a "death roll". Is it like that? I guess I mean, longitudinally...on the axis of its length? Or concentrically...I mean...like a 'wheel inside a wheel'? ;)
Whoty, that is surreal. Exactly what I was meaning by a 'wheel inside a wheel'. LOL. The Ezekiel snake.

Kind of looks like he's seeking a little self-gratification.
My snake does the same thing as the snake in the video, although she goes around her hide and circles around it most of the time, rather than just out in the open. She is a stargazer.
Video snake is totally trying to mate with himself! How do they get so confused? Poor guy!!
I've had males get so excited that even with a female, they wind up slithering all over themselves!! I joke that they are making out with themself.
Thanks Whoty, That is exactly what Angus did, except he was going super fast. I got a bit of video today, as he did it again. But I haven't quite figured how to send it. Anyway, thanks for everyone's input. I'm so relieved that he isn't sick.