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Why won't he stop trying eat me?

I was thinking the same thing, the association would make some sense. I always wash my hands vigorously right after I touch the pinkie because I don't want him to smell it on me when I get him from the viv, but it's also the same soap I use right before I handle him any other time. I think I'll just keep using that soap for feeding time, and I will start using another one for any other time that I handle him.

Thanks for the advice!
The only snake I have that does this is my CaliKing. When I handle the Corns & then handle him he will bite. Mouth wide open & I can see it comin'! In slow motion. He's a nut! So I make sure that I have special times to hold him. He is by far one of my favorites & I enjoy him more when he's not biting me.
Handling mice or any other source of protein. I've known of corn snakes that would eat pieces of raw beef, venison, and even fish. In fact scenting with fish can sometimes coax a stubborn hatchling to take a thawed pinky. The fact that it rubbed its head on your hand before biting makes me feel that this is a feeding response. I have seen this behavior before, and it will most likely not persist. Good Luck.
Handling mice or any other source of protein. I've known of corn snakes that would eat pieces of raw beef, venison, and even fish. In fact scenting with fish can sometimes coax a stubborn hatchling to take a thawed pinky. The fact that it rubbed its head on your hand before biting makes me feel that this is a feeding response. I have seen this behavior before, and it will most likely not persist. Good Luck.

Jim's dead right! You've gotten some interesting responses and some interesting anecdotes.

The list of things-corns-think-is-food isn't always logical! Raw chicken, Kentucky Fried Chicken, hot dogs, frogs, lizards and tuna fish are among the successful tricks used to get nonfeeders going. I always chuckle at the idea of a pencil-sized wormlet taking on a bluefin tuna! :rofl: Even things like fish food, dog food or cat food can trigger a feeding response, since they're made with animal proteins.

Dave's tip about using different soaps for feeding time and handling time is a great idea. It should help clear up the confusion for your little one.

You sound like a patient person. Keep up the good work! I'm sure you voracious little creature will get past this - before he's big enough to do any damage. :)
The only snake I have that does this is my CaliKing. When I handle the Corns & then handle him he will bite. Mouth wide open & I can see it comin'! In slow motion. He's a nut! So I make sure that I have special times to hold him. He is by far one of my favorites & I enjoy him more when he's not biting me.

Ditto. although mine tries a go at me regardless. sometimes obvious sometimes as stated before ... "the gentle la-ti-da oh, I'm gonna bite you now tactic"
I just got a 6 year old female corn that does this same thing! She slowly opens her mouth and tries to bite down. It is USUALLY so slow that I have time to move her head and prevent the bite. She does it to my son, too. She takes her time, looks at us and then opens her mouth. ALMOST like she is thinking, "hmmmm...yeah, I think I'll bite you now if it's ok." We have tried different soaps and NEVER handle her after eatting, etc so I don't know why she is doing this.

My son was sitting on the floor not moving, watching TV. She slithered over to him and bit him on the hand and then slithered off for no apparent reason. Just a little "love tap", but enough to draw some blood.
This happened to me at my first expo in New Hampshire. I was handling a baby hondo & he tried to eat my finger. Threw a coil on it then very careful opened wide & clamped down, then tried to advance his jaw! I thought it was adorable, personally!
use hand sanitizer not soap thats what i use once he bites and gets that nasty taste of the alcohol in the sanitizer he wont do it it wont hurt him either ive been using that for a while my snakes fine
I do that too now Zackary, it's been working great. Haven't had a problem since.

Except for the one time when he was wrapped up in my shirt and launched at my collarbone for no reason.. but I think that's because he was more startled than anything, and I absolutely refuse to bathe in hand sanitizer .. :p
Check you temperatures. Snakes that come home from the pet store when they have been neglected do this too. Some stores will keep the temperatures very low so the snakes dont grow as much and appear younger to the buyers. In turn, they create a mean snake. Make sure the temps are right and feed him well and he should grow out of it.
Check you temperatures. Snakes that come home from the pet store when they have been neglected do this too. Some stores will keep the temperatures very low so the snakes dont grow as much and appear younger to the buyers. In turn, they create a mean snake. Make sure the temps are right and feed him well and he should grow out of it.

Wow, I had no idea some stores did that. That is just awful. Just another reason to avoid pet shops. Sigh. . . .
I don't trust many pet stores. I buy my mice at petsmart though. And I worked for a family owned pet store last summer. they wouldn't sell their animals until they were around for a couple months snd they made sure they were healthy. That's where I got my Amber Corn. She's about a year and 7 months and couldn't be better. So I guess it depends

This thread was started a while ago. Have you seen any progress since?
Wow, I had no idea some stores did that. That is just awful. Just another reason to avoid pet shops. Sigh. . . .

That IS awful. Poor snake babies.. poor animals overall.

I got Ares from my daughter's friend who bought him from a breeder. So at least I know he wasn't mistreated as this breeder is a big snake lover.

Makes me want to get all the snakes in the pet store.. so I know they will be loved and fed well BY ME. LOL

That makes me really sad though.

As for the Original Post made in this thread.. I think the snake is smelling something on your hands and biting as a response. I agree with the advice you were given all through this thread.

I don't handle the pinkies I feed Ares.. I take it out of the bag by dumping it in a sandwich bag without touching them. Then I run the pinkies under hot water while in the bag and then touch just a little to know it's warm and ready. I then put Ares in a long box, dump the pinkies out without touching them, into the box and Ares has at it.