I'm planning on
a few pairings of Anery WideStripe this year.
Pairings with Zippers, motley stripes, & zigzags and the original Tessera female will yield interesting results, I am sure, but will these simply be messed up patterns deviating away from the original WS look, or will WS dominate? I do not know. We should also focus on producing some 'pure' WS, to keep the original look of the original WS line.
By definition, Lavender and Caramel are forms of Anery.
If stripe, mot stripe, pinstripe mot, tess & w/s are are all mixed up, then what?
I have not bred to a pure charcoal yet. Still looking for an adult female. Breeding to blizzard this year, but no idea how the amel is going to reduce, change, or modify the look. Much work yet to be done with these.
Tom, here's what happens when anery A motley (dilute) and w/s get together.