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Wide Stripe Cornsnake

That's correct. That is a quote from VMS. I only breed to a anery with not gets. She yielded all WS babies. Again I will be Introducing him to my anery homo charcoal WS female and a few other morphs to see what happens and how it reacts. I only know of a few breeders that have true WS stock.

I'm confused by the part highlighted in red. Is WS compatable with both anery A & B?
I'm sure he's typing a response lol, but isn't charcoal considered a variant of anery "a"? I would assume by Nicks reply he is testing it out vs anery "b" :). Also I'd think proving it against an animal homozygous for both wouldn't solve anything. They arent the same gene, regardless of it being a vaariant. Not sure what an Anery wide stripe X Anery Charcoal would prove :shrugs:. Wouldn't a charcoal be a better candidate?
I'm sure he's typing a response lol, but isn't charcoal considered a variant of anery "a"? I would assume by Nicks reply he is testing it out vs anery "b" :). Also I'd think proving it against an animal homozygous for both wouldn't solve anything. They arent the same gene, regardless of it being a vaariant. Not sure what an Anery wide stripe X Anery Charcoal would prove :shrugs:. Wouldn't a charcoal be a better candidate?

I'm with ya on the charcoal candidate.:) Anery B is a different type of anery, not a variant of anery A.
Aztec is like zig zag on and off. There are lines that produce Aztec more often than other. There are also normals that have Aztec babies. You can also breed to Aztecs together and get all normal patterned hatchlings. Do you know any history on your male?

Yes, I got the male from Tim and Jen at T&J corns. He's het for amel and anery. I bought him because he had a complete aztec marking. Here is what he looked like:

Mom looked like this: I had no history on her. She was from Underground. She evidently was het for amel though as the first baby out was amel.
Wasn't she though? She was very sweet as well. A family near me has her now. She had some aberrant ribs so I didn't sell her and they had bought a few other of my animals and really loved her. She's in a great home.
Tom / Chris the anery WS yields WS babies when bred to anery indicating it's aliec to anery. I aquired the anery homo charcoal WS. I want to breed to her I understand what they are. I will also be crossing him with other morphs to see the out comes. What are you guys breeding your WS with? I don't know if you are trying to give me ideas or just mess with me. I have answered the questions with all the info I have at this time. If you are trying to help me with ideas I definatley welcome them.
Based on some theories discussed in this thread, my intent is to breed him back to anery. I was going to breed him to anery stripe. Should I be going for a normal anery instead or should that not matter. What are others thoughts on this?
Here is another photo
Thank you

If it's a true anery WS I would breed it to a anery with no stripe or motley hets. That should yield true anery WS. The WS is Aliec to anery so I would use a normal anery. If you breed to a anery stripe or anery het stripe then you would not know if you have a true anery WS, because your female stripe or het stripe will definitely yield striped babies. The purpose of my WS thread is to see who has them and if the are experimenting, as well as what your results are. A true anery WS will bring a good bit more money than your common striped anery. Last I checked WS anerys were selling for 250-275 bucks. But I am sure the economy is changing that. So don't hold my feet to the fire on that. I appreciate your comments and interest in the WS thread. You have some very nice corns. I look forward to seeing how your breeding and hatching season go. Good luck!
Nick, we're definitely not messing with you, just trying to sort out the info you've given us :).

If you breed to a anery stripe or anery het stripe then you would not know if you have a true anery WS, because your female stripe or het stripe will definitely yield striped babies

WS X stripe = striped?
Nick, we're definitely not messing with you, just trying to sort out the info you've given us :).

WS X stripe = striped?

I'm puzzled about this as well as wide stripe, last I heard, was completely unrelated to stripe and motley.
Not messing with you Nick, as Chris replied we are simply trying to sort out the information. That being said I have a couple questions.

Nick based on your personal experience breeding this morph. In your professional opinion does WS is act in codominant fashion when bred to anery?

Is WS compatable with both anery A & B? Or only with anery A?

Is it an Anery Charcoal WS that you keep refering to as "anery homo charcoal WS female"?

Do you plan on breeding the Anery Charcoal WS to a Charcoal/ no hets to test for compatability with anery B?

Is WS also allelic to motley or stripe?
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I'm planning on a few pairings of Anery WideStripe this year.

Pairings with Zippers, motley stripes, & zigzags and the original Tessera female will yield interesting results, I am sure, but will these simply be messed up patterns deviating away from the original WS look, or will WS dominate? I do not know. We should also focus on producing some 'pure' WS, to keep the original look of the original WS line.

By definition, Lavender and Caramel are forms of Anery.

If stripe, mot stripe, pinstripe mot, tess & w/s are are all mixed up, then what?

I have not bred to a pure charcoal yet. Still looking for an adult female. Breeding to blizzard this year, but no idea how the amel is going to reduce, change, or modify the look. Much work yet to be done with these.

Tom, here's what happens when anery A motley (dilute) and w/s get together.

Thanks Dave, I haven't breed them for years. I will be breeding to pure lavender, tessera, WS anery, WS anery homo charcoal. Tom I can't answer your questions yet but hopefully soon.
That's correct. That is a quote from VMS. I only breed to a anery with not gets. She yielded all WS babies. Again I will be Introducing him to my anery homo charcoal WS female and a few other morphs to see what happens and how it reacts. I only know of a few breeders that have true WS stock.

The highlighted portion seems to suggest a dominant gene at play when linked to anery.That would be exciting news! Could this be the first dominant linked gene? Best of all another pattern changer!:cool::cool: I'm not sure if the information above is Sean's observation or Nick's.:shrugs:

I'm planning on a few pairings of Anery WideStripe this year.

Pairings with Zippers, motley stripes, & zigzags and the original Tessera female will yield interesting results, I am sure, but will these simply be messed up patterns deviating away from the original WS look, or will WS dominate? I do not know. We should also focus on producing some 'pure' WS, to keep the original look of the original WS line.

By definition, Lavender and Caramel are forms of Anery.

If stripe, mot stripe, pinstripe mot, tess & w/s are are all mixed up, then what?

I have not bred to a pure charcoal yet. Still looking for an adult female. Breeding to blizzard this year, but no idea how the amel is going to reduce, change, or modify the look. Much work yet to be done with these.

Tom, here's what happens when anery A motley (dilute) and w/s get together.


Great looking clutch Dave! Motley & diffused both mess with the Tessera pattern as well. It will be interesting to see what you produce to a normal patterned charcoal, or dilute anery with no hets.:cool:
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That's Seans findings from the quote I provided. I have produced 100% WS when breed to normal Anery. I will have him breed several females, to see outcomes with different morphs. There will be some emery based morphs used as well.
That's Seans findings from the quote I provided. I have produced 100% WS when breed to normal Anery. I will have him breed several females, to see outcomes with different morphs. There will be some emery based morphs used as well.

Why muddy the waters by breeding to an emory??:shrugs:
Hey I want to thank everyone who had input on the WS thread. I look forward to using and trying your ideas. Cant wait to share the WS outcomes in the fall!