I have been gone too, too long!!! So many men I would do bad things to in this thread. Except Jeremy Irons :laugh: he will always be Scar from The Lion King to me!!
I was very pleased to hear Mr Ryan Reynolds has been named Sexiest Man Alive, I have been
telling everyone that for quite some time!!
Adam Rodriguez is lurverly (am I the only one that HAS to smack my lips when I see a picture of him?), a bit more clean cut than I usually like, but hey if he's clean enough to eat off, bonus!

And Brucie bless him getting more attractive every year, how does he do that?! I think it's the fun factor with Bruce, he's hilarious as well as sexy.
Good choice of husband Jenber heee and Kathy oh lordy I love the 300 spoof, classic, hope it is framed pride of place in your home!
So wish I could post a picture of a real-lifer I have the pleasure of being around just lately...seriously never seen a body that good off-screen :eek1: Ladies, trust me, I am ON IT! I'll get in BIG trouble but it will be worth it. Why would you want to hide something so beautiful, I don't understand it..
Oh and a new guilty pleasure for the offering; Cesar Millan! I think it's the arms?? The doggy-jedi power, or the arms. Perhaps the tan, or the smile.... or the accent.......?