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World's Most Gorgeous Men~~ Come on Girls Help Me Out!!

@ nwheather .... yeah the bodies and the bedroom eyes on those winchester boys just don't quit....my 18.5yr old son and I follow the series but he hates it when ever there is a scene that is steamy or shows of their bodies because I can't help voicing some of my thoughts out loud!!!

I love that show! Definitely would not kick either of those boys outa bed for eating crackers. LOL
Dean is my fave of the Winchester boys :)
You don't look old enough to have an 18.5 yr old son.
Dean is my favorite to his face is sexier than Sam's and the personality they gave his character just turns my crank!! Thank you for the compliment, I hear that a lot actually. That picture is 3 yrs old so I would have been approx 36-37 there. I had my oldest when I was 21 and then my youngest 7 yrs later.
Dean is my favorite to his face is sexier than Sam's and the personality they gave his character just turns my crank!! Thank you for the compliment, I hear that a lot actually. That picture is 3 yrs old so I would have been approx 36-37 there. I had my oldest when I was 21 and then my youngest 7 yrs later.

So we're about the same age. :)

I'm sure you will appreciate more pics of Jensen Ackles...aka Dean :p


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Heather ... Lord have mercy girl, you are killing me... I have been home alone now for 2+ weeks and no hubby for at least another week or more...

But no complaints love those pics boy you have found some nice ones of him....Really like the last one...you know for the artistic side of it, you know gracefully posed in the spiritual circle. (lick lips)
sorry for the double post ... but some how my desktop suddenly has a bunch of pics of Dean... more than it used to have!!
Heather ... Lord have mercy girl, you are killing me... I have been home alone now for 2+ weeks and no hubby for at least another week or more...

But no complaints love those pics boy you have found some nice ones of him....Really like the last one...you know for the artistic side of it, you know gracefully posed in the spiritual circle. (lick lips)

LOL-I figured you would like them....Yeah, the last one is my fave too...those eyes...yeah, it's the eyes I was looking at...
I like Tim McGraw as well

I agree for me it is butts and eyes, those come and get me ...in the bedroom or where ever you want me eyes!!!!

Heather youre looking for him to move his hand and see if there is another pair of ....eyes hhhmmmmm.....me thinks so.
LOL-I figured you would like them....Yeah, the last one is my fave too...those eyes...yeah, it's the eyes I was looking at...

Hell, I ain't gonna lie! lmao I was trying to turn my laptop to see further to the right of that last pic!!! hehee:dancer:

*wondering if I shoulda made this rated R* haha
Nice to see you keeping up with the view over here, Robbie. Seeing as I have never seen a pic of your other half I am going to assume that is him.
Ya'll are making me look bad posting pics of your men, so I better get one up of mine!

Here's my knight in shining armor, my Romeo, my prince, the love of my life!!


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Well Robbie from the side it looks like his eyes might qualify, but no way to tell with out a better pic if the other ASSet qualifies. I demand a full frontal face pic and a lower half backside photo!!
Well he is a cutie, love the baby face!! Now I suppose I need to go and get my hard drive from the other room and hook it up and try to find a decent recent pic of my hubby, huh.