golden corn
On the first clutch you should breeder her to a male w.c. from the same local 1/4 mile radius from where you found the female this would be the best or at least close to were you found the female . You would have data local color mutation. Sorry not to breed her to a carmel or multi carmel mutation on the second clutch (if she gives you a second clutch )or the second year would be a sin, Why breed her to something else you can prove if you got a carmel corn from the wild right away or a new gene why waste time. GOOD CATCH. Vinman
On the first clutch you should breeder her to a male w.c. from the same local 1/4 mile radius from where you found the female this would be the best or at least close to were you found the female . You would have data local color mutation. Sorry not to breed her to a carmel or multi carmel mutation on the second clutch (if she gives you a second clutch )or the second year would be a sin, Why breed her to something else you can prove if you got a carmel corn from the wild right away or a new gene why waste time. GOOD CATCH. Vinman