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Zilla Critter Cage


New member
I've seen great posts about this tank and wanted to know is this the right one to get:


the 20 gal.

Should I consider getting this instead of keeping a snake in a container?

Can some one explain the lid better to me. I know its sliding and locking but can you like give me pictures or maybe a video of it to see what its like? lol Its an investment I am willing to make but want to make sure its worth it.
As far as glass aquariums go, these are the best. You can't go wrong with the sliding and locking lid. The only downside to these is the price. If that's not much of an issue for you though, definitely go for it! I recommend a 20gal long, or even larger if you can afford it. Just make sure you favor length and ground space over height.

Heck, if I could afford to, I'd have my whole collection in those! Before I started keeping snakes in racks they were the only glass aquarium I felt safe having my snakes in.

Edit: About the lid.. there are special groves that the lid slides in on, so there is no way the snake can push on it and lift it off. There are also 2 things on the back that the lid kind of snaps into when it's closed. These hold the lid very secure. As a third measure there is a place on the front of the screen that allows you to actaully use a padlock to lock up the screen with. Due to the snap connectors on the back, I never used this function. It's totally optional, and it's nice to have it there, but I'm pretty sure it's more effective to keep unwanted people from getting into your vivs. These tanks are escape proof even without that part.
I'll be able to afford the 20 gal one in a month or two...well I'll be able to afford everything then. lol I always buy the best things for my pets, so I really want to get this if it's the best. haha I also want it so it ensures that it doesn't get out.
I have a Zilla Critter Cage. It's well made. The lid design is quite good. The thing is heavy & awkward & expensive, but if I had both space and money I might use these exclusively, as they really are designed for reptiles & rodents.
I have one & recommend it too. The only bad thing about the lid is that it usually takes two hands for me to get it open. It is very easy to close it properly though. That's my only minor gripe about them, aside from the price.
This is the only kind of glass tank I use. They are _escape-proof_ if you close the lid correctly. Slide the lid in, gently lift both edges to make sure both sides are in the slots. After the latch clicks shut, pull back and make sure it's locked. I have 100 of them, in sizes from 10-40.
i had a 40 gallon breeder for my bearded dragon. They only think i had problem with it was that was heavy, and I am short so it was kind of hard to get into the bottom to clean it out, but the top was alsome. I wish they would make a sliding class cage like this zilla one
Amy, I had a generic tank in a kit that I got Saturday and I wasn't comfortable with it at all, maybe the snake would have escaped, maybe not but that same day I decided to get a critter cage 20 long and I told my wife he won't get out of this for sure...unless someone doesn't put the lid on correctly....famous last words

Well I get a call on Wednesday frantic from my wife while I am at work lol..."he's gone I don't know how but he got out...he's gone!!..you need to get back here now...he's gone"

I said did you check everywhere..it's impossible that he got out of the cage, did he get out when you opened it....did u check log, the hide....DID U CHECK UNDER THE BOWL! No...let me see...oh there he is....

Needless to say it took her blood pressure 2 hours to come down after that...neither one of us slept very good that night...

But the point of my story is that its a good cage...lol!
Nanci, why do you have so many of these cages? Or did your collection grow that much :eek:

I am always eyeing these tanks but could never justify the cost. I might get a couple though once I move back home, to keep my brothers out of the cages...
I've got Isabel in the 40, Lila in the 20L in the kitchen. Had two 10's on my dresser in the bedroom that now has the Hatchling Hotel. Yggdrasil is in a 10 on the kitchen table. I have a stand with two tens, and a stand with three tens, and then a stand with two 20's! No- I haven't gotten more, except Yggdrasil's. I don't think you've been over since I had five racks, though. Wall of snakes. I love the racks.
I know a lot of people use these but I sold mine the third time my 08 Amel escaped WHILE LOCKED! No clue how he kept getting out. I use tubs now.
I have a 10 gallon one for my baby and a 40 gallon one for my adult. I will most likely get another 40 gallon one when the baby gets bigger. Then if I get more snakes I can put a divider in the 40 gallon ones and have 4 20 gallon spaces. Yeah they do cost a lot but I think it's worth it to make sure my snakes don't escape (who are priceless to me).

I've heard of snakes that have been strong enough to wedge themselves into the back and slide the lids open. I believe this is why the option for a lock in the front is there. I don't believe my corns are strong enough to do that (yet) but I wouldn't put it past my kingsnake (he's a monster).

All and all I think these tanks are a very good investment.
Hi, I have 3 of these 2 20's and a 1 40. I don't see how a snake could escape from one of these if you simply put a nail or heavy duty clip where the lock would go. Maybe the sliding lid get looser with age, but mine take two hands to remove now.
I made a quick little video for you. I just watched it myself and OMG I sound like a kid and I'm talking strange lol! Maybe I shouldn't make videos right after waking up.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/RBtG8AWWzuM?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/RBtG8AWWzuM?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
To the OP, and anyone else trying to save money. Pet Supplies Plus has great prices on the Critter cages as it is, but I got my 20l for $45 when they had it on special. They only had one left or I would have bought more.
I LOVE my zilla critter cage and would be the extra money anytime. I recently rescued a 5 1/2 foot boa that was being kept in a 10 gal tank and a friend gave me a 40 gal zilla critter cage to put him in until I can get something bigger. Although it's not big enough for him (better than that tiny area he was in) and he'll need to be moved again as soon as I get his 100 gal tank set up, it keeps him in safe and secure. He is huge and strong so I doubt a corn or king will be able to get out of one. My only regret is that they don't make one big enough to continue to keep my boa in. Although when he is moved, my corn is gonna love his new cage!