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How do you feel about God.

This is a Sanke:


(image is from google)

This is a snake:


I used to have koi. This is what goes through my head every time I see snake misspelled now.
Okay no need to be nasty about it I miss spelled the word snake is that a bad thing? If so please tell me.
I wasn't being nasty either. I was using an illustrated guide to the difference between a sanke (a particular morph of koi, who are frickin' awesome animals) and a snake.
she was just stating what she thought. after all was it not you that said I just wanted everyone's thoughts? Honestly my thoughts are 2.37 a thought thank you
I wasn't being nasty either. I was using an illustrated guide to the difference between a sanke (a particular morph of koi, who are frickin' awesome animals) and a snake.

I see now at frist I thought that you was trying to be mean all because I miss spell snake lol sorry for assuming that please forgive. :)
I miss my koi. ;_; Especially my orange kohaku, Kyou. She was frickin' awesome, especially for a 24 cent fish.
Lol I saw an ad on craigslist that was selling "two corn snacks" So I had called snakes snacks for a long time as a joke, such a difficult habit to break xD
Well, a larger snake might just consider them snacks, lol!

I would want someone to tell me if I had a type :)

As far as God, I believe in that that I cannot see :) With all my heart!

But I don't think snakes are Satan!
turtles rock! I love those huge tortoises too, one at the zoo was so happy when I petted under his chin on his neck. I always go out of my way to rescue a turtle on the road :)
AHHH I LOVE TORTOISES. I can't say I am a huge fan of turtles, but I do love my torties :D Maybe one day I will get one, but it would have to be a rescue since they live so long.
I didn't see a single person here who was being rude. The trick is establishing humor from actuality. It takes some time.
Over the years here, I have seen some GREAT religious discussions - and some that were not so great, lol! Although you are not likely to change somebody's mind if they are quite sure of what they believe, it IS very possible to help promote understanding of diverse opinions, and promote respect for that diversity. Those with very closely held opinions on the subject may find it difficult to understand why anyone could believe any differently than themselves, since it seems SO obvious to them. Maybe civil discourse can prove that it is reasonable for others to believe differently, and that we can agree to disagree.

For myself, I am open to proof either way, and I have not seen what I consider proof yet. I believe that if there is a God in the usual, omnipotent sense most believe in, then he/she/it would be a logical being. And that God would not have given humans the ability to use logic, but then demand that they believe in God by a leap of faith, without using that logic to question the faith. I believe that if there is a God of the type most believe in, then he/she/it will eventually reveal itself to me - now or later. But for now, I am still awaiting proof with an open mind. I guess that makes me agnostic.
I just found out that the spot on my kitten's back is called "The thumbprint of God" and is considered to be good luck. I think that's pretty cool.
I simply do not have enough faith to believe there is no God. To know the complexities of all life, down to the simplest forms and believe that it was all a random occurance that cannot be backed by scientific means, my simple ways cannot concieve the lack of a creator. When I walk through the woods, see a sunset/sunrise, a rainbow, the way things work together and turn out, I cannot find any proof that God does not exist.
Given that, it is bibically clear that God desires for us to seek him and live by a certain standard towards him and one another.
We are all given the choice, God will not make anyone "believe/love him"... and in our ends, God will honor our decision.