I can't see the picture, but I don't understand at all. Seeing the picture wouldn't clarify the textual confusion.
Previous posts said that the snake didn't eat. How was this determined? When was this prey item offered? You state that you were "Going to clean it out" and 4-8 hours had elapsed. This is a pretty wide variance. You asl stat that you found the item when you cleaned out the bin(?). How is it possible to miss this?
I'm sorry, maybe it's me, but none of this makes sense when taken together. :headbang:
ok.... I will start from the beginning........
When I first posted this thread I listed different things I tried to get her to eat. Then I tried to feed her on the 18th, which was unsuccessful because i was afraid to fully put on the lid so she just slithered out. (good thing I had the tub in her cage)
Then the most recent time I put air holes in the tub so I wasn't paranoid (even though the lid was not airtight) and tried again. I then glanced into her cage after I gave her a few hours over night, and just saw the rat still in there, so I posted on here to say that. Then I went to clean it out later that morning and I found what is pictured. I don't really know why you cant see the pic though......
I didn't find any "cheese" around her mouth, but I did find some odd scales on her lower sides/upper belly. They were slightly filmy, and some were slightly loose on her. could this be pieces of an old bad shed? or maybe one just starting? Maybe Scale Rot?
All of the questions I listed for you were to ask the previous owners, including if she ate any substrate, that was not directed at you. I would find out all of those answers and then come back with them. In the mean time, I would order her some NutriBac from Kathy Love as she taught me that it is a good idea to give it to each newly acquired snake as you have no idea what stress or conditions it dealt with previous to living with you. By giving it some NutriBac, if the gut flora is unbalanced you help the snake quickly restore the balance and allow it to get things off to a good start.
Ok. I will ask him all of those questions. Does she have the NutriBac on her website?
You need to check in her mouth and look for sores, red gums, cheesy looking gunk.
Ok. In her mouth? Do i just get her to open it or just pry it open?
You also need to make sure the temps are stabilized and correct and that she has at least two hides for thermoregulation. I know you are probably aware of this but just a reminder that sometimes these things are caused by husbandry issues and to look for the simple fixes.
Yes, she has 2 hides and all that. But I have been having some temp problems. Do you know if those probe thermometers from Big apple are acurate? temps have been hovering in the low 70's lately, though I have my BAH Thermostat at 90. (I had a BAH before for my incubator, thats where it had to be to get around 85) The one difference is that I am using a heat pad instead of FlexWatt. Could this have a difference?
f it was my snake, would treat this as a regurge and start regurge protocol (for at least the first couple of steps if not the entire process). In other words, I would wait 10 days and give nothing but water and NutriBac by syringe or in the water dish. Then I would offer a very tiny meal and see what happens with it(say a peach fuzzy). I would make sure I cut the skin of the mouse open in several spots or from the head to the tail(helps stomach acid get into the mouse and start the digestion process quickly). When you offer her food I would check on her every 1-2 hours when food is offered and as soon as she has eaten put her back in the viv as she may have a delicate stomach and may need to get to heat ASAP to start the digestion process and prevent regurge.
Ok. Can I use Large mice pinky's? I don't have any PF's on hand, but i have one or two bags of pinky's for my hatchlings.
in regards to the picture: It doesn't look like she ate and regurged. I've seen that happen, and the rat would not look that nice (even after just being partially down, not even to the stomach). It looks like she didn't want it and took a poo on it, just to show you her displeasure.
lol :grin01:
In regards to above mentioned poo: It doesn't look like a healthy poo. I would suggest taking her to the vet and having them run a fecal.
Ok. Does the feces have to be really fresh? If so, how do I collect it if she is not eating?
In regards to her not eating: I have females that refuse to eat this time of year. Most of my males refuse to eat as well. So, if you're sure it is a female, I would say don't worry about it just yet (as long as she isn't showing signs of illness, and the fecal comes back okay). Just keep offering food like you have been, although maybe make them smaller meals. Some of my girls only want a hopper or a weanling (especially if they are gravid and still willing to eat).
Ok. Same question to you as to asbit regaurding the pinkys... what should I do about breeding season though? I really don't want to breed her when she is not eating, and its coming up fast. (im trying march and april this year because last year with my other snake she would not breed in march but april was the jackpot)
what should I do about that?