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  • It really is beautiful here! I can deal with the rain, & increased allergies. I LOVE the green! I love the milder temps. We get enough snow for me to be happy, but not so much that I get tired of it.
    Any moving I do, will be local. At one point, I considered moving back to eastern WA, but I love my job, my schedule, this area that I live in & so I decided to stay (that & with the economy, I figured it wasn't a good idea to pick up & leave a job I had seniority T.
    Yikes! That does sound like a nightmare! I moved from WA to CO, back to WA a few years later, then back to CO for a while, then a road trip to visit WA & OR Coast, then a year later, moved back to WA...all driving. Of course, I didn't have any critters with me in the moves. I did, however pick up a young stray dog (Border Collie) in MT, on my road trip, that looked like she fell off a farm truck (she had a bit of road rash that was almost healed) & she had a collar on that she had almost outgrown, it was pretty tight. She was about 30 miles away from any towns in MT, so I loaded her in my truck, she hopped right in, layed down on the floor of the passenger side, & went to sleep. I called my roommate back in CO & told her I may be coming home with an dog. LOL
    I lived in the city, & it quickly became apparent that she needed to be a working farm dog, so I found a home for her on a farm. I do miss her, but I know it was the right choice for her. I had named her Montana. :)
    It wasn't bad but you sure brought a smile to my day. You are the best BFFFFFLMNOP!! I hope you had a good day to.
    Yeah, I don't like moving either, but the pros outweigh the cons & this house will be a good place for me & my creatures to stay in for a year, until I can buy a house.
    It's only two blocks from where I now live, so moving should go fairly quick. :)
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