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  • Well Craig, what can I say I truly have appreciated the time and effort that went into the EC Diaries. Will anxiously await another great thread from you and the best to all of you and your buds. Say Hi to your wife as well. Giggle.
    They come in standard quantities. Sometimes as low as 25- more often 50. If I pick up at Gourmet Rodent I can buy whatever number I want, but they have been out of everything for a couple months. I had to order from The Mouse Factory last time. With shipping, they are about as cheap as Gourmet Rodent, and the mice are much nicer. They have a chart on their website that shows how much things cost with shipping. Or you can buy from Mice Direct at practically any show.
    Thanks, Craig! : )
    I'm gonna be down in Orlando tomorrow evening hitting up the bars on Church Street with a few friends of mine, so feel free to drop by and say hi to Drunk Robbie. LOL
    Hey man just thought I would send a friend request to you cause you are in my area and Chuck said you are a good guy.

    Tell Shane next time you are at Pet Bazaar that Josh the kid that worked there years ago said whats up.
    Hey Craig, He is doing great! I have named him CW after you lol. Hope to see you at the next show.
    Oh my word, I would have returned the fish as well. No telling what we'd pull out of the water along with the fish these days. There are some pretty awesome redfish left, but the quality of the water has gone down..a lot. :/ Crabs are still pretty hardy animals, and they are pretty well OK to eat, but here in LC we dont eat the fish that comes out of the water here.
    Thats nice of you to say x]
    I guess we just grow up on it..to be honest, I've lived here all of my life and not once tasted turtle. I have had alligator though! It tastes something like chicken. I love catfish fried, i've never had one with the head still on it though! And I eat a good ten pounds of crawfish by myself when we have it. Have you ever had gumbo? or a good old fashioned crab boil?
    Hey there! It's always nice to see peeps on all the sites. Hehe. Lets you know who is the most addicted. ;)
    Let me know when that trip is. It would be nice to put faces with screen names, and go herping with them too.
    You probably did. I live like two miles away. It's also where I picked up my anery stripe/cube.
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