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  • Merry Christmas to you and your family, Craig. Take lots of pics of 'Kenzie!! xo
    Sure Craig I will take it. Just send it Robbie's way, he is babysitting everyone till I get settled. Using for future breedings is no problem either buddy. Thanks for thinking of me!
    Damn, sux about the cut, Craig. I AM glad to hear the good news about 'Kenzie. Thanks for the photos..she's an absolute doll. How's Lisa handling your extra time away? That's always hard on a family life. Is this a permanent situation?
    Your post is still there...it's on the bottom of page 2.
    I've lived in my car, but never in a van down by the river. That was unapologetically stolen from Chris Farley in his SNL days.
    So what's with the pay cut but increase in hours? Were you able to get the nurse back for Kenzie's night feedings? Let's see some new shots of the little princess. I'm doing the WIR this week, so I'll add the new snakes you posted this morning. Give me a Kenzie shot, too! :)
    How are you, my friend? How's the baby doing? Still fighting with the ins. co? Updates, please!
    What pics from Friday? When was Friday? I don't really remember Friday. ;)
    Thanks for forgiving us!!! xo
    Craig, I am SO SO SOOOO sorry! I knew you were coming, but I had no idea it was just for the day. I was really upset that I missed you and your family. I wish someone had called me. I would have walked to the damn place! I didn't have a car, but I also didn't have the strength to get up and be there two hours early with the rest of the gang. Maybe you'll consider coming to Tinley? I'll get you all a room if you can make the trip.

    Please PLEASE forgive me??? :(
    Hey, bud!
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