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  • Merry Christmas to you too, Danny! Where did you end up getting your new babies? I would love to see pictures! Just like Beth, dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
    Merry Christmas Danny!! I am so glad she likes them! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate! :)
    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Danny....let's shoot for more than a voice intro in 2010!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Danny. Hope Lisa likes her new rats. Don't forget photos!! ~Lori
    I'll probably go to the show, haven't been there in 3 months and no, I don't bring the kids, they get bored fast and want to leave...
    Danny, I'm not coming in until very late Friday night and leaving very early monday morning. I have family Christmas gatherings on Saturday and Sunday. Are you going to be at the show on Sunday? I'd like to come over early, maybe when it first opens. It would be great to catch up. Do you children go to the shows? I'm debating whether or not to drag mine, but will if yours go. Every time I take them to a show, they expect to be getting a new snake, and throw a tantrum when it doesn't happen. Kids!
    Hmm..."someone" keeps forgetting to put it on the Upcoming Events list. :p
    What time does it start?? I'll be in North Olmsted, so that's really close.
    Darn! Is the 20th a sunday? That's probably the day I'll be heading back. It's going to be a really quick trip. Where is the show held? Is it still in Brookpark?
    Hey, I AM coming up next month, actually. I'll be there the weekend of the 19th. I wish I could say I could bring the fish stand, but I'll have a truck full of dogs. Can I interest you in a pyre/st. bernard mix instead?
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