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  • Danny, HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!! Eat anything and as much of it as you want! I do!! Don't you miss the old 'King Kong' movie today, what a great tradition? lol
    Hey Danny! KAT probably isn't as big as you think...she was around 215g last feeding. Joker is the scary one. He has been on a hopper every 14 days, for the last 5 months, and he is still pushing 300g. He can eat a 14 gram mouse and put half of it into body weight...I think he needs to exercise more!
    Well, I just heard (this morning actually) that the little man didn't eat. Matt said he tried f/t in a deli cup and that didn't work. He did pick up a live pink for him today, so we'll see how that goes. If he doesn't eat I'm going to bring him home to get him going, but I just thought I'd see if there was any 'special' way you were feeding him so I could give Matt some ideas... :)
    I actually don't have him yet, I haven't even seen him! I'll have to ask Matt how he's doing. Hopefully I'll be able to get him home soon. :)
    Just stopping by to say hi! Seems like I haven't talked to ya in a long time...
    Aww, that's a bummer, Danny. I was hoping we could schedule another gathering somewhere. I think Katie's family is over on the east side somewhere. I wish everyone lived closer.
    Gah, you're as bad as that crackerhead chick! ;)
    My plans that weekend are still up in the air. I do want to get back to Cleveland when Katie comes.....what are the dates you'll be off fishing?
    I'll post pics after they shed this week. Do you want me to try to lock in a table for you for Oct 4th?When do you need to reserve it by?
    Any chnace of you asking about getting me into the Cleveland show, I think they're booked though?
    The show was a bust, 6 vendors approx. and very few customers, didn't sell a darn thing, I had very reasonable prices as well. Just alot of gawkers for the most part.
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