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  • I know Lori and you two are digustingly cute in a make you wanna vomit kinda way,lmao But your still the number 1 curmudgeon to me:)
    Oh I know the non-support is coming from a good place. It just doesn't make it easier on me is all. Yeah I will be home till 9:30am then off to work. your welcome to call though. I will PM my new cell to you.
    It is just a huge move to do by yourself. And I have no support from family here on it. On top of being told over & over how much I am gonna fail. Starts to put dout where there was none before is all. yeah can only be beaten down so much before you start believing what they say.
    Sorry to hear you are still feeling crappy. Who is watching the boys while you suffer? I know after only a week of my being in bed my house was a wreck. Not a fun thing to return to when you aren't feeling up to snuff. I'm still working my way out from under the pile.
    Hello my dear! You're quite welcome. I hope you had a great birthday!

    I've been on here so little lately! It's quite sad, really. I'm absolutely ecstatic to be back in Chicago. I don't think I've ever been happier. :)
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