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  • I try not to think about it because it is very upsetting. I hope they end up growing up okay and don't end up with a lot of the behavioral issues that kids in those situations commonly have. :(
    I think they are okay, a little upset because they saw her get taken away again. I talked to Ariel and she sounded like she was doing well, school is going great and she sounded happy...not sure about the boys though.
    Wow, really?! I bet M isn't too happy about that. He was (supposedly) thrilled that she was out of the house. I haven't talked to him since the night it happened (he called right after she was hauled away), so I wonder if she's back home...
    Yes I do actually! Another domestic violence...apparently snapped and threw a computer chair at another Facebooker...this one will land her in jail for at least 6 months, as I think its a felony now.
    I thought it was appropriate! :D

    I don't think it is...allergies haven't been acting up much the last few weeks. I thought it was hormone related this time, but it has lasted way too long (hormone related ones usually only last a day, and they aren't nearly this intense). So I have no clue what might be triggering it. I'm still eating a nearly gluten-free diet and I've been avoiding caffeine...so I dunno! :shrug:
    Hahaha, nope, you aren't. She's bugging me a little bit too. I hate inexperienced people giving 'advice' that is just info they are just regurging from something they read in a book. On something simple that might be sufficient, but on the stuff I've seen her try to give advice on, it has all required lots of hands on, trial and error experience.

    I'm doing okay. :) I've been dealing with a headache for almost a week, but I'm stress free and happy, so the brain pain isn't too bothersome.
    I actually haven't tried to scent a mouse tail. I might have to. The little guy does at least assume a defensive pose when I first try to tease feed him. But he hasn't struck yet.

    I may be frying a turkey for Thanksgiving. I could possibly try that or just drop a chicken in the oil and deep fry it real quickly.
    I'm not usually that motivated either, but I've been meaning to feed them for 3 days and kept putting it off. And then Trent reminded me, so I figured it was a good time since I wasn't going to bed for a few hours. Lol.
    Pretty much the same. I accidentally took two naps today, so the insomnia is mostly self inflicted this time... :) Plus I had to feed the boas and some of the adult corns, so I decided to do that since I was up anyways.
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