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  • As long as it's a mostly good complicated, that's OK. My life is best described as overworked! But I'm coping, and doing some shopping therapy, buying snakes! LOL
    I have been underwater working on my son's Senior Party at school. A totally over the top event. I had to build an entire outside Western Town in the Cafeteria. Thirty odd 12 foot by 8 foot building facades, 60'X12' mural and all the props to go with it. I got in last night at 4:00 am after two straight days of hard labor. I'm sore and exhausted but it was amazing!
    Umm... got some med/large pinkies and some coconut hides for the new snakes that will hopefully ship soon (c'mon weather!) and Jon got a T-shirt. I drooled a little bit at a few cornsnakes at various booths, but didn't see snakes I *had* to have today.
    I understand about this morning, and I wish we could go to the March N'ville show, too. *le sigh* We can't even go to the Fairgrounds one in March!

    We *might* be able to make it to the latter half of the N'ville show on April 4th. Jon and I have a performance with church that morning, and probably won't be done until 1pm that day. So it will depend on how utterly exhausted we are afterwards.

    The fairgrounds show that month is April 17th, though, and our calendar is currently wide open for that one!

    I'm sure we'll figure something out. ;)
    I usually like to go early, arriving between 10-11am, but I don't HAVE to go then. :D I believe the hours are 10am-4pm...

    I don't really need a ride, either, but again, we could work something out. :)
    I meant to ask earlier, but it has been the craziest week of all time (I really didn't think that could be possible... but anyways....)

    Are you going to be attending the Midwest Reptile Show at the State Fairgrounds tomorrow?

    Yeah, it's WAY late of me to ask, but better late than never? Right? :p
    I know you say Big Guy in the kindest way. Give yourself a hug and smile. (((shorty)))
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