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  • They're amazing... i just have to stop looking at different morphs cause i'm gonna be drowning in snakes once i get all i want lol
    I don't keep creamsicles anymore. But if you post a "wanted" post here on CS, I bet lots of members here keep them, and some might have frosted babies.

    I do have a frosted ghost, if that is of any interest.
    Nope, not yet. It'll come to me sooner or later. First, I want to know its gender so I can give it an appropriate name :). From what I've read, 2-3 feet is the average length, although it's not impossible that some of them could reach 4 feet (probably females). Most of the husbandry stuff I read said they could live their whole lives happily in a 10 gallon viv, so that makes me think that they stay on the smaller end, size-wise. Either that or they don't move, much! LOL!
    LOL! If you drool on him/her, it might drown! *grins* You know, I think s/he's QUITE the pretty snakelet. I never knew I'd want to have a rosy boa, before :). Now that it's here, I really do love it! What a thoroughly nice little animal. Certainly calmer than any of my kingsnakes! LOL!
    tell me about it, it'll be like babysitting a big, beautiful snake and giving it back :( it's going to suck
    Oh i know, i don't even know if the land lord would allow her when i move back though lol
    i'm only going to have it untill he finds someone to buy it, unless i get too attached lol
    this one is maybe 3 and a half feet and is also fed live... i'm gonna try and change that but i don't have my hopes up lol
    I'm not sure about Cali Kings, they seem to be a little more quick to anger lol... I'm picking up a Red Tail Boa sometime here between today-tuesday... whenever he get's time to get everything together to give it to me
    there ya go, measure and weigh him for me, mine needs to shed... it's been a while but i never wrote it down, i wanna see how big he's getting!!!
    He's already at 86 grams!!! gained about 11 grams in a week and a half! How's your man growin?
    o and he is doing awesome....wait when did we get married to make him ur snake also or when did we sign adoption papers???? lmao!!! i dont remember any of this!!!
    well he is not in a tank he is in a breeding rack in a 42qt tub.....with plenty of space.....i have 2many snakes to keep them in tanks. lol
    tracee lmao@ the purists will get u!!! i have soooo many hybrid breeding plans in the next year o so that i mite start a witch hunt after me!!! lol
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