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  • na the mexmex are not the same as the mexican black milk snake...the mexmex is a type of kinsnake...lol
    Oh wow, my friend just picked up one of those for her son over the wkend. Lol it looks like a big black worm!
    She has plenty of times!!! But its about as bad as a corn bite except this guys are less inclined to let go...ive had to dunk her in cold water sometimes and even use some rubbing alcohol to get her off....but like i said i wouldnt give her up for nothing...im even getting another king snake for my collection...its a mexmex kingsnake...
    If u look at her head shot she has 3 hearts perfectly formed on her head....ill add a pic to my profile...or u can look in my past post...her pics should b there...
    Well they can b very nippy when not handled often and have a very aggressive feeding response, but at least my girl heartless as long as she is well fed and handled a lot she is a sweetheart, she is gonna b a lifer. i wouldn't give her up for nothing.
    Nothing out of the ordinary I don't think :) there's maybe something in the water!

    I did give him rats for a little while a few years back, but he became so sluggish I put him back onto 'jumbo' mice. On average, including the spring fever period, he eats 10 times a year.

    He was obviously just born to be big :D
    Oh thank you, he'd be so pleased to be called beautiful! :)

    I bought him from a breeder and the parents were 'normal' sized as far as he is aware. However he is a creamsicle and so the rat snake genes may have something to do with it. He has never been power fed but did not miss a feed until adulthood hit ;) nowadays he eats once a month, if that, and he keeps a constant weight. He's not obese, those lines running down his back are muscle tone.

    What can I say, it must be all the love!! :)
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