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  • Hey! Hey! Well I contacted the breeder (I found his #), & he stated that the mom was a creamsicle & dad was okeetee! So then I was told mine was a creamsicle as well! Ahhh! I'm so excited, hope he gets big! Have a great day!
    Hey dear :)
    I would appreciate it if you could inform me in regards to which babies to currently hold for you as I also wish to put on an ad in international sites... and I don't want to post snakes that won't be available(AKA reserved to you).

    Thanks :)

    Drudge Report = smorgasbord of top news all in one place, plus links to hundreds of other news sites. National and international.
    Drudge seems to be skewed conservative right, but does have novel news and links.
    If you do take 3.2, you will be VERY hard pressed which of the two females to let go, hehehehe
    Hmmm... I would go with 2.3- because, I think you'd end up keeping 1.2, teeeheee.
    And also, to allow yourself a better picking.
    Eventually, what sells a snake is its' good looks- and these are dwarf boas... even the females are very very handable.
    Female 1 and 2 most definitely, 3 is the followup, I feel.
    On the male front...
    4 has the best color, followed by 3 who has a slight temper...(but it's all nonsense at this stage) and... 5, if the lack of pattern on his back holds any appeal.

    Those, I think, are the highlights of them.
    Hey dear,
    If you want to tell me how many in total you want... (is it still 3.2?) I'd be happy to suggest.
    Personally I would go with more females because I feel that this time around, the females look better :)
    LOL...I'm in that grey area between getting out of bed (≠ awake, necessarily) and getting ready to report to work.
    I read all of the silliest news on Drudge Report to get the day started.
    So yes, they -may- end up being slightly bigger... but not by more than 1 feet(in extreme cases), usually a deal less
    Cornsnakes still grow after they hit sexual maturity, as you probably know- the same rule goes for Boas. It doesn't hurt them though, unlike us mammals, they grow through their entire lives, it simply becomes much slower after 3 or so years, and almost insubstantial after 7.
    Same same dear. I hope to take a few photos today... try not to drool when I send them over :p
    Nah, you will not reach a point where a snake of yours will need more than 2 adult rats per meal.
    Unless you decide to take on normals for God knows what reason :)
    Best bet is to stick to young/established adult rats, just not retired breeders. Good muscle tone versus flabbiness :)
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