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  • Right. Give him the largest mouse he can handle- make sure to never give oversized mice though, they are very sensitive to high quantities of fat- it can be lethal to them.
    it's 8:23 AM.
    Sounds good. How big is he? a 3 weeks old fuzzy rat should do the trick(roughly the size of 2-3 adult mice)
    Yay! My funky Anery, that just took f/t for the first time, refused her next meal. I'm pretty sure she's blue though. We'll see how she responds after shedding...
    Hey dear!
    Erm... only if you first tell me what's the price+shipping! I think a telescopic hook would be best, else the shipping will be insane.
    Keep me posted :)
    Thank you!

    And yeah, please notify me once pics are available!

    P.S- I may end up getting two baby boas soon. I'll keep you posted once things are ironed out.

    All words are appreciated. I think I'd prefer to wait until we get the lab results back and I see the rhuemetologist and find out how we're going to deal with this though. :)
    How much does a proper hook cost back there?
    I can afford it now actually, with the new job and all- I am much better off :)
    Not really, you should be fine.
    I don't have access to a hook that has a sensible price here- everything is so inaccessible it drives be bananas.
    So- best thing is to just wait and see how you two get along. I find 10 boas to be too much of a hassle to move about all the time, especially when you're talking about fully grown females. :)
    Sounds great.
    I have to admit, I use newspaper.
    You see... Boas have a STRONG feeding response, and when you're talking about a 4-5 foot, thick snake, you just don't want to try and move him out of the tub when there's food smell in the air. I am saying this because I refuse to feed on anything the snake can end up injesting
    Had I done that with Solaris... oh boy, I need to be insanely careful and really get a good reading on her.

    I have long ago decided that being practical works out far better for both myself and the boas.
    I am deeply insulted.
    Haven't heard from you in -ages- AND I KNOW you have a new Boa- about which you have yet to keep me posted.

    Consider my feelings gravely hurt.

    Oh well, not really, but still! How you are? :)
    Rodentpro has the better prices, I think. Whoever you want.

    How do you want to do this? Do you want me to pay you and you can order them or do you want me to order them and you can pay me when they come in? I don't have any problem with giving you the $$ up front and then we can meet up so I can get them.

    Duh...I looked, it wasn't there...and now it is. My alzheimer's is showing. So sorry!
    Betsy, I swear I just posted here....I wanted to thank you for your kindness and your offer to help with my animals. I sincerely appreciate it. But!! I just got my RN license renewed so now I can get reciprocity here and go back to work. I'm scared to death but sooo excited! Things are going to turn around very soon!!
    Hey, it was great to see your face on the Daytona stream. Hope you had an amazing time. ((((hugs))))
    Betsy! Thank you so much for your offer and your kindness. I truly appreciate it. Things are going to be looking up...just renewed my RN license, so as soon as I get reciprocity here, I'm heading back to work. Scared to death, but majorly excited!
    Hey, it was awesome to see your face on the Daytona stream that Robbie did!! (((((Hugs)))))
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