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I think I may make a major change....

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Lauren, I have wanted ti say this along time and now IS the time. I am not like YOUR teenagers. I am not some gangster from Baltimore. I am a quite kid that has a close group of friends, I am a nerd! I like tests I like to work hard in school. I give a damn. I will take the advice you gusy gave me and use it.

So was I David and I never came on here and made one of these threads. I'm finishing up a degree that makes 95% of the people at my school cringe just to hear it, I have 3 jobs, and long term gf, and countless other responsibilities. It wasn't much different in high school other than the fact that high school was simple compared to the stresses of college. This argument holds absolutely no water as I doubt anybody on here thinks of you this way. What we do think is that you've posted countless "I'm getting this" threads and every single time people have told you to hold off and yet you continue to get stuff saying "this is it" then go out and spend more money. Now after the 1,000 warnings from the members here, you want us to have sympathy for you because you had a hard day and created a dramatic "why me" thread to "vent". I say look back to the first time somebody told you to hold off on this thread, sell your collection back to that point, and next time you have a hard day go for a run or lift some weights to get rid of the frustration, don't come on here and create a drama thread expecting to be cuddled on the internet. It's sad.
So was I David and I never came on here and made one of these threads. I'm finishing up a degree that makes 95% of the people at my school cringe just to hear it, I have 3 jobs, and long term gf, and countless other responsibilities. It wasn't much different in high school other than the fact that high school was simple compared to the stresses of college. This argument holds absolutely no water as I doubt anybody on here thinks of you this way. What we do think is that you've posted countless "I'm getting this" threads and every single time people have told you to hold off and yet you continue to get stuff saying "this is it" then go out and spend more money. Now after the 1,000 warnings from the members here, you want us to have sympathy for you because you had a hard day and created a dramatic "why me" thread to "vent". I say look back to the first time somebody told you to hold off on this thread, sell your collection back to that point, and next time you have a hard day go for a run or lift some weights to get rid of the frustration, don't come on here and create a drama thread expecting to be cuddled on the internet. It's sad.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Would love to rep you for this post. Will try to remember tomorrow.
I didn't read the whole thread. I know how it goes. I read David's original post, flipped through a couple pages, and sprang to the end.

I had a thermostat go out on me over the summer. I lost 1.2 normals het.hypo/lav/blood/amel/anery, 1.0 whitesided brooksi, 1.0 albino brooksi, 0.2 ghost motley, 1.0 anery motley, and 1.0 greyband kings. All because a thermostat broke. 9 snakes overnight...gone.

Don't make rash decisions, David. Slim down your collection, focus on what really interests you, and keep your controllable stress to a minimum. You DO have control over most of the stress in your life right now. This won't be the case in the coming years, so control what you can while you can.

And don't let anyone bait you into an argument in this thread. People have already, and will continue to utter "I told you so" time and again in these threads. Ignore them. Don't let them get you going. That's it...
I had a thermostat go out on me over the summer. I lost 1.2 normals het.hypo/lav/blood/amel/anery, 1.0 whitesided brooksi, 1.0 albino brooksi, 0.2 ghost motley, 1.0 anery motley, and 1.0 greyband kings. All because a thermostat broke. 9 snakes overnight...gone.

Dang Chris that sucks. I had 2 snakes on UTH's only for over a year without a thermo, not knowing any better without either of them having any outward harm done to them. It wasn't until I came here and found out what could have happened to them that I got thermometers with probes and thermos. Hope that doesn't happen to you again.
I didn't read the whole thread. I know how it goes. I read David's original post, flipped through a couple pages, and sprang to the end.

I had a thermostat go out on me over the summer. I lost 1.2 normals het.hypo/lav/blood/amel/anery, 1.0 whitesided brooksi, 1.0 albino brooksi, 0.2 ghost motley, 1.0 anery motley, and 1.0 greyband kings. All because a thermostat broke. 9 snakes overnight...gone.

Don't make rash decisions, David. Slim down your collection, focus on what really interests you, and keep your controllable stress to a minimum. You DO have control over most of the stress in your life right now. This won't be the case in the coming years, so control what you can while you can.

And don't let anyone bait you into an argument in this thread. People have already, and will continue to utter "I told you so" time and again in these threads. Ignore them. Don't let them get you going. That's it...

As snakemom said, dang Chris that sucks! Just a question for my own personal knowledge, what kind of thermostat was it so I can steer clear :)
As snakemom said, dang Chris that sucks! Just a question for my own personal knowledge, what kind of thermostat was it so I can steer clear :)

ZooMed ReptiTherm 500r. It was controlling a single 12-bin juvie rack, with only a single strip of FlexWatt. No reason it should have gone out, but it did.

Now my system is fairly redundant...and much smaller...
ZooMed ReptiTherm 500r. It was controlling a single 12-bin juvie rack, with only a single strip of FlexWatt. No reason it should have gone out, but it did.

Now my system is fairly redundant...and much smaller...

And you lost your whole collection in that rack because of the thermostat failing? Like I said before. THAT REALLY SUCKS.
ZooMed ReptiTherm 500r. It was controlling a single 12-bin juvie rack, with only a single strip of FlexWatt. No reason it should have gone out, but it did.

Now my system is fairly redundant...and much smaller...

Thank you sir and sorry again to hear that. I can't even imagine...
Theres about 25 years between me and David.. Quite frankly, I want those 25 years back, but its not going to happen... I just wish I would have the the same amount of stress I had at 15 today... I am fortunante enough to have a Wife with a sense of humour..

I would trade you David my daily stresses for your burdons any day... I have a teenager thats pretty much the same age as you, and another almost tweener.. Along with a job that occasionally has me working 21 straight days... Gaaaa, then of course the omnious car problems that shows up with the high miled Gem's I can afford... Off course the responsibilities for making home repairs, to make sure the family has a roof.. Gawd, the list goes on and one and on and on... Believe me, I understand Lauren's post.. However, David I do sympatize with you, but that F really makes things unacceptable with any excuse... Education is the most important job any of us can do, consistantly and daily at any age... I would have to agree with your Father at this point...The animals are silly for you right now, the education is of much higher and serious importance.. Unplug your computer and get the nose to the grindstone...

Regards.... Tim of T and J
snakemom I will accept advice I don't know if you read this post
Guys, I appriciate the support, I am just having a bad week. I am not getting out of the hobby but I will slow myself down and focus on other things. I am just going throguh a very hard time. There are things going on I would rather not tell you about. Things that are very personal. My hardships are nothing like the kids picking rice or in sweat shops but that is the sad truth as an american I am not the toughest kid! I just want some temporary support in a bad time.
I am just going throuhg a hard time
I so wanted to rep you Tim, but alas I can't today.
SEE David, it's people who make awesome posts and are deserving of reputation that GET IT. It's not the number of posts. Its the quality of the posts you make that truly makes rep points mean anything.
To be honest, I don't feel you have deserved ANY of your rep points and wish there was a way to give negative points. I for one would be giving them on a daily basis to you if I could. Call it immature, but right now it's how I feel. I can become a 15 year old any time I want, but turn back into the 47 year old mom when need be.
snakemom I will accept advice I don't know if you read this post

I am just going throuhg a hard time

Ya know what? My kids went through a rough time at your age also. their dad's GF thought they needed counsiling and their dad was pissed at me because I wouldn't sign papers to have my insurance take care of it. He was pissed at me and took it out on my daughters. You wanna talk stress? PULEASEEEEEEE kid, you don't know stress. The only thing you know is not getting the attention on here your use to, and needed to create a thread you knew would get over 100 posts. Admit it or not, that is your ulterior motive with most of your threads.GEESH!
I so wanted to rep you Tim, but alas I can't today.
SEE David, it's people who make awesome posts and are deserving of reputation that GET IT. It's not the number of posts. Its the quality of the posts you make that truly makes rep points mean anything.
To be honest, I don't feel you have deserved ANY of your rep points and wish there was a way to give negative points. I for one would be giving them on a daily basis to you if I could. Call it immature, but right now it's how I feel. I can become a 15 year old any time I want, but turn back into the 47 year old mom when need be.
Oh no rep points! A good friend from another forum that does know my past here I was talking to last night and I told her about these fights and she said it was appaling to see how I treated even with my past. She said to tel you guys this
Interent arguing is like the special Olympics you may win but you are still retarded!
Ya know what? My kids went through a rough time at your age also. their dad's GF thought they needed counsiling and their dad was pissed at me because I wouldn't sign papers to have my insurance take care of it. He was pissed at me and took it out on my daughters. You wanna talk stress? PULEASEEEEEEE kid, you don't know stress. The only thing you know is not getting the attention on here your use to, and needed to create a thread you knew would get over 100 posts. Admit it or not, that is your ulterior motive with most of your threads.GEESH!

I forgot you are the fortune teller of the interwebs!!!!!!
Oh no rep points! A good friend from another forum that does know my past here I was talking to last night and I told her about these fights and she said it was appaling to see how I treated even with my past. She said to tel you guys this
Interent arguing is like the special Olympics you may win but you are still retarded!

I forgot you are the fortune teller of the interwebs!!!!!!

It is just this kind of attitude David that makes people not want to help or support you. For every step you take forward in this community you always seem to take two steps back with this kind of BS. Get over yourself - seriously.
I tryed 4 pages ago but I continued to be hit! When you run someone into a corner and then kick them they will lash out!
I tryed 4 pages ago but I continued to be hit! When you run someone into a corner and then kick them they will lash out!

So then you DROP it instead of keep stirring the pot David. Common sense here. People have tried to give you advice for AGES and you blow them off constantly because it isn't what you want to hear. It is no wonder that people get mean with you because you DON'T LISTEN to what anyone has to say.... You are looking for "milk and cookies" as someone stated earlier. People to coddle you and tell you that you are right and everything will be ok. Which isn't necessarily the truth. But you don't want to hear the truth.
I've had enough of this kid's attitude. I'm sorry, but one of my biggest pet peeves is children speaking disrespectfully to adults. Watch yourself, David. My grandmother would say that you've gotten too big for your britches.

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