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I think I may make a major change....

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Lauren, I have wanted ti say this along time and now IS the time. I am not like YOUR teenagers. I am not some gangster from Baltimore. I am a quite kid that has a close group of friends, I am a nerd! I like tests I like to work hard in school. I give a damn. I will take the advice you gusy gave me and use it.

1. Not ALL teenagers from Baltimore are "gangsters." In fact the vast majority of them are EXACTLY LIKE YOU!!!!

2. Actions speak louder than words, bud. Your ACTIONS, like it or not, have not and do not indicate a willingness to learn in any way.

And also (my last post here, lest Lori go all curmudgeon on me!!)

3. It is more often than not the "nerds" and "quiet kids" from good families that have the most issues adapting to stress in the adult worlds, simply because their families have sheltered them from it for years.

To be perfectly frank and honest, my "gangster kids" who are dealing with gangs, drugs, abortions and teen pregnancies are going to be a LOT better equipped to deal with the stresses of the adult world than you and the rest of my sheltered, nice and quiet little honors students.
Yes, there is no denying that David is a drama-queen. David, Elle is right. If you took even one week off from the "woe is me", "pay attention to me" "Hey, look at me" type of behavior, you *might* give yourself a fighting chance here.
David, go away and listen to this a billion times until you are chilled out enough to say hey... you know what, I don't need all this self gratification and reassurance about my decisions in life. Dancing naked around a totem pole set on fire may help enlighten you to come to this conclusion. It's what I'd do in your situation... dude.
I'm in a bad mood and I took it out on Dean. Definitely not a nice thing to do, and I'm ashamed of myself. People here seem to look to David as an outlet for frustration. Not that I've never been guilty of it myself, but jesus, people, leave him the *$#@& alone already. His life is really none of our business.

Flame away. I'm not 15, I can take it.

I've done that to people I love, and felt bad after. I think sometimes we do that because there's safety in it, unlike life in general those we love won't hurt us back.

Lori, no one is perfect, or all good. But you have so much good in you, and just the fact you are ashamed now shows that it was unlike you to do something like that.

I hope you feel better. I got some funny lawyer jokes to make you smile:

A woman and her little girl were visitng the grave of the little girl's grandmother. On their way through the cemetery back to the car, the little girl asked, "Mommy, do they ever bury two people in the same grave?"
"Of course not, dear." replied the mother, "Why would you think that?"

"The tombstone back there said 'Here lies a lawyer and an honest man.'"
Guys, I appriciate the support, I am just having a bad week. I am not getting out of the hobby but I will slow myself down and focus on other things. I am just going throguh a very hard time. There are things going on I would rather not tell you about. Things that are very personal. My hardships are nothing like the kids picking rice or in sweat shops but that is the sad truth as an american I am not the toughest kid! I just want some temporary support in a bad time.
A lawyer finds out he has a brain tumor, and it's inoperable - in fact, it's so large, they have to do a brain transplant. His doctor gives him a choice of available brains - there's a jar of rocket scientist brains for $10 an ounce, a jar of regular scientist brains for $15 an ounce, and a jar of lawyer brains for the princely sum of $800 an ounce. The outraged lawyer says, "This is a ripoff - how come the lawyer brains are so damned expensive?" The doctor replies, "Do you know how many lawyers it takes to get an ounce of brains?"
and just the fact you are ashamed now shows that it was unlike you to do something like that.
I read this to Dean over the phone as I was begging for forgiveness. He actually laughed and said: "What? WHAT????? Clearly Lucille doesn't know you!" Hmph! :p

Thanks for the joke. Have I told you that my brother was an attorney? We never let him forget it. :laugh:

Guys, I appriciate the support, I am just having a bad week. I am not getting out of the hobby but I will slow myself down and focus on other things. I am just going throguh a very hard time. There are things going on I would rather not tell you about. Things that are very personal. My hardships are nothing like the kids picking rice or in sweat shops but that is the sad truth as an american I am not the toughest kid! I just want some temporary support in a bad time.

Maybe we would believe it if you hadn't said the same things before about slowing down and then a few days later posting all over the place with yet another new acquistion. How many times do people have to tell you - "Actions speak louder than words".

Everyone goes through rough patches - it is a fact of life. The people here are good people and would support you more - except for the fact that you always shoot yourself in the foot with your attitude. You know more, you know better, everyone else is rude but you etc....
Maybe if you would just stop and listen once in a while instead of thinking you know everything, take some of the advice that is given to you - then when you have a real serious problem people would be more willing to be supportive....
Take a break, step away from the computer for a while. Focus on your actual life and your pets.
Wow, almost everyone here has more on their plate than you. Kids, mortgages, university, ect. REAL problems. And you need "support" and "to vent" over a bad week and a broken heater? OMG.

Last two weeks I had 10 days to find a place to live, near work that would allow 5 snakes, and pack all my stuff, find a van to move and gank friends last minute to help. My ex-roommate has taken me to the RTA for over $1000 in trumped up damages ($250 damage deposit + $300 for cleaners + an extra month of rent even though I'm not living there). My spotted python might need some vet care. And I never once thought of getting rid of one single snake, or coming here for pats on the back, milk & cookies.

You had better grow some thick skin fast before you get a taste of REAL life. I have never known such a attention mongering 15 year old. And here I am feeding the troll, shame on me.
I'm in a bad mood and I took it out on Dean. Definitely not a nice thing to do, and I'm ashamed of myself. People here seem to look to David as an outlet for frustration. Not that I've never been guilty of it myself, but jesus, people, leave him the *$#@& alone already. His life is really none of our business.

Flame away. I'm not 15, I can take it.

Do I have the right to flame him Lori???

Did he or didn't he put "his business" on this forum where is IS and is known as a "Drama Whore troll "!!!! And we (and yes it looks like others beside me have issues with ..the kid) are just down right sick and tired of hearing all the weak back peddling wineing crying excules this boy has!!

I mean..COME ON!!
This is a corn snake site...not the soap opera called
"As the world turns around HIM."
Ok Ill shut up now..(till I feel like posting again)
Wow, almost everyone here has more on their plate than you. Kids, mortgages, university, ect. REAL problems. And you need "support" and "to vent" over a bad week and a broken heater? OMG.

I have known to many people who had Thermostat issues that killed everything in the Rack.. and lost a few thousand of Dollars worth of snakes. Happened to a great person here on this forum and someone else I know here in the Twin Cities.

David is just lucky it went cold.. most of his collection can take the cooler temps any way.
I have known to many people who had Thermostat issues that killed everything in the Rack.. and lost a few thousand of Dollars worth of snakes. Happened to a great person here on this forum and someone else I know here in the Twin Cities.

David is just lucky it went cold.. most of his collection can take the cooler temps any way.

I was thinking the same thing. Things could have been a lot worse. David could have burned his house down! Pretty lucky me thinks.
I read this to Dean over the phone as I was begging for forgiveness. He actually laughed and said: "What? WHAT????? Clearly Lucille doesn't know you!" Hmph! :p

Thanks for the joke. Have I told you that my brother was an attorney? We never let him forget it. :laugh:


Here is one more for you to pass along to him:

A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff's deputy. He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is a lawyer from New York and is certain that he has a better education then any cop from Houston , TX . He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Texas deputy's expense. The deputy says, "License and registration, please." "What for?" says the lawyer. The deputy says, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign." Then the lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming." "You still didn't come to a complete stop," says the deputy. "License and registration, please." The lawyer says, "What's the difference?" "The difference is you have to come to complete stop, that's the law. License and registration, please!" the Deputy repeats. Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I'll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket." "That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir," the deputy says. At this point, the deputy takes out his nightstick and starts beating the daylights out of the lawyer and says, "Do you want me to stop, or just slow down?"
when i was in elementary school i had 2 corns and 1 mexican milksnake i was working on getting more to breed THATS WHAT I WANTED TO DO AND I LOVED MY SNAKES. then my family and i went on vacation and our neighbor who was 3 years older than me and had a ball python watched all our animals while we were away SO OF COURSE HE HELD MY SNAKES when we came home there was a note from him saying all the snakes were loose and he was SORRY (i still have that note) we only ever found 1 of my corns and i was so upset that i had lost the MOST BEAUTIFUL OKEETEE EVER so i sold the corn that we found to a friend and gave up on snakes all together then this past may i got a normal corn for my graduation and i now have 3 boas 1 ball python 4 corns and 1 cal king. i regret giving up on snakes just because of the two i lost back when i was younger i wish i had never gotten rid of that snake and im currently trying to track it down and see if i can get it back.

just think about what you REALLY WANT before you do something you will regret
David, the post about me wanting to split shipping with ANYONE in the NOVA area not just you, is to have everyone involved save money. I really have no idea what it has to do with my post to you.

Just wondering, what high school do you go to? If your worried about me finding you please also tell me how many David's are in your school so you can see the odds yourself.

There is no reason for you not to listen to what people are saying, but I knew a girl like you before, she was my best friend at one point. When we first started our friendship she was sheltered and a "geek." She could tell me all kinds of random facts that came from a book but nothing that came from common sense. When we got to high school she was going great in her classes but not so great in her social life. In fact I was her only friend. For 3 years I pulled her out of the books and pushed her to live a little. She dealt with a lot of stuff at the end of that three years that she said herself she would not have been able to handle before. She is now at college doing great in both her social and school lives. She is able to take a lot of the BS that is dished out at her and keep moving. You need to learn to have a thick skin and take what people are saying. They are giving you advice, its up to you to take it or not but there is no reason to call anyone rude or snap back.

I have taken a few beatings on this site, I earned them too and I moved on. I have a thick skin that just keeps getting thicker. The people who are giving you advice are older then you which means they have lived longer then you and been through more then you. Try to listen more then you talk. You might learn something those books will never teach you.
Davy boy, all I can say is you should truly think things through before you post. Your first post stated "I mean I am doing the best in school ". then a few posts later we read.
"you have just got an F on a report card ".
Seems to me, your not exactly being truthful, now then are you. Spend a little less time on here and a little more time on your studies. Maybe you need to read more fiction and less non fiction books. After all that was your excuse for getting an F. Give it a try. Certainly couldn't hurt.

You want respect yet have yet to earn ANY. How many times have people(I've lost count) told you to stop adding to your collection, yet you knew better and they all were rude and had no idea that you knew all there was to know.
How many times(I've lost count) have we seen posts by you "I'M GETTING(or considering getting and end up getting it) XXX. I for one don't believe your in the hobby for the love of the critters you get. IMO you have the critters you have because you think your that much better then others who don't(and most don't want to) have those critters. Your no better then anyone else David. IN FACT, I can only speak for myself, but I think much less of you because you are unwilling and unable to accept advice when given and then decide people who give you constructive criticism are being rude.
Now this is what is known a A RANT AND VENTING. Not what you posted, what you posted was wanting cookies and milk and be told all would be alright. pffffffftttttttt
Dave I have never posted on one of your threads before this..
But I am gonna give you some advice a friends mother once said. When things seem bad & are at their worst look around you & you will see someone worse off than you. Be thankful, you have a supportive family & your health. Others are not so lucky as you. My 2 cents worth.
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Just wish he would understand what you and everyone else. (shrugs shoulders).
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