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I think I may make a major change....

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Hmmm...didn't know about the "F".

That is not good. Still doesn't mean you should get out of the hobby. But it may be time to trim things down a little, and DEFINITELY to put a moratorium on getting any new animals, AT LEAST for this school year, and probably the next, too. Right now, school is one of the most important things on your plate.

I hated high school, and only did a little better than average, because I did the least amount possible that would maintain a B- average or so. I kind of regret that, although it took all of my determination to grit my teeth and get through it at the level I did. I REALLY hated everything about it, lol!

But it is really important to your future to at least keep a C or B average - more important than your animals, hobbies, or social life. If you mess up in high school, it can close a lot of future doors, and can negatively affect your life for decades to come.
Kathy this is my first F ever. And the facts is now I am trying to defend my dignity and stuff here. I don't want my rep smeared with people who don't understand.
Trim down. Keep the best of the best, or what's most important to you. It may be more enjoyable when it's not a full-time career. You may find if you go from the big collection to no collection, that later, you regret having parted company with some of them.
What really worries me David, is that you think a $50 heat cable is a HUGE expense. That instantly makes me think you have no real concept of having to fork out hundreds of dollars if god forbid one of your many pets gets sick...

I'd love to know how you would handle that kind of situation.
I already have had that situation the reason the 50 is so much is because I spluged at the show and got the gecko!
You are not understanding David....

With any large collection of animals, it's so important to have a backup vet fund that will be available in emergency situations. How would you afford $100 for anti biotics and a consultation fee etc if one of your snakes came down with a nasty RI say within the next week? (touch wood that doesn't happen, but do you see my point?)

Because you splurged out on ANOTHER animal, you didn't really have the money to provide your existing collection with an essential piece of equiptment. Thats pretty crap David...
you splurged at the show and got the gecko and then could not afford the heating cable...you are not helping your own case. this yet again comes across as you having more animals than you can afford to care for.

Kathy this is my first F ever. And the facts is now I am trying to defend my dignity and stuff here. I don't want my rep smeared with people who don't understand.
So. Your 'rep' is so important to you? your defending yourself from people who dont understand? We understand what you've shown. the person that you have CHOSEN to act like and show us is who we have judged you as. if you dont like it, then its your own fault.

You want to know what rep that is? from someone with an objective point of view. We've never had an issue, you and I. All i know of you, the sum total, is made up of your posts that i've read. I've read a lot, I've searched this forum a million times on a million topics. I say this, so that you will not just brush off what i am about to say to you with a 'you dont know, your new' comment. The fact that i belive you will react this way is VERY telling. Every interaction you've had with someone on this forum is available for viewing in the archives. Your 'rep' as you put it, is easy to sum up.

I think you are a typical teenager(I've said that before, allow me to elaborate). I think you are amazingly self centered (just like a typical teenager). I think you are condescending, rude, and a Hypocrite(teen, teen, and teen). I think your ignorance is the first thing i noticed about you, not only in the way you talk to other people, but in the way that you seem to think that you know better...right up until you have too many animals too fast and all of a sudden you cant handle it. You've been told before you were accumulating too much too fast, but you knew 'better' and now look. How embarrassing for you. too bad you didn't listen.
I CANT BELIEVE you have the nerve to EVER call anyone rude. EVER. You of all people have no right. None. thats all the proof of your ignorance i need.

i present to you, your reputation. One of an ignorant teen. Congradulations, i can see why you would be so concerned with keeping it. (you caught the tone i hope)
You know, most people hope and pray they wont be judged by how they were during that phase of life. I was no peach. I was a total b**** who didnt listen to anyone, and it got me in a lot of trouble, made life really hard. i eventually learned. you will too...or you'll be the same insufferable fool in your adult years...good luck with that.

*shrugs* This doesn't make you a bad person, but it does make interactions with you stressful, aggravating, and unpleasant. i'm sure this is not how you would like to be known.
I wish you luck with all you do. I hope you manage to pull yourself out of this hole your in, and i'm sorry your not doing very well.
Dont open yourself up for attacks by telling anyone elce they're being rude. Also, a good long look in the mirror is in order...and no more pets. you really need to start doing yourself some favors. Thank your lucky stars this is happening now, while you have your parents to rely on. while you dont have any REAL responsibilities. basically while you can afford to have your little breakdown without your life messing up on you.
just so you know, NONE of this is rude, NONE of this is mean. Sometimes honesty is like medicine. Bitter, but good for you. like it or lump it. now i feel like i've said too much and wont even be checking this thread again.
Good luck. you need it.
In order to better educate certain teenagers in the audience, I decided to make a list of the things that have stressed me out and been "on my plate" in the past week. I would encourage all to list their own stressors in order to make the point that "stress builds with age... get used to it."

In the past week, I have:
1. Dealt with a misunderstanding that turned into a fight with my siginificant other,
2. Been forced to consider again the damage my ex did to me before she left me,
3. Worked 35 official hours as a teacher, in addition to the uncounted hours spent grading, planning, and entering grades at the end of the quarter (last week),
4. Worked 10 hours as a night school teacher, with students who have been expelled from day school for behavioral issues ranging from mild to extreme,
5. Played psychologist to at least half a dozen students in my class in order to get them the help they need to succeed in my class,
6. Organized, planned and implemented a successful outreach event in order to entice current 8th graders to join our specialty science program as 9th graders,
7. Outlined a curriculum for an aquatics class in preparation for presenting a case to my dept. chair and assistance principal to give ME that class for next year,
8. Made phone calls and mailed letters to students who have failed for the first quarter,
9. Made and submitted a list of special ed students who failed so the SPED dept can get on them,
10. Attended a team meeting for a student with significant anger issues and emotional problems,
11. Acted as a go-between when two colleagues got into a fight over computer lab time,
12. Prepared lessons for three classes per day and implemented them,
13. Worked after school with several students in order to bring their grades up for quarter 1,
14. Paid $308 for a respiratory check on our boa constrictor,
15. Scraped money from elsewhere to cover the bills that needed that $308, (that is called "robbing Peter to pay Paul")
16. Dealt with emotional insecurities and issues that my mother and sister dumped on me,
17. Dealt with my GF's emotional insecurities and my OWN emotional insecurities in order to strengthen our relationship,
18. Began sanding down the mangled hard wood floors in our bedroom to prevent the return of the Bed Bugs,
19. Fed and watered 40+ snakes in addition to numerous other critters,
20. Woke up at 1:45 AM every morning to scan the basement for our still missing crested gecko male,
21. Attended a meeting for night school at a remote location,
22. Planned and cooked dinner each night, including dinner with my grandma yesterday,
23. Scanned exams and entered final grades for quarter 1,
24. Set up my new gradebook in the new county gradebook system,
25. Took care of household chores and needs somewhere in the vast quantity of time I had left after all of that.

If I kept thinking about this, I could go on and on and on.....

Mind you, I am not complaining about these things, because this is the normal life of a human being in America. Stress upon stress.... it gets worse as you age... as you gain responsibilities (some wanted and some... not so much). And for all of that, my stress is nothing next to the stress being experienced by people in other areas of the world. There are people in Afghanistan wondering if walking to the grocery to pick up some food might be the last decision they ever make. There are people in war-torn parts of Africa who are trying to decide which of their children they love the least, because there isn't enough food for everyone to be able to eat. Can you imagine the stress involved in making those decisions???

Basically... quit whining. It's one thing to vent. It's another to post thread after thread crying for attention. We are ALL far too busy to deal with your issues, David. As someone else said... man up! It's only gonna get worse from here.
Elle, If my snakes come down with something I do have a vet fund of about 300$ set away BUT if something like heat goes out I need to make the money my self. I do have a space heater in my room now. I turn it off at night
In order to better educate certain teenagers in the audience, I decided to make a list of the things that have stressed me out and been "on my plate" in the past week. I would encourage all to list their own stressors in order to make the point that "stress builds with age... get used to it."

In the past week, I have:
1. Dealt with a misunderstanding that turned into a fight with my siginificant other,
2. Been forced to consider again the damage my ex did to me before she left me,
3. Worked 35 official hours as a teacher, in addition to the uncounted hours spent grading, planning, and entering grades at the end of the quarter (last week),
4. Worked 10 hours as a night school teacher, with students who have been expelled from day school for behavioral issues ranging from mild to extreme,
5. Played psychologist to at least half a dozen students in my class in order to get them the help they need to succeed in my class,
6. Organized, planned and implemented a successful outreach event in order to entice current 8th graders to join our specialty science program as 9th graders,
7. Outlined a curriculum for an aquatics class in preparation for presenting a case to my dept. chair and assistance principal to give ME that class for next year,
8. Made phone calls and mailed letters to students who have failed for the first quarter,
9. Made and submitted a list of special ed students who failed so the SPED dept can get on them,
10. Attended a team meeting for a student with significant anger issues and emotional problems,
11. Acted as a go-between when two colleagues got into a fight over computer lab time,
12. Prepared lessons for three classes per day and implemented them,
13. Worked after school with several students in order to bring their grades up for quarter 1,
14. Paid $308 for a respiratory check on our boa constrictor,
15. Scraped money from elsewhere to cover the bills that needed that $308, (that is called "robbing Peter to pay Paul")
16. Dealt with emotional insecurities and issues that my mother and sister dumped on me,
17. Dealt with my GF's emotional insecurities and my OWN emotional insecurities in order to strengthen our relationship,
18. Began sanding down the mangled hard wood floors in our bedroom to prevent the return of the Bed Bugs,
19. Fed and watered 40+ snakes in addition to numerous other critters,
20. Woke up at 1:45 AM every morning to scan the basement for our still missing crested gecko male,
21. Attended a meeting for night school at a remote location,
22. Planned and cooked dinner each night, including dinner with my grandma yesterday,
23. Scanned exams and entered final grades for quarter 1,
24. Set up my new gradebook in the new county gradebook system,
25. Took care of household chores and needs somewhere in the vast quantity of time I had left after all of that.

If I kept thinking about this, I could go on and on and on.....

Mind you, I am not complaining about these things, because this is the normal life of a human being in America. Stress upon stress.... it gets worse as you age... as you gain responsibilities (some wanted and some... not so much). And for all of that, my stress is nothing next to the stress being experienced by people in other areas of the world. There are people in Afghanistan wondering if walking to the grocery to pick up some food might be the last decision they ever make. There are people in war-torn parts of Africa who are trying to decide which of their children they love the least, because there isn't enough food for everyone to be able to eat. Can you imagine the stress involved in making those decisions???

Basically... quit whining. It's one thing to vent. It's another to post thread after thread crying for attention. We are ALL far too busy to deal with your issues, David. As someone else said... man up! It's only gonna get worse from here.

I came here with my problems looking for help and suppirt in a time where I need support and got kicked. Thanks so much! I now must go feed my collection!
I came here with my problems looking for help and suppirt in a time where I need support and got kicked. Thanks so much! I now must go feed my collection!

And again I say to you little man....

If you consider what I or anyone else on this thread or ANY other thread has EVER written to you to be getting "kicked," then you are in for quite a suprise once you enter the real world.

This isn't ANYTHING compared to what you will deal with on a daily basis in the adult world.
1 word...prioritize.

If you can't control other aspects of your life because you feel overwhelmed by herps (or if you feel overwhelmed by your herps because of other aspects in your life), perhaps it is time to cut back. You don't have to own every herp you like.

Like Lauren is saying...if you feel stressed and overwhelmed now, it gets worse when you enter the real world.
I came here with my problems looking for help and suppirt in a time where I need support and got kicked. Thanks so much! I now must go feed my collection!

You got support, you just can't recognize it. If we cuddled you and said 'It's OK, poor snookums' we would only be encouraging further irresponsibility which would hurt you and your critters.

You got some warm fuzzies at the beginning of this thread. But subsequent disclosures by you, that you failed a course (while spending huge amounts of time on this board) and spent nearly all you had on a gecko while barely having enough funds left to buy a heat cable now that it is winter, dried up a lot of sympathy.

Man up. Support doesn't always mean that you get told that everything you do is OK. It wasn't and isn't. Work to change it, and you'll get all the backing you could ever want.
Nail and head come to mind Heather...

Priorities first! Welfare and health over numbers and aesthetics, David!

Instead of playing the victim of yet more mindless cornsnakes.com forum abuse from us bullies, take it as constructive criticism. A friendly boot up the bahooky (backside) if you must! You will learn one day, Little Foot (or something along those lines....)
I also want to say, David, that my comments are TRULY nothing personal. I don't really know you. But I do have a lot of experience working with today's American teenager, and my comments are written broadly to said teenagers.

There are children all over the world who spend their days working in the fields, harvesting food, or working in sweatshops making cheap Walmart goods for those of us in more developed countries to buy. To them, your problems, my problems and anyone elses problems are laughable. They WANT the opportunities that you and your brethren are free to take for granted-- the FREE education... a childhood of blissful irresponsibility that extends long into the teen years, and in many cases into the 20's as well. They would kill to be you, David, or any other American teen....

In any event, much as I'd like to stay and continue to encourage the growth of CS.com's own personal teenager, I must go to night school now and provide education to more teenagers that really don't care.

Have an enjoyable evening, everyone!
And again I say to you little man....

If you consider what I or anyone else on this thread or ANY other thread has EVER written to you to be getting "kicked," then you are in for quite a suprise once you enter the real world.

This isn't ANYTHING compared to what you will deal with on a daily basis in the adult world.

Just after moving in to college I start to see a fraction of the stress of what living in a real adult world is.

Honestly, quit whining, half the time something seems like a really huge deal at the time, and then later you completely forgot it happened. I had a girlfriend for a year and a half and when we broke it felt like it was the worst thing ever, now a year later, I don't even think about it.
I'm in a bad mood and I took it out on Dean. Definitely not a nice thing to do, and I'm ashamed of myself. People here seem to look to David as an outlet for frustration. Not that I've never been guilty of it myself, but jesus, people, leave him the *$#@& alone already. His life is really none of our business.

Flame away. I'm not 15, I can take it.
Lauren, I have wanted ti say this along time and now IS the time. I am not like YOUR teenagers. I am not some gangster from Baltimore. I am a quite kid that has a close group of friends, I am a nerd! I like tests I like to work hard in school. I give a damn. I will take the advice you gusy gave me and use it.
I'm in a bad mood and I took it out on Dean. Definitely not a nice thing to do, and I'm ashamed of myself. People here seem to look to David as an outlet for frustration. Not that I've never been guilty of it myself, but jesus, people, leave him the *$#@& alone already. His life is really none of our business.

Flame away. I'm not 15, I can take it.

I absolutely agree with you Lori. What other people do with their life, money, animals, free time or whatever is NONE of our business. But the difference is, David chooses to make it our business by posting on a public interwebs forum... and he expects replies.
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