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Kastanie Photo!!!


Too many yet too few!!!
hi all,

i picked up this sweetie last weekend, she is one of my favs!!

she is a 08 hatchling Kastanie het Amel!!!!! she weighs about 10g(not sure exactly)!!


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Beautiful chestnut! Those images really shows everyone why they were thought to be anerythristics at first, doesn't it. The otogenetic change in that morph is astounding. You just have to do a progression thread for everyone!

Thanks for the images!
Pleasure KJUN!!! i though you might be interested.

yea, i cant wait to watch her progress and grow, the colour change should be awesome!!

she does actually look slightly more chesnutty in really life, especially along her sides, the pattern on her side is almost peachy.
i wasn't sure so i got her out to check!! and she curled up on my bed so i grabbed the camera for a couple more shots!!

the metallic ness (lol) is the flash's fault.

but she is very 'clean'

and here they are....


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i thought i would update this thread as i wanted it as a progression, these photos were taken today, she shed on the 2/10 and she now weighs 17g.

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there was one shed in between taking those two sets of photos!!!! i was amazed at the difference as well!!!
hi torsten,

nice kastanie you have, i love these gene. i hope the classic, you get from me is so beautiful too ;)

thats the daddy of your classic :D

maybe we see us next year at hamm!

greets from germany, marc
yes i sure hope to get to Hamm again next year!! i need to pick up that pair of females so we will be in contact again nearer the time. the dad is a beauty.

the classic from you is doing very well and also looks great, i just have not had time to do a photo shoot yet, but you have inspired me so i will do it right away.
A more recent photo.

This was taken on the 24-1-09 at which point she weighed ~50g.

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Thanks for looking.