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Kastanie Photo!!!

Thanks! I'll have to look into these, they sound interesting. Also thanks for the tip on some being called something else, it will help fend off confussion.
Babies from het Chestnut pairing...

Hello everyone,

Torsten, amazing corns and pictures. Thank you for the progression of pics too. I produced only 4 babies this season from some het for Chestnut corns and was hoping for some opinions on them. KJ any other thoughts from you are always appreciated! These are the normal looking female that has some nice lighter coloring on the top of her and an anery looking male. He doesn't seem to be an anery as I am used to but still looks black and silver for the moment. All came out nice and large and eating f/t pinks right off the bat so I hope to see some changes if they are anything special over the next few months.

Thanks in advance everyone,

Gregg F.


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Pics of the other 2 male 2010 babies

Here are the other two males from this year, I can't wait to produce hopefully more eggs next year as this was the females first season. These two males look a lot like the lone female pictured earlier. But, the one has some neat abberant patterning and striped tail and the belly is completely patternless and white, the head is also slate gray in appearance right now. I also threw in a third pic of the anery looking male.

Thanks for looking, have a great day.

Gregg F.


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