(formerly NWHeather)
In 2011, my friend Tara (Tara80) let me borrow her Okeetee Tessera, Taz, (produced by Don-SMR) to pair with a couple of my females.
I had this vision of producing Miami Tesseras (& Alabama Tesseras, but that is another story).
I figured it would take a couple generations of refining to get the Miami look that I was aiming for.
We were both very (pleasantly) surprised to see that the 1st generation turned out so nice! See the clutch that started it all, HERE.
Tara and I split the clutch, and I was glad that I got to keep my very favorite baby from that clutch, (Brokk).
One of these babies went to Walter Smith (you may have seen his Miami Tessera clutch from one of the females we produced in 2011, she proved het for Amel, which was a nice surprise, as I was unaware of any hets).
I do want to see if Brokk is het Amel, but I was really hoping all of these babies would be just Miami. I will test for Amel with Brokk next year.
A local breeder friend of mine has one of the Miami Tessera's from this clutch, and paired her with a Cinder male (I will be getting one of those babies, which I am excited about). Don Soderberg has one of the Miami Tesseras from the initial clutch as well.
I think it is very cool that breeders who have been around for a while wanted babies from our first Miami Tessera clutch!
Fast forward to this year.
I wasn't planning on doing the Miami Tessera clutch this year, but I had some requests, so I borrowed an LBR line Miami female from Tara and paired her with my male, Brokk.
She laid 12 beautiful eggs, which all hatched. Murphy was kind to me and gave me 7 Tesseras.
I see a number of babies that definitely look like they will take after the sire, which is what I was aiming for, so I am more than pleased with this clutch!
The last one shed today, so I thought I would share.
First, here is the sire and the dam. (Sire is the Miami Tessera, dam is the LBR line Miami).
I will post the babies in the following posts.
I had this vision of producing Miami Tesseras (& Alabama Tesseras, but that is another story).
I figured it would take a couple generations of refining to get the Miami look that I was aiming for.
We were both very (pleasantly) surprised to see that the 1st generation turned out so nice! See the clutch that started it all, HERE.
Tara and I split the clutch, and I was glad that I got to keep my very favorite baby from that clutch, (Brokk).
One of these babies went to Walter Smith (you may have seen his Miami Tessera clutch from one of the females we produced in 2011, she proved het for Amel, which was a nice surprise, as I was unaware of any hets).
I do want to see if Brokk is het Amel, but I was really hoping all of these babies would be just Miami. I will test for Amel with Brokk next year.
A local breeder friend of mine has one of the Miami Tessera's from this clutch, and paired her with a Cinder male (I will be getting one of those babies, which I am excited about). Don Soderberg has one of the Miami Tesseras from the initial clutch as well.
I think it is very cool that breeders who have been around for a while wanted babies from our first Miami Tessera clutch!
Fast forward to this year.
I wasn't planning on doing the Miami Tessera clutch this year, but I had some requests, so I borrowed an LBR line Miami female from Tara and paired her with my male, Brokk.
She laid 12 beautiful eggs, which all hatched. Murphy was kind to me and gave me 7 Tesseras.
I see a number of babies that definitely look like they will take after the sire, which is what I was aiming for, so I am more than pleased with this clutch!
The last one shed today, so I thought I would share.
First, here is the sire and the dam. (Sire is the Miami Tessera, dam is the LBR line Miami).
I will post the babies in the following posts.
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