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a waste of time and of minimal importance


Well I just wanted to let you all know that my birthday is in 8 days... ill try to post again when it is my birthday. Mabry I will be able to get another corn snake, or something for my snakes. I can’t wait with every year there is supposed to be more freedom. 8 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! :crazy02: :crazy02: :crazy02:
Congrats, when I turned 17 I didn't get more freedom. I did get a nice amp for my guitar however.. :) And I still don't have a car, so, good luck with the freedom thing.
good luck with that. with "freedom" comes responcibilites. im 20 going on 21 going on 21 in a couple months, and sometimes i really just wish i was 8 again with no responcibilites!
7 more days!!

Yeah that is true, I don’t think i'm gunner be getting a car, and my brother just got a bass for his birthday so I guess the guitar is out, but I hope it isn’t filled with to much responsibility, and this site just makes computer time fun...

Well I guess it is time to continue my countdown 7 more days!!
:cheers: :cheers:
Mangrove said:
Yeah that is true, I don’t think i'm gunner be getting a car, and my brother just got a bass for his birthday

Largemouth, smallmouth, or striped? :sidestep:

jazzgeek said:
Largemouth, smallmouth, or striped? :sidestep:


Hahhahahaha no no the very rare rather uncommon GITUAR ahahah speaking of jazz and jazzgeek I just had a jazz band competition last night. We got a superior ration and tore it up on the score sheets YEAH!! :twoguns: :twoguns:
Good luck on the more responsibility thing. When I turned 17 well...I...hmm...nothing happened. I'm forever stuck at 21 :) Least with what I can do, it feels like it.
hahaha when I turned 17 it was really no big deal...you don;t feel any different...just the faint inkling in the back of your mind that old age is gettin' closer and closer and more and more responsibility creeping in around you....if your parents can trust you you'll ge freedom...if they can't then you will probably not get more freedom lol I got a little more but I already had alot to begin with...

I hope you get something good :D I'll be 18 in a few months...not sure what I'd want lol
ill be 20 in a few months :eek1: only a few months of freedom left . i didnt really feel any different when i turned 17 , just another step closer to senility lol.
6 more days!!!!!!

Yeah guys I mean a few more years of freedom, at least till i'm 21 then I will have a job till I am like 80 then we can retire and be happy for the last 10 years of our life, but I mean I am gunna have fun these next 4 years.

I'm gunna try to get another corn for my birthday... 6 MORE DAYS!!
5 more days!!!

WEll it is getting closer anmd colser every day... might get early dismissal from school today sopsed to get like 12'' of snow... well i guess im gunna get going back to class ill be back on later PEACE :crazy02:
College is when the freedom finally opened up for me. My dad is so afraid of snakes he wouldn't hear of me getting one and keeping it in the house. So now that I've been out of the house for several months, I got my first corn 3 weeks ago and she's wonderful! :) He'll have to make friends with Annabelle when I bring her home for the summer.. so, we'll see. Heh.

Hope your birthday goes well!

4 More Days!!!!

And yes jujube that is what I have heard that college makes it all better :)

Now that that whole cornman thing is over with the negative points I can come back out and not be afraid of getting a red dot... YAY

Well 4 more days I cant wait, have off from school today been working the snow blower all morning, should have been able to go to school... :cry:
ahhaah not!!! :twoguns:
Happy birthday, kiddo. 17... I have a cornsnake older than you. Geez, when you were born, I was voting for Reagan.