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Absolutely Heartbroken :-(

Apparently, Z looked in on my babies, yesterday afternoon, without telling me 'til much later. Last night, when we went to feed them, my baby Tessera was gone! He'd left the tub open just the tiniest bit, and, of course, the baby took advantage of it, apparently....

So, we searched for HOURS straight--until 1 am--and didn't find him. We've set out sticky tape and other snake-safe traps, but no luck this morning, either. The little one is probably gone for good, knowing my luck. To say that I'm heartbroken is an understatement. I'm none too happy with my spouse right now, either. Why is it that you can tell a man to MAKE SURE a snake tub is safely closed, and they seem to ignore it EVERY SINGLE TIME?!?? This isn't the first time he's done this. I'm so upset I could scream.

Anyway, now the snake I wanted so very badly is gone, probably never to be seen again. I'm upset enough that I probably won't be online much--I need to keep looking for the little guy.

John--at least he didn't set the possible Tessera motley that you want more photos of loose. I'll try to get some pix of it, soon, since it shed the day before yesterday. Everyone except the Tessera is still there, in fact. Two of them had their first meal last night :). The rest refused....

Sometimes, life just sucks :*(.
I am so sorry. You'll find him! Seal off the room. Cover any floor vents. Then start close to where he escaped from and look under everything. I found Number One under a magazine in the bathroom. After you have done the entire floor, start working your way up. The sooner you look, the less time he has to move further away. More are found than never found- don't lose heart. Keep looking.
Please please don't give up!! I know how you feel, I have lost babies in the past but never forever!
We have a member here who lost a snow, and it turned up THE FOLLOWING SUMMER!!!
I lost a hatchling once, and she turned up over 3 months later.
Don't lose hope!!!
I just had this happen with a hatchling escaping the same night she got here last week. I didn't discover until early the following afternoon that she was even missing and that evening, she turned up on her own. It sounds crazy but I firmly believe that once you STOP looking for them, that's when they appear. And she turned up about 5 feet away from where she went missing, so I don't think they leave the general vicinity very quickly.
Make sure you look up in little crevices. I found one wedged into a tiny ledge under my 75 gal tank, right between the stand and the tank. I never would have looked there normally but I was sticking my head into every place I could to find it. So check any little crack or tiny ledge. You'll find him! I know it!
I am really sorry this has happened and I hope you find it soon. I do agree with Nanci make sure to cover any floor vents. The place I live in is old and it gives me nightmares to think of one getting out here. Years ago when I lost one it did turn up a few weeks later in the bathroom garbage can of all places. I had given up on finding her. Good luck and please don't lose hope.
I sure hope you're right. I think we'll probably totally take apart the art/snake room so we CAN see in every little crevice. It will be a LOT of work--but totally worth it if we can find the little one. Thankfully, we don't have heat vents. Instead, we have baseboard heaters--but that means we need to look between every little fin in each. We're trying! 3 hours this morning, about 6 last night., and we'll keep on going. Wish us good luck....
In my expereince you'll find them when you least expect too. I found our little lavender after a week missing when he was tiny in between my photo albums that were on the floor near a heater. Snowflake has escaped twice but we found her right after we noticed she was missing which was lucky. When Reimei escaped she was missing a month and we found her OUTSIDE downstairs our 2nd level apt. with no idea how she got there.

like the others said don't loose hope. They are pretty hearty even as babies and can go a long while without food, you'll find the little one.

Mind you two of the 4 escapes where of my BF's doing, so I know what you mean with being frustrated and angry with Z for it, and it's hard to see past that with a missing baby but you know he didn't do it on purpose, men tend to be less detail oriented then us women by default, sometimes I can't fathom why we put up with them ;)
Oh I wish you the best of luck finding that little baby. I feel bad for Mr Z too. He must just feel horrible.

I found one in a toliet once. We never ever use that bathroom and I don't know what inspired him to use it after hours and hours of looking for the little guy but I am glad he did.
Mrs. Z, I'm so sorry this has happened. I've read so many stories of found snakes; I know you'll find yours!!
Don't give up! I found a baby weeks later, in a house with five cats in it! He was 100% ok. Come back little tessera!
I'm so sorry to hear that Irish :(
Don't give up!!! I have had a few escapee's & I have found almost all of them! One was out & about for two weeks! I thought she was gone for good, but I found her, cold & hungry. My baby cali King has escaped three times! The first time was my mistake, not closing the bin all the way in the hatchling rack. The next two times she did it herself, so she got moved to a more secure bin.

Remember that you found your other girl...don't give up, ok hun?
I'm sorry to hear that. :( Don't give up, though! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you find him.
Christie, so sorry to read this. Since you have dogs, make sure you watch them and if they seem interested in something check it out. My cat has found a few escapees for me. Also it doesn't hurt to get up in the middle of the nght to look since that's when they are more likely to be cruising around.
Look in all your luggage, or any piles of stuff that are anywhere near your snakes... I usually found my escapee's in stuff before I even knew they were escaped... And, Cleopatra tends to like the space between two luggage that are near her tank...LOL.

I hope you find your tessera.
I hope you find her! And as others have said, the overall theme seems to be that once you stop looking - you find 'em. Keep us posted!