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ACLU... I hate you.

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I'm just going to point this out... it ISN'T okay to bash gays... lesbians... pagans... or heathens... on this forum. BUT it IS okay to bash Christians now? The amount of hate here is really starting to fly...

Just saying...
its 10 bucks to join my religion. shroomanity is all the craze. and you can go on the quest to find peach. no tall guys in green hats allowed.

I'm tawll...but all my hats are khaki. $10 to join?...check's in the mail...

WOOHOO! I'm saved!!
I'm just going to point this out... it ISN'T okay to bash gays... lesbians... pagans... or heathens... on this forum. BUT it IS okay to bash Christians now? The amount of hate here is really starting to fly...

Just saying...

i aint trying to bash christians. im just trying to end a thread in peace with a lil stupidity. the bashing going on the forums now a days is critical. im gonna use google for ever post here out that needs to deal with such. and im not talking about web search, im talking images. lol.
I'm just going to point this out... it ISN'T okay to bash gays... lesbians... pagans... or heathens... on this forum. BUT it IS okay to bash Christians now? The amount of hate here is really starting to fly...

Just saying...

Who's bashing Christians? I have never uttered a derogatory statement about Christians in general. I have muttered phrases regarding some Christians, and I am finding humour in cartoons...but I'm not bashing Christians.

For the record, I have 2 brothers, 3 cousins, and four pairs of aunts/uncles, all of which are ministers in the Protestant Church. My youngest brother spent 3 years as an overseas missionary in Zimbabwe, and my oldest brother is the minister, organizer, and overseer of a Christianity based rehabilitation center. I don't disrespect or dislike Christians. I do not identify myself as a Christian, but I certainly do not bash Christians off-handedly, or as a general rule.

Some Christians deserve to get "bashed", and I'm sure there are plenty of Christians that would agree with that statement, just as some liberals, some conservatives, and yes, even some homosexuals. But I wouldn't bash ANY of them because of those classifications. I only bash people that deserve to be bashed for the things they do, say, and preach of their own accord...not because of some random classification...

In all seriousness, if you feel offended and insulted by these jokes, or the comments I've made, I apologize. I was not intentionally insulting Christians or Christianity, and I truly am sorry if you saw my posts otherwise.
I'm just going to point this out... it ISN'T okay to bash gays... lesbians... pagans... or heathens... on this forum. BUT it IS okay to bash Christians now? The amount of hate here is really starting to fly...

Just saying...

You know Fred, I don’t think I’m a Christian, but it really interests me how it is ok to pick an choose who to hate. I tend to agree with you.

I don’t feel so bad about missing out on this thread anymore.

Don't judge us all.
I'm not judging Wade... Just making an observation.

Personally, I have made EVERY effort to be fair and just in EVERY post I ever make. I know many others do as well. But, the mockery that some have spouted off is just horrible.

I know that if I were to say something about paganism, I'd get bashed... I know that if I made a mockery about the gays and lesbians that are on here (some who I consider friends), I'd get put in my place. BUT, if I had joined in and made a mockery of Christianity... Hey, Fred... pull up a chair!

I've not made notes about who did what, Wade. I don't operate that way. I just think it is aweful how not even a Mod has stepped in to say, "You know what... this has been fun, but perhaps this has gone far enough".

Oh, well...
Fred ranted on about some drival...*LOL*

"You know what... this has been fun, but perhaps this has gone far enough".

Which is why I really try to resist into getting drawn into these so called debates that tend have a real biased slant to them.. The way I have seen lately, its a divide and conquer thing ...

And here I was thinking I had bigger issues because I just can't seem to be overly motivated to come to this mockery, of course there is another site where this would not be tolerated very well..

Regards.. Tim of T and J

Fred, while I do understand your concern, I'd tend to agree with Chris in this case.

If you believe me to be a "basher", I'll refine my recent posts.....

For example, I'm not bashing Christianity in general with my post of Christ on a dinosaur. I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of those Fundamentalist Christians who claim that man walked the earth with the dinosaurs, pretty much tossing scientific research and the fossil record out the window.

I will just as readily point out they hypocrisy of those who profess Judaism (the woman of my dreams is Jewish and LOVES her bacon....if you don't think I'm having a blast with her on that one, then you don't know me), Islam, whatever sect of Christianity that I find incongruent with Christ's life as I perceive it, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pastafarianism, Rastafarianism, Rosicrucianism, Wicca, Wicker Furniture, and Wikki-Wikki-Wikki-Wikki.

I'll defer to the late great comedian Bill Hicks on this one:

"I was making fun of some of the inconsistencies in Christianity in my set one night in the Deep South, when after the show, a couple of guys came up to me, gave me a little shove, and said, 'Hey buddy, we're Christian, and we're offended by what you said in your act.'

'Well....', I told them, '.....then forgive me. It's in the job description.' "

I'm not judging Wade... Just making an observation.

Personally, I have made EVERY effort to be fair and just in EVERY post I ever make. I know many others do as well. But, the mockery that some have spouted off is just horrible.

I know that if I were to say something about paganism, I'd get bashed... I know that if I made a mockery about the gays and lesbians that are on here (some who I consider friends), I'd get put in my place. BUT, if I had joined in and made a mockery of Christianity... Hey, Fred... pull up a chair!

I've not made notes about who did what, Wade. I don't operate that way. I just think it is aweful how not even a Mod has stepped in to say, "You know what... this has been fun, but perhaps this has gone far enough".

Oh, well...

I still don't see where anyone has said anything insulting or derogatory about Christians or Christianity.

I gotta tell ya', Fred...there is a HUGE difference between having a laugh at the expense of organized religion, and insulting Christians. HUGE difference. ALL organized religions could use with a good lambasting on occasion. That doesn't mean the people or the system of beliefs deserve to be insulted.

What I see is a few people having a jab at organized religion, in general...not specifically. I'm sorry you see it as a direct insult to Christianity but...I certainly never meant it that way. In fact...a few of "us" have claimed to be "believers".

And I myself have NEVER claimed to be a non-believer. I have merely chosen to disassociate myself with the organized religion of Christianity, as I, personally, deem it a waste of time. That does NOT imply that I don't believe in Jesus, NOR does it imply that I do not believe in God, the Holy Trinity, or the ideals behind Christianity. It DOES, however, imply that I have been just about fed up with Chrsitianity as an organized religion, however. But that is not a direct insult to anyone or any religion. It's my personal opinion. This is also the closest I have ever come to openly discussing my spiritual beliefs openly. Unfortunately, I am NOT what many peole would like to label me as...

The bottom line is that somebody, somewhere, believes with their whole heart in just about everything you can imagine. So...what's left?
You know... its fine. If that's the way you want to view it, nothing I can say will change your mind. However, if "other targets of opportunity" were chosen, I believe that things would have gone a completely different way...

This is NOT to say that Emily (COerricaRN) hadn't completely transformed herself into an unbelievably HUGE target which got bigger with every word she said. She did... and it took every ounce of willpower in me (hence my GL avatar) to refrain from giving her a "flogging" of my own. :)
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I think extremists of any faith make great targets in the right situation. I've met some pretty wacky pagans, and those encounters certainly lowered my IQ a few points....I'll happily make fun of extreme fluffy bunny pagans if it will help! :D
Meh...we should just kill all of the extremeists and hang their bodies in a public court for all to see. That'll teach 'em...**

**for those that might be a little behind...it was MEANT to be a contradictory and sarcastic statement. I am well aware that it is an extremist position to have...which would mean I should be killed and hanged. I know...
I just think it's pretty un-christian to hate anybody. And yet, most of the people I know who are Christians seem to hate everyone that isn't a Christian and claim that they will go to hell unless they believe in God in exactly the way that they do.
I also think it's stupid that a war memorial that happens to be a cross is seen as forcing religion on people. Honestly, people just need to get their heads out of their butts and realize that it doesn't matter. Don't like the cross? Don't look at it and don't complain.
A Christian? Don't tell gay people they're going to hell and don't tell everyone that isn't your exact sect of Christianity that they'll be bathing in fire once they die.
Christianity is supposed to be about love, but I think that there are a lot of Christians that just want to be able to do what they want and be forgivin.
My grandparents are super Christian, super poor, and super happy. They do what they should as Christians and I think that that is very rare. They put in the work to recieve the good parts of Christianity.
Those that use the bible as an instrument to advocate their fear and hate should take a good long look at themselves and realized that Jesus probably isn't gushing over their interpretation on the extremely old book written by mortal men about God and his existance.
I also think it's stupid that a war memorial that happens to be a cross is seen as forcing religion on people. Honestly, people just need to get their heads out of their butts and realize that it doesn't matter. Don't like the cross? Don't look at it and don't complain.

Yeah, I feel that way about every violation of the Constitution! :rolleyes: Come on people, just stop complaining! Jeez... First Amendment violated? Just don't say the stuff they don't like! Second? Just buy a home alarm, people! Fourth?! Well come on, you shouldn't have that stuff in your house to begin with, just let them come in!

The Constitution must be upheld. Do I also find all this racket over a cross in the middle of the desert silly? Yes. Do I think people are too easily offended? Yes. But this is a clear violation of the Consitution, and I can hardly blame anyone who wants to see it removed on that grounds.
Christianity is supposed to be about love, but I think that there are a lot of Christians that just want to be able to do what they want and be forgivin.

I disagree. Christianity isn't about love, it's about grace. Huge difference.
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