[Insert Witty Commentary]
I just think it's pretty un-christian to hate anybody. And yet, most of the people I know who are Christians seem to hate everyone that isn't a Christian and claim that they will go to hell unless they believe in God in exactly the way that they do.
I also think it's stupid that a war memorial that happens to be a cross is seen as forcing religion on people. Honestly, people just need to get their heads out of their butts and realize that it doesn't matter. Don't like the cross? Don't look at it and don't complain.
A Christian? Don't tell gay people they're going to hell and don't tell everyone that isn't your exact sect of Christianity that they'll be bathing in fire once they die.
Christianity is supposed to be about love, but I think that there are a lot of Christians that just want to be able to do what they want and be forgivin.
My grandparents are super Christian, super poor, and super happy. They do what they should as Christians and I think that that is very rare. They put in the work to recieve the good parts of Christianity.
Those that use the bible as an instrument to advocate their fear and hate should take a good long look at themselves and realized that Jesus probably isn't gushing over their interpretation on the extremely old book written by mortal men about God and his existance.
Well...you've discovered the difference between Faith and religion.
Faith is about living up to the expectations of yourself, and your chosen deity. Faith is about belief in something more powerful than yourself. Faith is about being the absolute best human being that you can be, just because...not out of fear of punishment.
Religion is about judgement, persecution, fear mongering, hate of those you oppose, violence, destruction and greed...in the name of faith. Strikes a bit of a conundrum, doesn't it?
This is why I denounce religion, yet embrace faith. This is why I hate Chrsitianity, but live by a "Christian Code". This is why my personal beliefs are mine alone, and NOT to be regulated and controlloed by a man-made set of rules, a man-made story book, and a man-made set of beliefs. This is why I am "Spiritual, but not religious".
As far as ignoring the cross goes...it's a violation of the constitution. I already turn a blind eye to m8illions of Constitutional Violations in the name of religion. Why should I allow one more? How many times a day do you expect me(and everyone else) to close our eyes and ignore things?
I have a brilliant idea...why don't the religious fanatics that feel like they have the right to say, do, and build whatever they want wherever they want take a break, and sit down for a few hundred years, so the rest of us can enjoy the world we live in for a change, without having to walk on egg shells, close our eyes to things that are incredibly offensive, and pretend that they are right?
Noin-Christians have been closing their eyes and biting their tongues in this country since about 1776. It's just about time that we didn't need to do that anymore, don't you think? EVERYTIOME there is a debate or lawsuit brought about to remove a Christian artifact from public places...we are told to close our eyes and ignore it if we don't like it. Everytmie a song is written and forced on our schoolchildren representative of the Christian Religion...we are told to close our eyes and ignore it if we don't like it. Everytime their is a religious demonstration, protest, or party...we are told to close our eyes if we don't like it.
Here's another novel idea; The next time a young lady in desperate need of help from amking a life altering mistake walks into a clinic...close your eyes and ignore it. The next time a homosexual coulple wants to secure their future through a legally binding marriage contract...close your eyes and ignore it. The next time a pagan family wants to pray and worship their own gods and goddesses in quiet meditation and prayer by themselves at a schoolground...close your eyes and ignore it.
I see an AWFUL lot of Chrsitians telling me to close my eyes and ignore those things I don't like. On the flip side of tha same coin...I see an AWFUL lot of Christians keeping their eyes, ears, and mouths WIDE open everytime something slightly offends them.
Tell you what...take your advice to ignore it and go pound sand. I'm done ignoring it.