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Always butt first


New member
What is wrong with my snake? Why does he INSIST on taking the mouse ass first? My damn snake is a pervert... if it's my bra, it's the mouses ass. :laugh:

Blah. Any tricks to making him take it head first? :shrugs:

PS. He shed this morning (of course while I was sleeping) and now he's pretty! The saddles are MUCH more red, and the background is a very pale greyish brown. But the black around the saddles... They are black (and I do mean BLACK) and THICK! They were never that dark and thick before.

I will compare this shed to the length of the last shed soon. Maybe it's just my eye, but it seems at LEAST 6 inches longer. Easily.
perverted snake!

aelfric likes it in the back end, too...i mean he likes to take it back end first, ooops! i'm gonna get kicked off here if i don't shut up! anyway...i don't think there's anything wrong with it, spirit. i started offering fric mice using tongs so that i can assure that he will go for the head instead of the buttocks! try that!

Okay, I was WAY off on the shed (remembered wrong). I went to get the first one, and this second one is maybe an inch longer. Literally almost exactly the same length. Should it not be at least a couple inches??

Norbert, he'll take the head if I hold the mouse.
Depends on the size of the snake and how much it's eating, spirit.
As to backside first, i wouldn't worry to much as long as the snake eats.
He eats, but legs get stuck and he freaks out. lol I'm not overly concerned... just something I wish I could teach him how NOT to do.

As for size, he's 2 feet long (just shy of) and up until about 20 days ago, he was eating 2 pinkies every 5 days. Now he's on one fuzzy every 5 days (has eaten 3x). He's 4 months old, and although he's very long, he's still very thin.
either that or you could always show the snake what to do...that might help...

I have several snakes that take it from the rear...
Yeah, he always takes it head first from my hand, but I'm not going to hand feed him his whole life. As I went to put the mouse down, he went to take it from my hand. I put it down anyway and he looked at it, looked at me, looked at it, looked at me, etc. Then he slithered to my side of the feeding box, and came up to my face... stared right at me, then went back to the mouse.

Went to take it butt first, so before he could grab it, I put my hand in and turned the mouse around. Nope. He didn't like that. Looked at me, looked at the mouse, looked at me, back at the mouse... Finally I picked it up by the tail and he went straight for it.

*sigh* I put it back down and he ended up taking it by the neck then head this time, but man... what a little brat, always wanting to be hand fed. :laugh:
As I have said before, some snakes just prefer eating that way. I have several that always eat starting at the hind end of the mouse.

There is nothing to worry about, honestly. You say HE is freaking out but I have a sneaky suspicion, it's YOU that is doing all the freaking out! lol

There's nothing in the wild that is gonna help these creatures along in life...it's quite literally "DO OR DIE".

On another note...

Measuring shed snake skins is not a very accurate representation of the actual length of the snake. When a skin is freshly shed, it's moist and has lots of elasticity. In actuality when you are holding it up and comparing, you are probably stretching it as well. Besides the fact that the snakes tend to stretch them as they are coming out of them more often than not.

Just my two bits worth,
Well if flailing around banging the mouse against the ground or walls or the feeding tank for 20 minutes is not freaking out, then I'm good! lol And since he's not "in the wild", I like to think if I can help to prevent death, I will. Silly Quigsy. :laugh:

As for the shed, I just expected it to be a few inches longer than the last one from 4 weeks ago, is all. No worries there... Just something I thought to ask about. :)
Maizie likes to grab at the critter from the side...then she'll turn it butt-first and eat it...the little nut! :grin01:
You Had Me Scared (For a Minute)

When my Okeetee went to eat this morning he grabbed the mouse by the butt, and after reading Spirit's post I was scared :) However, he was only holding on to it while he was constricting it; after a bit he let it go and ate it the "right" way -- head first. :)
My snow is a bit of both. He usually grabs the middle of the mouse then shifts along one way or the other, sometimes to the head, and sometimes to the rear. It doesn't make any difference either way though.
haha! It doesn't worry me, but the odd time it is hard watching him try (desperately) to dislodge that leg that's stuck on the corner of his mouth. I've been told that a snake will "unswallow" if he can't get it down, so I'm not worried. The only thing that does concern me is if this stresses out the snake much. I'd hate for my excellent eater to become a non eater because he's afraid of his food. LOL

Still though, if there's a way to teach them "head first is better"... you know? ;)
only way that I know of teaching him that is to feed him by hand all the time...or with a pair of tongs...But, then you are stuck feeding a snake by hand everytime. So, I guess that it is up to you and how much time you have to spend with the snake.
He ALWAYS takes it out of my hand. It's not that big of a deal. I just thought I'd ask.

Big baby, my Max is. *heart*
hiya :wavey:

my corn took the his food hind first last time, it seemed to go down better hihi

at least he didn't have to try so hard to swallow the tail .

thank you
I just had to...

Doesn't seem to bother him a bit...

LOL It looks likes he's smiling (the snake)! My snow is the same way as Itsnowingcorns, he just goes for whatever is closer...
I wanted to add to Quigs post on the size of the snake...

Judging by sheds is not very reliable...I agree...

I have sheds that seem much LARGER than the actual snake after the shed...

Best method I have found is the Snake Measurer that Serpwidgets created...
Just need a digital camera (or a scanner and a regular camera)
Take the picture from as close to directly above the snake as possible with an object that you know the exact size of (a ruler is best)
Works kind of like a digital version of the "string method"...but much more accurate.

go to http://www.serpwidgets.com/Apps/apps.html to download it.