Arundel Reptiles
Yeah, I may be a soft hearted freak, but I think I am in pretty good company.....
One reason I've always liked you, disagreements or no
Yeah, I may be a soft hearted freak, but I think I am in pretty good company.....
One reason I've always liked you, disagreements or no![]()
Using the " I brought nature into my home so feeding live is just peachy" argument has more holes in it than swiss cheese. There is NOTHING natural about keeping a snake as a pet in the first place, and feeding live food to an animal that will accept thawed is unneccessarily cruel, both to the mouse and to the snake.
If you want your snake to live a "natural" life, you can let him go outside. That way he can get parasites, be eaten by an owl, hit by a car, or slowly starve to death because that is how nature is!
1. I sincerely apologize for posting this. I think I made a poor choice given the environment.
2. If you eat any animal products and are not willing to kill an animal to partake, then those type of people are in my opinion hypocritical. I have shot a moose and ate it. It broke my heart to kill a majestic animal such as that. But, I needed food.
3. I had a bad F/T feed. Thought I'd try live. The snake seemed to appreciate the change.
I hope a mod will close this thread. I made a mistake.
Thank you.
Jet,Originally Posted by jetmerritt
I like to get live mice and name them after annoying co-workers/boss, then feed them to my corn... Is that really creepy or is that a norm for all of us snake people?
There's no need to apologize to anyone regarding your opinion.Originally Posted by jetmerritt
1. I sincerely apologize for posting this. I think I made a poor choice given the environment.
It might seem a little creepy but I was a more suprised at the responces to your opinion on feeding your snake a live mouse.
Most of us here have fed live on occasions either from curiousity or by necessity.
I can certainly understand not feeding live due to the potential of a beloved reptile being injured but to verbally assail the OP
for doing so while stuffing their face with meat purchased from the supermarket seems a little hypocritical.
Every Second every Minute of every day, there is far worse cruelty going on in the world than feeding a live mouse to a snake so It might be best to concentrate efforts on those events.....
There's no need to apologize to anyone regarding your opinion.
Everyone here has the right to express their own opinion regarding the husbandry of their reptile without fear of being attacked for doing so.
3. I had a bad F/T feed. Thought I'd try live. The snake seemed to appreciate the change.
Really, that's the best you can do? There are _worse_ cases of cruelty, so just pay no mind to this one?
People who feed live generally have a good reason for doing so- like their snake won't take FT, or at least a mis-placed rationalization, like it's more convenient, or the food won't lose any nutrients, or the snake will get exercise by constricting. Those reasons are easy to counter-argue. I've never heard someone say they feed live so they can sacrifice annoying people in effigy. That's a definite first here.
Joba- vitriol, really??? This thread is relatively mild. And the OP _asked_ for opinions. Ask yourself- someone comes here seeking approval for terrorizing rodents needlessly, taking their lives and mocking them and that person's acquaintances, is that really the type of community you want to promote?
Joba- vitriol, really??? This thread is relatively mild. And the OP _asked_ for opinions. Ask yourself- someone comes here seeking approval for terrorizing rodents needlessly, taking their lives and mocking them and that person's acquaintances, is that really the type of community you want to promote?
I've re-read my post a few times, and I just can't figure out how that comes across as "promoting" cruelty to animals. In no way did I condone or even suggest that the actions of the OP were okay, so please don't imply that I did. I, as calmly as possible, suggested a more educational rather than confrontational approach to changing the behavior of people who are off-track. Hmm. I'm afraid that by belittling him/her and making him feel bad, we likely haven't stopped him from this practice; we've only given him a bunch of new names for his mice. Hopefully I'm wrong and the OP can see the dangers of live feeding and have more respect for animal life.
It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.
And now your attacking myself and Joba for sticking up for a newer member that you made feel like crap for asking your opinion? Everyone knows that you're the resident "Expert" on here and if not, I'm sure that you'll tell them but to chastise Jason was simply amazing.
If it bothers you so much, have you ever given thought to the millions of rodents "Terrorized" in the wild? You surely must lose sleep over this.
You just might want to think about that before attacking members on here for wanting or needing to feed live.
After all, it's their choice not yours.....
It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.
And now your attacking myself and Joba for sticking up for a newer member that you made feel like crap for asking your opinion? Everyone knows that you're the resident "Expert" on here and if not, I'm sure that you'll tell them but to chastise Jason was simply amazing.
If it bothers you so much, have you ever given thought to the millions of rodents "Terrorized" in the wild? You surely must lose sleep over this.
You just might want to think about that before attacking members on here for wanting or needing to feed live.
After all, it's their choice not yours.....
3. I had a bad F/T feed. Thought I'd try live.