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Am I sinister?

Using the " I brought nature into my home so feeding live is just peachy" argument has more holes in it than swiss cheese. There is NOTHING natural about keeping a snake as a pet in the first place, and feeding live food to an animal that will accept thawed is unneccessarily cruel, both to the mouse and to the snake.
If you want your snake to live a "natural" life, you can let him go outside. That way he can get parasites, be eaten by an owl, hit by a car, or slowly starve to death because that is how nature is!

He Might Even Be Picked up by a Hawk.....dropped 100 Miles away...and Consequently....Breed with a KingSnake......


Wait For It.....

Oh yeah......

wait for it......


Yeah, That's Right!
1. I sincerely apologize for posting this. I think I made a poor choice given the environment.

2. If you eat any animal products and are not willing to kill an animal to partake, then those type of people are in my opinion hypocritical. I have shot a moose and ate it. It broke my heart to kill a majestic animal such as that. But, I needed food.

3. I had a bad F/T feed. Thought I'd try live. The snake seemed to appreciate the change.

I hope a mod will close this thread. I made a mistake.

Thank you.


1. I don't think you meant any harm in your post, just think it through.
2. I agree if one eats me they should be able to kill it. Now I know not everyone can go out and kill a cow, or shoot their food. I believe one should have the guts to kill an animal if they eat it.
3. I don't know what your bad frozen thawed experience was, pretty sure it wasn't as bad as a bad experience feeding live. Snakes have been fatally injured by a mad mouse or rat. I don't think your snake has the brain capacity to 'appreciate' the change in food.
Putting a snake in with live prey would be like me being put in a room with a buck. Even if I have a gun the buck could do a bit of damage before I shoot.
I'll just put this here...I know it's not a corn, but it is an excellent example of why live rodents should not be fed to ANY snake...This poor baby was not hungry, the rat was left in the tank with no food (rats need to eat ALOT...)...thus the rat got hungry and guess what was the only available option...

Originally Posted by jetmerritt
I like to get live mice and name them after annoying co-workers/boss, then feed them to my corn... Is that really creepy or is that a norm for all of us snake people?

It might seem a little creepy but I was a more suprised at the responces to your opinion on feeding your snake a live mouse.
Most of us here have fed live on occasions either from curiousity or by necessity.
I can certainly understand not feeding live due to the potential of a beloved reptile being injured but to verbally assail the OP
for doing so while stuffing their face with meat purchased from the supermarket seems a little hypocritical.
Every Second every Minute of every day, there is far worse cruelty going on in the world than feeding a live mouse to a snake so It might be best to concentrate efforts on those events.....

Originally Posted by jetmerritt
1. I sincerely apologize for posting this. I think I made a poor choice given the environment.
There's no need to apologize to anyone regarding your opinion.
Everyone here has the right to express their own opinion regarding the husbandry of their reptile without fear of being attacked for doing so.
There has been an unusually high level and amount of vitriol on some of these threads lately, and not just this one. I had always felt a real sense of community here, even when differences in opinion/behavior existed. I hope that these recent events have been coincidentally close, but isolated incidents (if that makes sense :)) rather than a shift in the general culture here at cs.com. It's been my experience in life that you are much more likely to change unwanted behavior by education and guidance rather than by belittling and castigating somebody. $0.02

It might seem a little creepy but I was a more suprised at the responces to your opinion on feeding your snake a live mouse.
Most of us here have fed live on occasions either from curiousity or by necessity.
I can certainly understand not feeding live due to the potential of a beloved reptile being injured but to verbally assail the OP
for doing so while stuffing their face with meat purchased from the supermarket seems a little hypocritical.
Every Second every Minute of every day, there is far worse cruelty going on in the world than feeding a live mouse to a snake so It might be best to concentrate efforts on those events.....

There's no need to apologize to anyone regarding your opinion.
Everyone here has the right to express their own opinion regarding the husbandry of their reptile without fear of being attacked for doing so.

Really, that's the best you can do? There are _worse_ cases of cruelty, so just pay no mind to this one?

People who feed live generally have a good reason for doing so- like their snake won't take FT, or at least a mis-placed rationalization, like it's more convenient, or the food won't lose any nutrients, or the snake will get exercise by constricting. Those reasons are easy to counter-argue. I've never heard someone say they feed live so they can sacrifice annoying people in effigy. That's a definite first here.

Joba- vitriol, really??? This thread is relatively mild. And the OP _asked_ for opinions. Ask yourself- someone comes here seeking approval for terrorizing rodents needlessly, taking their lives and mocking them and that person's acquaintances, is that really the type of community you want to promote?
Oh yeah... there is far worse cruelty that feeding live...

Boa left 2 hours with a live rat.


I think that's pretty cruel.

I personally have NO ISSUE with feeding live, as long as it's done safely and reasonably.

Several of my snakes will only eat fresh pre-killed prey. I use cervical dislocation to break the necks of the mice and rats before I place them in the tubs. There is enough body heat and twitching still going on that the snakes take them without issue.

I also help feed a collection of 300+ animals and we use cervical dislocation on every single rodent before it goes in the bin.

The rats can not bite the snakes, and the rats were not crushed to death in agony.

There is ZERO reason to place a live rodent in the cage and leave it. A stressed rodent can do a LOT of damage to snake in a hurry.

If a snake will take frozen/thawed there is ZERO reason to feed live.

Someone who takes pleasure in live feeding is not a good thing.

3. I had a bad F/T feed. Thought I'd try live. The snake seemed to appreciate the change.

Jason, what was the issue with frozen thawed?

Again, pre-killed prey is the safer options. I'm sure you don't want a mouse landing a bite on your snake while it's being constricted. The vet care for an infected rodent bite can be pricey and painful for your snake.
Really, that's the best you can do? There are _worse_ cases of cruelty, so just pay no mind to this one?

People who feed live generally have a good reason for doing so- like their snake won't take FT, or at least a mis-placed rationalization, like it's more convenient, or the food won't lose any nutrients, or the snake will get exercise by constricting. Those reasons are easy to counter-argue. I've never heard someone say they feed live so they can sacrifice annoying people in effigy. That's a definite first here.

Joba- vitriol, really??? This thread is relatively mild. And the OP _asked_ for opinions. Ask yourself- someone comes here seeking approval for terrorizing rodents needlessly, taking their lives and mocking them and that person's acquaintances, is that really the type of community you want to promote?


It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.
And now your attacking myself and Joba for sticking up for a newer member that you made feel like crap for asking your opinion? Everyone knows that you're the resident "Expert" on here and if not, I'm sure that you'll tell them but to chastise Jason was simply amazing.

If it bothers you so much, have you ever given thought to the millions of rodents "Terrorized" in the wild? You surely must lose sleep over this.
You just might want to think about that before attacking members on here for wanting or needing to feed live.
After all, it's their choice not yours.....
Joba- vitriol, really??? This thread is relatively mild. And the OP _asked_ for opinions. Ask yourself- someone comes here seeking approval for terrorizing rodents needlessly, taking their lives and mocking them and that person's acquaintances, is that really the type of community you want to promote?

I've re-read my post a few times, and I just can't figure out how that comes across as "promoting" cruelty to animals. In no way did I condone or even suggest that the actions of the OP were okay, so please don't imply that I did. I, as calmly as possible, suggested a more educational rather than confrontational approach to changing the behavior of people who are off-track. Hmm. I'm afraid that by belittling him/her and making him feel bad, we likely haven't stopped him from this practice; we've only given him a bunch of new names for his mice. Hopefully I'm wrong and the OP can see the dangers of live feeding and have more respect for animal life.
Actually, I think most in this thread were rather nice in communicating to the OP. Most explained the difference between us hunting live game out in the open and throwing a live mouse into a snakes cage. Some have a stronger opinion than others, but again, the op asked for our opinions. Not everyone sugar coats their opinions trying not to hurt peoples feelings, they are blunt and to the point. While others can calmly express their opinions in a tactful manner.

Many, also suggested a humane way of killing the mice before feeding to the snake. They also asked what his experience was in feeding f/t so that they could possible help the op to try again.

I have to say the OP got a little defensive right after only a few people gave their opinion, which wasn't in agreement with theirs.
I've re-read my post a few times, and I just can't figure out how that comes across as "promoting" cruelty to animals. In no way did I condone or even suggest that the actions of the OP were okay, so please don't imply that I did. I, as calmly as possible, suggested a more educational rather than confrontational approach to changing the behavior of people who are off-track. Hmm. I'm afraid that by belittling him/her and making him feel bad, we likely haven't stopped him from this practice; we've only given him a bunch of new names for his mice. Hopefully I'm wrong and the OP can see the dangers of live feeding and have more respect for animal life.

The thread is titled Am I Sinister, not Live vs FT. We aren't debating live vs FT yet again. The OP wants to know if anyone else names the mice before execution. To the best of my knowledge, no, no one here does.

You're right; I bet there's a mouse with my name on it, now.
I do name the f/t ones all Bruce before feeding them. But we all know I have issues!

I can say tho, I do not watch the snakes eat. I do not ever take feeding pictures of my snakes either. I just don't like to watch that process. I name them because it is easier for me to feed them without getting sad.

I can not kill the mouse either. I make my husband do it.
I'm not much of a rodent lover. But I just cannot fathom why anyone would want to risk any injury to their pet. All my pets have always eaten already dead food that would not bite back. So, when I entered the world of snakes, I never had any thought of giving her food that could hurt her.
I would not want her to get hurt by an action I choose, and I certainly would not want the resulting vet bills!!!!
I'm curious, like Autumn, about what a bad experience with f/t could even be???? ...not a set up, just really interested. Never heard of a bad experience with f/t.


It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.
And now your attacking myself and Joba for sticking up for a newer member that you made feel like crap for asking your opinion? Everyone knows that you're the resident "Expert" on here and if not, I'm sure that you'll tell them but to chastise Jason was simply amazing.

If it bothers you so much, have you ever given thought to the millions of rodents "Terrorized" in the wild? You surely must lose sleep over this.
You just might want to think about that before attacking members on here for wanting or needing to feed live.
After all, it's their choice not yours.....

Um hello? Sorry but Nanci's attitude is just fine with me especially since she happens to be right. When your snake will eat thawed prey there IS NO GOOD REASON to feed live, unless there is something wrong inside your head.

Sorry, but taking a living feeling creature that has never hurt a soul, giving it a nasty name, and finding joy and delight in that animals fear, suffering and death raises red flags all over the place for me.

As far as Nanci being the "resident expert" on here, all I can say is that when I die I want to come back as one of her animals. The way she cares for them is amazing. I will bet she has forgotten more about proper husbandry than you have ever known!

As far as rodents "terrorized" in nature, that was the stinking point right there. Our snakes and the prey that feed them ARE NOT IN NATURE.
Nature is cruel.
There is simply NO excuse, ZERO reason why our snakes or the mice that feed them need to be treated the way good old nature would.

I guess you are another one for the dnstdnbf list.....


It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.
And now your attacking myself and Joba for sticking up for a newer member that you made feel like crap for asking your opinion? Everyone knows that you're the resident "Expert" on here and if not, I'm sure that you'll tell them but to chastise Jason was simply amazing.

If it bothers you so much, have you ever given thought to the millions of rodents "Terrorized" in the wild? You surely must lose sleep over this.
You just might want to think about that before attacking members on here for wanting or needing to feed live.
After all, it's their choice not yours.....

Please tell me how I'm attacking anyone.

The difference between a pet snake and a wild snake is, in captivity, the human has the choice to provide a humane end to the prey animal's ife. In the wild, the prey has a fighting chance of escape and, in fact, escapes more times than not.

If choosing to feed live prey when a person doesn't have to makes them "feel like crap," maybe they should re-examine their criteria for doing so.
nevermind found it!

Way off base... Beth was more blunt than Nanci was.

Mods aren't allowed to have personal opinions? passionate opinions?
I'm not going to add to the chorus, but lest anyone wonders, I feed FT. I did find a part of the OP's post odd though:

3. I had a bad F/T feed. Thought I'd try live.

What is a "bad F/T feed?" A refusal? (If that's the case be thankful it wasn't live!)