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Am I sinister?

Um hello? Sorry but Nanci's attitude is just fine with me especially since she happens to be right. When your snake will eat thawed prey there IS NO GOOD REASON to feed live, unless there is something wrong inside your head.

You seem to be implying that I'm condoning feeding live, I don't think anyone here was or is condoning feeding live prey and certainly not I so maybe you should go back re-read the thread and try to comprehend what you've just read.
I don't agree with live feeding either but I do understand and respect those who have to make that decision and I guess thereby lies the distinction.
In the past I've had Pythons that refused anything but live, so by your reasoning and what to do, let them starve?
Believe me if comes to letting any reptile of mine go hungry because it refuses F/T, I'll feed them whatever is required and not lose a moment of sleep over it.

Everyone on this forum should know the dangers of feeding live and the potential for injury to a snake, it's been debated Hundreds of times so why do you "Beat a dead Horse" over it?
I'm quite sure the OP knew the dangers too but it's his decision and certainly not yours.

By Nanci
Please tell me how I'm attacking anyone.
Nanci, it was not you in particular and I should have been more concise in making that assessment. I do commend you for your love of animals in general and I do understand your concern about taking the life of the rodents which we feed to our snakes.
However, it is necessary to take their lives and it sometimes becomes necessary to feed live prey items.
I just took offense at the way the OP seemed to be verbally assailed for asking his question.
And yes, Maybe it was a little "Creepy" but He appeared new here, obviously felt terrible, as a result apologized and may not be back.
You seem to be implying that I'm condoning feeding live, I don't think anyone here was or is condoning feeding live prey and certainly not I so maybe you should go back re-read the thread and try to comprehend what you've just read.
I don't agree with live feeding either but I do understand and respect those who have to make that decision and I guess thereby lies the distinction.
In the past I've had Pythons that refused anything but live, so by your reasoning and what to do, let them starve?
Believe me if comes to letting any reptile of mine go hungry because it refuses F/T, I'll feed them whatever is required and not lose a moment of sleep over it.

Everyone on this forum should know the dangers of feeding live and the potential for injury to a snake, it's been debated Hundreds of times so why do you "Beat a dead Horse" over it?
I'm quite sure the OP knew the dangers too but it's his decision and certainly not yours.

Nanci, it was not you in particular and I should have been more concise in making that assessment. I do commend you for your love of animals in general and I do understand your concern about taking the life of the rodents which we feed to our snakes.
However, it is necessary to take their lives and it sometimes becomes necessary to feed live prey items.

I just took offense at the way the OP seemed to be verbally assailed for asking his question.
And yes, Maybe it was a little "Creepy" but He appeared new here, obviously felt terrible, as a result apologized and may not be back.

I believe that you are the one not comprehending what is being said here.
Reread my quote that you quoted please. I clearly stated that there is no reason to feed live prey IF YOUR SNAKE WILL EAT THAWED FOOD. Um, check it out, no one is advocating letting a snake starve to death.


It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.
And now your attacking myself and Joba for sticking up for a newer member that you made feel like crap for asking your opinion? Everyone knows that you're the resident "Expert" on here and if not, I'm sure that you'll tell them but to chastise Jason was simply amazing.

If it bothers you so much, have you ever given thought to the millions of rodents "Terrorized" in the wild? You surely must lose sleep over this.
You just might want to think about that before attacking members on here for wanting or needing to feed live.
After all, it's their choice not yours.....

From My point of View:

No One is attacking ANYONE here.

Those who have responded..Myself Included....Are Just trying to Help the OP avoid the obvious.

Could be next week, could be Next year....Might be 5 yrs from now....

But mark my word......One day....the Mouse will get the Better of your pet.

Then, In a moment of Shock, & Disbelief....you'll take pictures of the carnage.

And you'll whine & cry "Why? Why Did My Awesome Killing machine, A.K.A Snake, Not Kill the Puny little mouse like hundreds of times before?"

And EVERYONE here....remembering back to this thread..... Will Undoubtedly say " Told Ya So".

So see.... We aren't attacking....we're merely trying to help the OP Avoid Certain Disaster. People Just need to learn how to Handle Constructive Guidance.

Good luck to the OP. I do hope you decide to try F/T again. A much Safer way to go.

Live mice can also carry a whole host of things that...in captivity...can be very very bad for your li'l snakie. Freezing them lessens the chance of a germ or parasite being transferred to your pet.


And for god's sake....Understand, Mother Nature isn't perfect.
In the past I've had Pythons that refused anything but live, so by your reasoning and what to do, let them starve?
Believe me if comes to letting any reptile of mine go hungry because it refuses F/T, I'll feed them whatever is required and not lose a moment of sleep over it.

I have several ball pythons that will only eat live and feed them in the safest way possible by pre-killing the prey right before I drop in the enclosure.

I help feed a massive collection every week, this same way. No snakes get bitten, the rodents die fast. Everyone is happy. There is no reason to risk injury to your snake.

It might be a good time to get off that "highhorse" of yours and ditch the "holier than Thou" attitude.

Might I suggest you get down off yours?

Nanci is one of the most caring and helpful people on the forums. Everyone in this thread is just trying help the OP avoid potential problems with his pet. Everything she has said in this thread has been purely with the OPs and his snake's best interest at heart. She will jump in a help with problems no one else wants to deal with. Her advice is sound and she will answer any question a newbie has in a helpful manner.

Take a chill pill and re-read the thread in a different perspective.

If you are looking for attacks, everything will be attacks no matter how they meant. Yes the posts were passionate and several could have been worded much better, but they all meant well. The only reason any of us are bothering to reply to this thread is because we want to help the OP.
what drug is it that everyone seems to be getting their horses high on? is drugging up a horse considered humane since there are plenty of humans that drug themselves up? I be so confused, please clear this up for me.
Well, This thread certainly deteriorated and in part, I take responsibility.
I merely took offense to what I thought were intolerant responses to the OP's question, even though a little "creepy" and I overreacted.
I've had the opportunity and pleasure of keeping and caring for a large variety snakes in the past 25 years and thought I could add something to this forum.
I was mistaken and along with the OP, sincerely apologize to the folks on this thread who took offense to anything I said.

Enjoy your forum.
Rrowdy- the thing is- he _asked_ if it was creepy! People just answered. If you're doing something like that, there's a little voice in the back of your head saying "I could be the only person in the world who does this...is that okay???"
Well, This thread certainly deteriorated and in part, I take responsibility.
I merely took offense to what I thought were intolerant responses to the OP's question, even though a little "creepy" and I overreacted.
I've had the opportunity and pleasure of keeping and caring for a large variety snakes in the past 25 years and thought I could add something to this forum.
I was mistaken and along with the OP, sincerely apologize to the folks on this thread who took offense to anything I said.

Enjoy your forum.

The OP directly asked for opinions. Opinions were given. He got exactly what he asked for.

There is no point in being so passive aggressive and indignant about it.
I like to get live mice and name them after annoying co-workers/boss, then feed them to my corn... Is that really creepy or is that a norm for all of us snake people?

I have fun with it. I hope nobody thinks I will go :madeuce: I'm really not that kind of person.

Umm I think it is creepy. I surely don't think that is the norm for snake people. I could never do that but I couldn't feed anything that I named anyway. Then again I only feed f/t so that would never be an issue.
Maybe the only lesson the OP will take away is that deviation from the norm gets you hounded and vilified? I agree that feeding live would never be my first choice but I'd be lying if I said it was because I was worried about the suffering of the prey. It's be mainly because I wouldn't want an avoidable injury to one of my precious snakes.
I buy frozen mice and chicks for my snakes because I'm lucky that they all feed readily on them. I've had live-only snakes for which I had to raise my own mice and cervically dislocate them to do the 'still twitching' feed method. One of mine wouldn't even accept those and had to have live crawlers or hoppers for her safety, so she didn't get bitten. With time I did convert all of my snakes into f/t feeders except her and I'll be honest enough to say when Calamity died that was something I didn't miss at all (You cannot buy live feeders over here) I honestly did not feel any pangs of concience feeding off those adorable fluffy mice I'd raised myself and if I had more space and time I'd rather raise my own feed supply. Because I don't I have a choice of not keeping snakes or realising that I'm suporting an industry of intensive mouse farming. It doesn't matter which company I buy them from, I don't think my bulk bought mousicles have the pampered lives my colony had. I highly doubt anyone handles, tames and coos over those mice in their short lives. I doubt they get fruity treat bars and toys to play with.
And unlike some people, I do like seeing my snakes feed. I love the way they hunt the zombie mice I dangle for them. I love the way they focus, strike and coil in a purely predatory manner. If that makes me creepy and wrong I'd be willing to bet money I won't be the only snake keeper who gets exactly the same visceral thrill from their pets.
I worry about the suffering of everything. I rescued a quarter-inch long snail today at work instead of watching it get thrown in the trash. I called a coworker to bring well water and lettuce, and I'm releasing it in a garden later. Everything deserves a peaceful life and a death as stress-free as _humanly_ possible.
I worry about the suffering of everything. I rescued a quarter-inch long snail today at work instead of watching it get thrown in the trash. I called a coworker to bring well water and lettuce, and I'm releasing it in a garden later. Everything deserves a peaceful life and a death as stress-free as _humanly_ possible.
In principal, yes I agree. That's why I prefer to eat fish I've caught myself and the birds and game Mick, his son-in-law or another of our friends have shot along with locally produced meat. But I'm pragmatic about it. I buy as little mass produced, factory farmed meat as possible for myself and my dogs. Because my dogs eat raw I know there aren't the remains of intensively reared farm animals in their feed. But are the mice I buy free-range? Do they have more than the very basic welfare standards? As far as I know there are no 'gold standard' rodent facilities that claim to have higher standards than others.
There sure are in the US. Most of them claim to be better than the others!

I agree, there are certainly higher quality rodent breeders around in the US.

You can tell by how fat, healthy and well cared for the frozen mice look. You can't fake healthy mice. The mice and rats are flawless, healthy coats and robust builds.

Unkempt rodents can be spotted a mile away. Poor coats, chewed ears, open wounds. Those clearly have been kept in less than ideal conditions.

How the rodents are packages is also a big indicator. I'm a big of fan of the place that lay the rodents our in perfect order on a tray, the vacuum seal them. The places that just stuff them in a bag still covered in bedding and feces are gross.

I only buy from places that take good care of their mice, no matter what the cost for a premium product maybe. I know those are good food sources for my snakes.
Personally, I think your sinister if you fish with a hook. I mean, fish deserve to be killed as humanely as possible if your going to kill them for food. Fighting for your life with a hook in your mouth just is not something I would want to put any living creature through the pain and torture of. Much simpler is to simply break the fishes neck and lob off his head in one stroke. Same goes for many animals we use for food.
Well jettmerritt, it should comfort you to know that as disturbing and "creepy" it might be to name your snakes food after people you don't like, and as unpopular as it is to feed live for so many reasons, things could always be worse.
How, might you ask?
Well, you could be the single most disliked person on the entire forum who holds the record for the number of people who have him on ignore.
Well jettmerritt, it should comfort you to know that as disturbing and "creepy" it might be to name your snakes food after people you don't like, and as unpopular as it is to feed live for so many reasons, things could always be worse.
How, might you ask?
Well, you could be the single most disliked person on the entire forum who holds the record for the number of people who have him on ignore.
:roflmao:Oh Beth!! lol. You might need to add one to your list too!!

Anyway, Jett, since this is a corn snake site. I would have to say name them whatever you wish, but f/t is safer for the snake, period.
Beth, you are my friend, and this comes from a friend.

If we are trying to shake this "hounding and vilification" mess that some people are claiming is going on, how is taking a pot shot at Carpe helping?

Just leave him on ignore and be the bigger person by not address him, baiting him or feeding into his trollish behavior.
Beth, you are my friend, and this comes from a friend.

If we are trying to shake this "hounding and vilification" mess that some people are claiming is going on, how is taking a pot shot at Carpe helping?

Just leave him on ignore and be the bigger person by not address him, baiting him or feeding into his trollish behavior.

But...I never mentioned Carpe at all.