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Bella's Last Filly (LOTS of pics)


Digger, RN
She was born June 27th. These pics were taken when she was about 3 weeks old. It just takes me forever to upload photos. She is the daughter of my senior mare Bella and her mail-order hubby Mishaal HP. Bella had ALOT of difficulties during this birth, and almost didn't make it. She's doing ok now, but the recovery process will be a long one, so this filly unfortunately is being raised by 4 other "mom's" (me, my mother, my dad, and mom's mare Lovely).

Once we knew Bella was in trouble, our vet had 5 techs on the way, and basically performed a stall-side procdure. Unfortunately, Bella never got to see her last daughter after the birth. As sad as it may seem, it is for the best for both of them. We were able to milk Bella for colostrum, which the filly took eagerly. This "first milk" is incredibly important, so it was a must. After that, she took bottles easily. Its still very hard to raise a foal on bottles alone, so we immediately introduced her to Lovely. Lovely is a great broodmare who just loves babies, and she immediately adopted this girl as her own. She would even allow the filly to suckle even though she isn't producing milk.

For about 2 weeks, the filly did great on bottles. One day, she completely refused. One day turned into 2, and we started to get worried. On a random trip to the barn, I realized why. Lovely started producing milk for her! I've heard about this happening, but had never seen it. What an amazing motherly instinct!

She still doesn't have an official name yet, though I've been calling her Baby Sister. She's soooooo feisty! Even though her wittle baby teefers are just barely starting to poke through, she'll gnaw on anything she can get her mouth on!










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Wow, Catherine! She certainly is adorable... and full of SPUNK!!! Glad she's "broken her fast" with ya'll! LOL. Mother nature at its best!

Please do let us know when she gets her name!
And a few more of BS and Lovely (Lovely wasn't liking being seperated from BS for pics)







Well, her registered name will probably be different, but I have a feeling Baby Sister will end up sticking as a barn name. Good lord is she ever spunky Fred!

Katie, Bella is doing ok for the most part. She suffered from severe hemorrhaging, and was effectively spayed to save her life. The vet and his crew were able to clamp all offending arteries in the barn, but she was rushed to the hospital after that. She will now enjoy a wonderful retirement.
Those are some BEAUTIFUL pictures! Both of them are just gorgeous!
I'm glad Bella is doing okay. I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery for you!
What kills me is that Bella was still in her prime and was my top broodmare. It will definitely be sad not to see any more Bella foals dancing around in the corrals, but I am very glad she is ok. She is my favorite mare, and we've had some wonderful years together.

It kills me that she wont be able to raise her own daughter, especially her last daughter. Bella always was a wonderful mother, but I would rather have her filly-less than not have her at all.

Oh, (BTW) the photos were taken with my mom's big Rebel. I don't think my little Powershot would match those lol
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I am glad to hear that Bella will be ok. That had to be horribly scary for you (and for her).
BS looks right at home with Lovely. I am guessing Lovely is an Arabian? She is beautiful! I so wish I could have horses. I just love how beautiful and graceful they are. And your photos of them are outstanding. I swear next time I make it out to AZ I want to go to the barn with you and see them firsthand!
They're BOTH Lovely! They do look like they belong together. Amazing pics too!

Oh... I am glad to hear about Bella doing better. I was concerned, but "The Spunky One's" pics really got to me!

ALSO... What a lovely OBT avatar you have!!!
Thanks guys! Katie, Lovely is indeed an arabian. She is my mother's trusted "bomb-proof" mount. My mom loves horses and adores raising them, but isn't that keen on being in the saddle. Lovely was a perfect fit for her. She also does great with babies, so once our foals are due to be weaned, they go out to pasture with Lovely and she helps them through the process. They've all tried to nurse from her, but she's never let them.
Amazing pictures, and animals! Glad to hear Bella's doing alright and will enjoy a well earned retirement. :) Sounds like you have a truly wonderful vet!
Amazing pictures, and animals! Glad to hear Bella's doing alright and will enjoy a well earned retirement. :) Sounds like you have a truly wonderful vet!

Oh he undoubtedly is the best vet in the world! My parents have a very sizeable farm, and he and his crew tend to them all. This has not been the 1st time he's had to provide emergency services in the middle of the night.
They are beautiful, Catherine!

I love to watch foals when they are still so playful and experiencing so many new things!
She's beautiful. :) Do you have pics of Bella and her daddy?

Bella (also the mother of Smokey, Sadar's last foal) pictured last year with another filly Jyanci


And her mail order hubby (she was insemenated with frozen shipped semen) is Mishaal HP, a gorgeous grey stallion




*photo is property of Arabians LTD