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Cassandra's Mouth

I got an email reply from the Vet after sending him pix and questions.
"Looks like cage abrasion with secondary exposure stomatitis. Will need to be seen and get meds. First reptile appointment would be Monday. Call office"
I'm so sorry to hear about this! Does anyone know what can be done to prevent Cassandra from rubbing her nose on the screen top? OkeeteeMom has a Zilla Critter Cage.
Thanks RobbiesCF, Nanci, Karoni and others.

I left a message last night at the Vet for an appointment but haven't heard back. So I'm going to call again after this post. I want to do something in the meantime for her (like peroxide or Betadine) but I'm sure I should just wait...I don't want to make things worse.

Karoni, it's not the top/screen of the Viv that Cassandra was rubbing against, it was simply the glass wall all around the bottom perimeter of the Viv.
Sorry to see her trouble!

Looks like there is some retained shed on the nose and lower jaw area. Maybe she is just trying to remove the skin by rubbing her nose into everything. Use something moist to see if it will come off or maybe put her in some moistened spagnum like is used in a nest box for a while?

Just my two-cents.....I'm no Pro...

Did you already go to the vet? To be honest I think the skin is coming off because of the rubbing/infection, the yellow stuff on her chin looks like some skin turned bad too. Personally I'd start a stomatitis treatment with cotton tips drenched in some diluted antibacterial stuff. You might be able to get out some infected material and mucus to help her breathing. Besides that, you might want to look into her mouth and throath deeper to see how bad it is. If you have only seen the part you show in the picture, I fear that you have missed the worst part. Sorry to say but my 'gut feelings' have been quite accurate on the forums, judging symptoms.
I thought the same thing when I saw her last picture. It looks like there is skin on her nose that didn't shed properly.
Hi, Sorry I have no useable advice to give. Just wanted to say I'm pulling for you & your baby. wishing you the best.
Just Got Back From The Vet...

and all is well! Cassandra is NOT sick! She got herself a case of "cage abrasion", and for lack of a better term...chapped lips!

The Vet looked in her mouth and said it looks really good...no drool/mucous. He said she looked much worse in the pix. He also said that she was breathing through her mouth because of all the dry skin she had built up from nosing around so intensely (as well as going Blue)...and that caused her 'lips' to go dry (that's why they were dark in the last pix I posted). The Doc said to cover her Viv completely (because of her newfound 'nosiness'!) and keep her in the dark until she's had a good shed and her mouth has healed. He told us to do the shed assist things (moist hide, wet towel, bath, what ever it takes) and use PLAIN chapstick on her mouth.

The Vet is very qualified with Herps (he used to breed them and also has a Zoo at www.roosnmore.org)!) and did us right...so he's got a new client! I'm SO happy and relieved!

Thank you ALL for your words. I'm hoping bigtime that Cassandra has a nice shed today so I can weigh, photo and feed her.

Again...thanks All!


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Awesome! Great to hear that it isn't as bad as it looks and especially that you've found a good vet!
That's great! Hopefully she'll learn her lesson and be less pushy (with her nose) in the future. :)
I'm going to be keeping a sharp eye on her to make sure it only gets better and not worse!

Nanci, do you recall the crap Herp Vet "Evie" had (waaaaaaaaaaaay back when) in New Mexico? He was caa-caa!...thank goodness this guy is nothing like the him. I'm SO relieved that we have someone who really knows snakes, here!

Thanks All!
YAY! So Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cassandra shed and her mouth is almost perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I've been watching this thread all tensed up, I'm glad everything sorted out with the shed! :)