Rich said:
I would bet BIG money that some of the people incensed over what I have stated in this thread contacted others whom they conversed with in the chat room here, and in effect said something like "Hey XXX, screw Rich and his chat room. We've got a better chat room ->here<- for you to come to."
So that is what happened to the "other 15-20 people". It is highly unlikely that they all spontaneously found another chat room through psychic abilities inherent in each of them.
And you would lose BIG money.
We're not that petty, and in the beginning it wasn't about you, as much as you would like to think.
The reason those 15-20 people (myself included) left was about having a chat environment here that was friendly to trouble makers, or so it would seem, nothing more. We left to be able to chat in peace, without the threat of rude disruptions. That's it.
I don't care where I chat with other people, so long as the bad stuff is kept out and the problem people dealt with.
It's not some soap-opera scandal or evil plot, most everyone is invited. We never talked about it in your chat room, at least I didn't nor did I see it ever being discussed while there. Although based on the fact that we don't advertise its existence, it's been word of mouth only so that might seem "cliquish" to you.
Although I find the 15-20 people thing mildly humorous. Those 15-20 people were the only people to utilize your chat with clockwork regularity. I liken it to Cheers, the tv-show. If you get rid of all of the people in the bar, you don't have a show anymore. We didn't go there to discuss alcohol because it was in a bar, we discussed other things most of the time. But because we were in Cornsnakes, that was what we had most in common.
When I've done a wrong, I expect to be punished accordingly, I'm not denying that. But when you yelled at us and didn't say diddly to the real people causing the real problems...that's what pushed it over the line for me. No one ever said our behaviour
was acceptable, we all knew it was wrong. I could have even edited the chat logs I forwarded to you so that only the bad things being said were by the ones being the problem, but I'm not dishonest either.
But when you ask for help and it never comes, you can only fight fire so long by waving your hand at it. So we took matters into our own hands, a few _CS people turned the tables on the problem people from Fauna and yelled at them and mocked them (that was deemed bad by you) or we created a private room where we could remove their disruption (also deemed bad by you). So it's a Catch 22. Either sit there and watch half of an asinine conversation and lash out, or peacefully create another room where we can continue our conversations (corn related or not) and be able to police ourselves. You've always said that the forum hasn't needed Moderators yet because we've been good about policing ourselves. Well that's precisely what we've done in chat, and all of a sudden its wrong? So we leave and participate in a friendly chat elsewhere, and now that's wrong too. Damn, just can't win.
And like has been stated repeatedly, trolls feed off of attention. There's no way you're going to get 10+ people to simultaneously ignore a troll, it'd be nice if you could. Some of those 10+ people similarly feed off of harassing a troll, so they're not going to ignore them because it's too much fun.
I don't care if people from Fauna want to come in and talk, many have done so in the past and were welcomed into the conversation. But those rare people differ in that they didn't automatically assume they were the center of the universe and that all future conversations revolved around them. I don't mind talking about Boas, I just bought one a month ago. I don't mind talking about Ball Pythons, I own one. But I do not appreciate someone coming in and demanding I answer their questions so rudely. No normal person does that, night after night. If I had a question about a box turtle I found, I'd join a room that had people in it that might know how to help...I'd exchange pleasantries, get a feel for the room, participate in the conversation being talked about, and when I felt a lull, I'd politely ask if anyone could help me. I think MOST people would do that.
On to the contributor thing, I paid my hard earned money repeatedly to help support a site I am addicted to. Also for its day-to-day running and future improvements, not for special rewards or treatments (look back, I have not once participated in your Insider Deals). I pay because I love this place and would like to see it stick around.
But I'd like to think that because I've ante'd up several years in a row that that would bring along with it a mutual respect to at least listen to what I have to say over someone who's just a fly-by-night poster.
This thread killed chat for me as well. And like Dean, not because of you per se, but all of the other people who put on their "holier-than-thou" britches and joined in on the bashing when they were some of the worst behaved people in chat themselves. I don't like two-faced people, and this thread exposed those people to me. So I don't care to chat with them any further.
I would hope you would stop for one second from all of this petty selfishness and see the truth and honesty of a lot of these people that are bucking the system right now. We're not trying to be a pain in your side or trying to be trouble makers, we're trying to get answers and be listened to. After all, that's why most of us left Kingsnake 3+ years ago and came here, to be listened to and not shoved under the rug for disagreement, perhaps you forgot that.
I am becoming largely disinterested in right now due to lack of improvement for the better and moderation. A forum can only be so large without the need of moderators, and sadly I think we've passed that up. This forum could be so much more, but you've been reluctant to hand over the shorter reins to a few people who care about it just as much as you do. They could take the burden off of your shoulders so you're not the only one that has to be around to do the dirty work.
And to be perfectly honest its reminiscent of my mother, she does everything herself and refuses help so she can have something to complain about later. Whether that's what is going on here, I have no clue. But after years of hearing my mother's tirades about no one helping her when clearly offered help, that's what I am reminded of.
I can understand not wanting to have other people with powers around here, but at the same time, you yell at us for asking for you to do the job you've put out for yourself. And infrequently, I might add. Generally we never bothered you with the petty crap on chat, but when it gets repetitive, night after night, day after day, week after week...we'd like for you to have put a cork in the hole they were coming in through.
Then I go back and laugh at the chat logs from last year when a worthless chat moderator from Fauna came in and froze and booted a bunch of corn snake people, who were minding their own business in the corn snake room for perceived violations of chatting. That was an interesting night.