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Chat room - listen up, please

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carol said:
Just because a few of their peers lost their cool.

Yeah, this entire thread is about how a handful of people lost their cool ONE time. One flipping time we got fiesty and bitched at a troll.

The first time this has happened, after months and months and months of repeated trolling in that chat room.

And now, because of one single chatroom snipet, we're labeled as immature.

Makes a lot of sense, right?
Mary-Beth said:
Who is trying to get back at Rich?
Comments and actions made here and at other locations around the internet would definitely lead to that conclusion, yes. In a couple instances it is almost word for word.

Do you think you may be over reacting here?
Nope, not in the least. Interestingly enough, decisions and discussion have been made on this site the past 3 years with no care or worry whether members at KS.com (or any other site) were involved or privy to the knowledge. The same thing is already beginning.

carol said:
Sucked in to clarify....
Carol, I don't believe you or I are very far apart in our beliefs on this issue. I don't agree with any of those points I made either . . . those are the stated issues that others have posted either here or elsewhere. You personally got me to see past the chat room issue and to move on to this other garbage which is what is depressing me and keeping me involved in this discussion. Believe it or not, but I am just as saddened and broken up over this apparent division. Thing is, except for this thread, the UPS/FedEx thread, the Joe P. thread and maybe one or two others (edit: any hybird thread discussion!), where is all this animosity that people are offended by? The rest of this forum is still operating with questions being asked, friendships being made, chat working (heck, Joejr and I actually spoke the other night!!) etc. etc. etc. It's become the issue of $$$, advertising, and the other things I listed by the self imposed boycotters. I'm not losing sleep that they are posting/conversing elsewhere, that's their choice. I'm losing sleep over the fact that they are educated good people who I held/hold in high regard who I thought would be able to discuss and work through this problem instead of run away from it. That's my issue and I stated it before. Apparently that's being 'high and mighty', 'holier than thou' and the latest (and new favorite) 'boot licking'.

The money issue just isn't there for me.
Already said it, but me either.

but obviously none of it moved us up in the respect ladder. It's just not right that a lot of good people that have proved themselves over the years are thought to be more immature than a random group of people. Just because a few of their peers lost their cool.
Can you blame Rich for being gun shy? The reaction to his request (EVERYONE behave) about chat room behavior was a face full of BS. Dale/Jazzgeek is the ONLY person in those transcripts that made a 100% apology about, and acknowledgement of, his bad behavior. Joejr I believe somewhere in here has also thrown out a 'sorry'. The rest of the 'regulars' were defending the behavior as being acceptable for that particular situation, because . . . blah, blah, blah. But's it's not about the chat logs. The chat room has proven to be the catalyst for the other issues I listed above. And that truly confuses me.

so we really are disposable at this point.
I would like to think Rich is more of a standup guy than that.

So when you've spent years and an untold number of hours with your peers to make a place successful,
. . . why run away from it? That's my question.

I won't stop contributing to the site and I'm not angry, I am frustrated. I'm just having a hard time putting my heart into things here like I used to.
Me too. 100%. I think this site is still the BEST place on the internet and is the place where intelligent discussions and decisions should be getting made about our industry.

As far as cornsnake communities, you've got the wool over your eyes. . . . Some of us have become friends here. You can call that a clique. You can say that's being an elitist. . . .
That wasn't the point of my '3 communities' comment. I pointed it out above, but to repeat, it now creates 3 communities where decisions about morph types and genetics will be made. Much the same way that CS.com members haven't cared whether KS.com members followed along with them here or not. Now, if this tear in the time space continuum continues, there's the potential for that to happen with 3 separate communities.

A handful have proven to be capable of getting very nasty, but so many more have proven capable of being fair and working for the better of the site. When that gets thrown out, some of us just need to take a break. In fact some of us should take a break, cause it's getting ugly and it really doesn't help.
I'm no longer interested in getting anyone to change their mind, but Brent it bothers me to see you judge with the same blanket judgement that is the issue. Well it's my issue anyway.
Believe it or not I'm trying to NOT use blanket judgements. My judgements/words are based on some of the actions and words of those that have chosen not to be "fair and work(ing) for the better of the site." You carol HAVE stuck around and kept engaged in this conversation. YOU carol are attempting to fix the problem. I will most likely take a break from this thread now as well because I think you and I actually agree on most of what's taking place here . . . just from different angles or with different methods of 'attack'.

At the risk of being further perceived as 'holier than thou' maybe both sides can drop their ego's and hash this out. Is fixing this maybe a discussion better held by contributing members? Or otherwise? Who takes the first step, who holds out the hand for the first handshake?

Regardless, I nominate carol to be a moderator in chat. And while he has admitted to taking pleasure in feeding the trolls, I think Dean would be an excellent moderator if held it as a 'job' title. I would nominate him as well (he doesn't hold grudges).

After a few hours to think...

Rich, I didn't mean for you to take my last post as a personal attack. It wasn't meant like that. Could I have gotten my point across a little more creatively? Yeah, probably so. I'm sorry if you're going to take it personally instead of what it was. And all it was, was a nod to the type of 'banter' you seem to think is no big deal.
I still stand by the fact that when you're making a choice that involves others you are accountable to them.

I am also sorry for the fact that this could have been avoided by a simple,"I'm sorry you feel this way" type of email at the time the reported chat happened. Had that happened, there would have been no harm, no foul.

I am also sorry that this has stressed me to the point that I felt the urge to 'lash out'. The attitude that has been taken by yourself and a few others has left myself and a few others wondering what we did so horrible in the first place. I am very sorry for that.

Once again, I was not attacking you, it was an analogy. I'm sorry if you felt that way. I hold no spite towards you as a person. I never did actually, and I don't begrudge you any money you might make off this site. But, I won't be pushed around.

I'm sorry.

Drizzt80 said:
Regardless, I nominate carol to be a moderator in chat. And while he has admitted to taking pleasure in feeding the trolls, I think Dean would be an excellent moderator if held it as a 'job' title. I would nominate him as well (he doesn't hold grudges).
I second Carol's nomination! :smash:

As for my nomination-- I dunno. Sometimes I have a tough time moderating my own behavior. :grin01:
Yeah, those are two good nominations....

Problem is, just how much are Carol and Dean in chat? Really does no good to have just two members as moderators who aren't in chat that much.


I still think the best idea is to just create a user room everynight for the group of folks who normally chat.
Joejr14 said:
Yeah, those are two good nominations....
Problem is, just how much are Carol and Dean in chat? Really does no good to have just two members as moderators who aren't in chat that much.
. . . so to add to the list, how about: (this of course assumes they'd want the responsibility . . . Connie WOULD be on this list)

. . . .hmm, interesting, quite a few ladies compared to the guys . . . coincidence? I think not! :crazy02:

I still think the best idea is to just create a user room everynight for the group of folks who normally chat.
And that could very well be. What about the rest of the issues that need fixin'?!

Well.............I tried to stay out of it as I was not even involved in the original ordeal, but I believe the time has come to go ahead and give my reasonable $.02 since this is getting WAY out of hand in my opinion.

I am sick of this "THING" coming up anytime I click "User CP" or "New Posts". :headbang: ............and to be honest, I don't care if anyone cares or not. This whole thing has got to be the most idiotic, attention craving, junior high B.S. that I have ever seen. I can guarantee you that if I had just bought my first corn or was planning on getting it this weekend and wanted to "upgrade" my knowledge before getting it...............these last two days, hell 2 weeks would have killed it for me wanting to learn here as a newbie. As a matter of fact, I am kind of wishing I had not spent my $25 so quickly (after only 5 months or so) to join this barnyard as I am sure normal grown adults do not act like this in every forum. Now granted, I did enjoy this site and kind of still do since I am always learning new things and there are some awesome people here. But if you would look at it from an outside perspective, just think how many people have either not signed up in the last month, or gone elsewhere because of ONE thread that keeps making it's way to the top of the list. Allot of newbies, novices and even advanced people have stopped by and 9 out of 10 are probably not coming back. :shrugs:

p.s............."word of mouth" is the best advertisement in any industry, whether it be good or bad. :)
Drizzt80 said:
. . . so to add to the list, how about: (this of course assumes they'd want the responsibility . . . Connie WOULD be on this list)

. . . .hmm, interesting, quite a few ladies compared to the guys . . . coincidence? I think not! :crazy02:

And that could very well be. What about the rest of the issues that need fixin'?!


Just playing Devil's Advocate here...

You'd recommend Jazz to be a chat room moderator? There are quite a few chat logs that are floating around that show a display far worse than 'gtfo'. Of course, since he said 'sorry' he's in the clear??

Mike, Meg, Jenn, Russel, Kat, Traci and Caroline haven't been in chat in what, weeks? Hell, when was the last time you even SAW Dianne make a post on this website?

The only person on that list that is in chat even a lick is Susan.

If one person would just create a "Cornsnakes Clique" room, this would be avoided. As long as that person is in the room, they're the mod. We have to resort to this many many times over the years we've been chatting. That gives you complete control over the room and lets you boots trolls and problems ASAP.
Joejr14 said:
If one person would just create a "Cornsnakes Clique" room, this would be avoided. As long as that person is in the room, they're the mod. We have to resort to this many many times over the years we've been chatting. That gives you complete control over the room and lets you boots trolls and problems ASAP.

This looks like one of the better possibilities since it is hard to 'vote' on who would and who would not make a good moderator. There is always the problem with the room creator being a problem...but hey...that is life.

Then again....paid members only chat room would work well too...it would keep the trolls out for sure but would limit the number of people to paid members...then again....many of the people in chat seem to fit that category...

Dang-tootin....doesn't seem like an easy way is out there. :shrugs:

Maybe....Rich could pay me in corns and I would sit in the chat room ALL day long and monitor it. It would be my unofficial job. I would tell people to play nice and everyone would hug. :grin01:
Sigh.... I thought that if I stayed out of here for most of the day, perhaps things would begin to cool down. But apparently not. I read up to the point where I had someone get downright rude to me personally, and gave them a vacation from this site because of it.

But let me go back some and address some issues brought up.

CMLReptiles said:
Um, Rich....

Gintha_CS: Just bashing your head in with a 2 X 4 =P

That's not a problem? Taking action against that is "playing games with people"?

I'm pretty sure 9 out of 10 people take death threats a lot more seriously than a "GTFO" from a chat room. But no, you're right...Joe saying "dis is da cron sankie chat room gtfo" was FAR worse than somebody telling Hana they were gonna bash her head in with a 2 x 4

Sorry, but I saw it differently. See that character string at the end of that comment? ie "=P". That is a standard internet smilie signifying someone sticking their tongue out, like this... :p It is VERY commonly used to make something said seem less abusive, much like would be done in person to person discussions where facial expressions would be used instead. THAT is how I took that. It was NOT a threat at all from how I read it, and I see that sort of thing ALL of the time. Perhaps not everyone recognized it for what it signified, but it was pretty obvious to me then, as it is now.

~slither~ said:
I've only read little snippets of this thread here and there, and tbvh that was enough. Can't EVERYONE just say, 'I think this has gone on long enough, lets act like adults and drop it'.
I think the answer is simple, if you want to use chat, use it, if not then don't. Let Rich decide if it's being used enough and if not let him hand it over to whatever this other site is.
Seems simple enough to me, and I'm sure there's people reading this and thinking, 'what the hells it got to do with him?', well in short, nothing. I just thought I would point out the obvious.
I didn't think such a helpfull, welcoming, and mostly close-knit community would or could let a thing like this disrupt the site, and in some cases be a tar on some people's reputations. Just my 02.

:shrugs: Me neither. I thought my objective would have been pretty plain. I don't want to see that sort of conflict. Of course, my desire seems to have created one of it's own, but still, the POINT of this thread definitely needed to be stated.

hana said:
Oh sorry, my mistake.. :rolleyes:

I had no clue that I was a petty person, thanks for the insight!

There you go putting words into my mouth again. It was the reporting of that incident that appeared petty to me. Now just so THIS doesn't get misunderstood as well, I am using the term "petty" defined as thus: of little or no importance or consequence: petty grievances.

I have seen MUCH worse MANY times and it really didn't mean anything but some people having an internet argument. Two days later and it is forgotten by everyone. I see absolutely no reason for me to get into the middle of every one of those thrown at me.

hana said:
And no, there was no troll, but I never said she was. Perhaps a little thought before you write would come in handy.
When your actions directly effect someone else then yes, you do need to be acountable for your actions.

Ah yes. I see. Let's hold that thought.

hana said:
I can handle chat banter with the best of them, but if that's your argument, then this entire thread is moot, because you have just negated your original point.

I just happen to disagree. My original point is still very much valid and not in the least negated. YOUR reported chat log and the one copied here recently are nowhere near even in the same league.

hana said:
But, I'm done with this thread you rectum faced pygme.

Now let's bring that thought forward that we put on hold. Surely you believe you should be held accountable for your own actions, don't you? Because I certainly do. Sorry, but I don't believe that is warranted, and I really can't see why I should allow people using this site to direct such comments at me. Nothing personal, but I have to maintain a precedent about such things. You are welcome to come back in seven days (I am assuming you will find a way to get around this 7 day ban.) and hopefully you will be less inclined to throw around such derogatory name calling in the future.

hana said:
Don't take it too personal, it's just a bit of banter after all.. ;)

No problem. Don't take the temporary ban personal. Just my way of bantering back at you..

Drizzt80 said:
Unfortunately, it's NOT about chat. I originally (mistakenly) thought it was about chat too. Some would have you believe it's not a vindictive attitude towards Rich, but then turn around and say things elsewhere that are different (Talk about two faced and 'holier than thou' PS. If the shoe fits, wear it.).

Here are what I am beginning to perceive as the issues:
1. Rich asked EVERYONE to behave in chat. Some took exception to that.
2. Some feel Rich is cowtowing to the "trolls" while ignoring the CS.com members. Which is still really a chat issue.
3. Some are angry that Rich added increased banner ads to the site and therefore are boycotting the site. Sorry, but I don't boycott a good restuarant because I have to look at advertisements when I pee.
3b. Some feel their $25 contribution should more than cover the revenue from banner ads to cover server maintenance etc.
4. Some feel Rich should be listening to only them because they have a shiny medallion.
5. Some are comparing the CS.com environment to KS.com . . . Show me one instance where Rich has censored anyone's opinion on this site (obviously, words that aren't volatile or offensive).

Petty, childish behavior on both sides of the issue. My initial involvement in this thread was solely defending Rich's assertion that the chat behavior displayed was inappropriate and indefensible. I was unaware these other petty issues had created such a horrendous environment to participate in. It's been stated numerous times to the affect that it's not about 'getting back at Rich', but the words and actions displayed would indicate otherwise.

Too bad, now there's three cornsnake communities developing. With the track record, there will one day be four because someone will become offended and abused at the 'new' place and create their own new place. So be it I guess. The community survived the KS.com to CS.com switch . . . heck, Don and Kathy participate readily at both sites. Unfortunately will they now have to participate in 3 to stay on top of things?! :shrugs:


Interesting. I think I have covered the issues concerning my stance about what took place in the chat room. It appears there are more issues being brought up that need addressing...

2. Some feel Rich is cowtowing to the "trolls" while ignoring the CS.com members. Which is still really a chat issue.

Obviously no one has asked all the FC members (referred to as "trolls" here) who I banned because of their behavior. And no one has talked to the moderator in the chat from FC who I removed from his duties after an incident I felt was inappropriate. The feeling I get is that I am expected to automatically side with CS.com members, regardless of their own behavior. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

3. Some are angry that Rich added increased banner ads to the site and therefore are boycotting the site.

Really? Boycotting this site because of the Google ads? Well gee, someone directed me to a site that had a little hate fest going on about me and this site, and what did I find also on the site. Yep, GOOGLE ads! But too bad that thread is gone. Interesting reading.....

OK, I'm done laughing now, so let me explain some things. These Google ads you see are going to be pretty much on nearly every webpage you go to. Most people pretty much ignore them, and to be perfectly honest, so did I. I had them set up on many of my own websites, and pretty much didn't pay much attention to them. The way they work is by mining the webpage they appear on and attempt to bring forth paid advertisements that will be pertinent to the subject matter on the webpage. The theory here is that if such items are being displayed on a webpage, there is likely an audience interested in possible products and services at least loosely related to that subject matter. Yeah, sometimes it doesn't work so well. Now the mechanics of this all is that advertisers pay to have those ads in the queue waiting to be displayed somewhere. They pay by the click on that ad and bid on the frequency they will show up. Google gets paid directly by them based on the number of clicks and the bidded amount in force when the click took place. The website owners where those ads appear get a piece of this pie. I never have figured out exactly how the percentage is determined, but I assume it is a small percentage of what the advertiser has to pay. Of course, Google, gets the lion's share of that money. The webpage owner gets some money for allowing the advertising to appear. And the advertiser hopefully has his/her ads displayed on a webpage that is kind of a targeted market.

Following me? Well yes, I did get a check from Google every now and again. Never was really very much, and came at such widely scattered intervals that I just figured it was a nice bonus for really very little effort on my part. But not enough to get worked up over. My programmer contacted me a year or two ago and asked me about those Google ads, and I just laughed and said I didn't think much about them, simply because of the reasons mentioned above. He wrote back laughing his ass off, because MOST other webmasters live and breath the Google ads and consider that their most lucrative method of earning money from their websites. And that was the end of it, for then.

Then, I guess it was a month to two months ago, my programmer contacted me again asking about the Google ads and wanted to know if I would like him to work on them and hopefully produce substantially more money off of them. Heck, at that time, I was still in my busy season, so I just gave him the OK without really thinking about it much. Heck, what did I have to lose?

Well, I wasn't real keen on having those Google ads at the top of the pages, but heck, I DID tell him to go ahead and work his magic. What the heck, I could always have him remove it later on if it didn't work very well.

"Work very well..." Hah! He sends me an email a couple of weeks later asking me if I had checked the stats on the Google page. Nope, didn't even think about it. So I did..... Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather! Whatever he had done was now earning me not just twice what it was before, but FIVE (5) times that amount each day! Now, I may be stupid about some things, but when I see results like that, do you really think I should tell him, "No, roll it all back. I don't like it."? Well, sorry, but I just can't bring myself to shoot and butcher such a cash cow.

Which brings us to this item:

3b. Some feel their $25 contribution should more than cover the revenue from banner ads to cover server maintenance etc.

Sorry, but no. The contributions from this site don't even hold a candle to what those Google ads are bringing in. Even if they were even, I don't think many people would give up a respectable source of income without a dramatic overpowering reason. And quite frankly, a few people getting perturbed enough about the ads to boycott this site, just is not "overpowering to me". I am not sure what their issues are over them, but if they favor a more socialist form of civilization, I wish them well.

Let me be frank here. I'm 56 years old. My wife is, well, just slightly younger than myself. :rolleyes: Few of you are even close to this age, but let me tell you, the physical demands of my SerpenCo business are getting to be more than my wife and I can handle. Even with hired help, which is a chore in itself, I can see the writing on the wall that WE will not have that income forever. A single extended stint in the hospital for either one of us would put SerpenCo out of business. It would be EXTREMELY stupid of my to not plan ahead to try to have an alternate means of putting food on the table if something like that happens. Now just so happens that I have been fortunate enough to set up some websites that are bringing in a modest income. It's nothing we could make a living off, by any stretch of the imagination, but if it will allow me to cut back SerpenCo enough that it is easier on us to maintain, and the website income can make up a small portion of the difference, well, I just can't imagine anyone thinking it would be stupid to not at least TRY to do that. So that is what I am doing.

If people want to get themselves all worked up into a lather over some Google ads on this site, well, if the choice is for me to substantially cut back the income producing potential of what I am trying to do in order to soothe their bruised eyes, or to tell them they can either suck it up and try to live with it, or move on to some other site which will quite likely do the same thing in short order, guess which one I HAVE to choose?

4. Some feel Rich should be listening to only them because they have a shiny medallion.

Yeah, right. I'm sure THAT would go over well with the non-contributors.

Seriously, I do really appreciate all the contributors here, but I just cannot give preferential treatment based on those contributions. If you will all remember, I set up the paid contributions just on a lark one day, thinking what the heck, a guy created some medallions for paid memberships over on FaunaClassifieds, and on a whim after he was finished, I asked him to make up one for CornSnakes.com. Honestly, I didn't think very many would pay for it, and actually,when you consider there are over 8,000 registered members here (over 1,000 have never completed the registration process), I guess I was right. A fair number, no doubt, but not overwhelmingly so. Right at the moment, there are 165 contributors and personal forum owners. So what's that, something like two (2) percent of the members are contributors here? Seriously folks, I hope no one (even myself) thinks I am making a lot of money here. And yeah, 64 members have decided to not renew. What will those figures be like next year? :shrugs: Certainly not enough to make ends meet if things go wrong for me healthwise....

Mary-Beth said:
I have to ask, who has said that this is a horrendous environment? Some have said that they feel ignored and uncomfortable here, if you don't then good for you. Would you expect someone to hang around here when they feel that way, or go to a place where they're comfortable?

Who is trying to get back at Rich? People who don't want to post on Rich's sites are now getting back at him if they post anywhere else? :shrugs:

Ignored? In what way? Because someone may claim something that I disagree with and therefore I am not accepting their point of view?

Uncomfortable? Well yeah, certainly some might feel that way in the chat, but that is probably balanced out by the others who seem to enjoy what I saw going on in there. So when I requested that it stop, just who did that make feel uncomfortable?

People come and go on sites all the time. That's just the way it is. Heck, I have registered on many different sites for many different topic material. Some I only visit once in a blue moon. Others I visit daily. That's just the way it is. Doesn't bother me in the least if it happens here.

carol said:
Sucked in to clarify....

Well for the record, the only thing I agree with is # 2. Although I can understand Rich's apprehension to listen to some chat users/cornsnake members, I just feel that apprehension has spread to all of us like a big blanket. That may not be true, but it's definitely how I feel I'm being treated. That is what is so disappointing to me. Because of a small group of people acting immature, now there is no possibility of believing there are any members here that have integrity.

Sounds like a lot of reading between the lines, filling in things that really aren't there. Try using quotes from me in context, please. A person could get the impression that you are purposely trying to enflame this issue....

carol said:
When you hint that there is no one on this site capable of being a good mod beside yourself, people will get the idea that you think you are superior. I don't get that idea. I think a few people's actions has you scared to death of trusting people, which on one side sounds reasonable. On the other side I think there are many, many members out there that have proven over years that they are trust worthy and I hate to see them and their work be treated with complete disregard. So it's not about chat, it's about the implications that we are ALL bound to behave in the same way as those who participated in that transcript.

Again, you are making up your own interpretation of my words, based on nothing more than speculation.

But let me run a scenario by you, Carol. Suppose that YOU were the moderator in the chat, and that chat log snippet had been going on while you were "on duty". What would you have done? Obviously some CS members had gone way beyond what most people would consider civil. Matter of fact, some people would say that some of them were downright rude. So you, as moderator, really need to do something. But what choices do you have? Here's some poor schmuck from FC who is being jumped all over by CS members, many of which may be your past and present customers, or perhaps future ones. Are you going to kick them off for their behavior and thereby possibly lose their business because of it? And sorry, you can't convince me that such thoughts will not go through your head. Like it or not, even if it is inadvertant, you WILL be biased in your decisions.

With that in mind, just browse through the threads on this site. Take note of how many have websites of thier own, possible either in "business" or hoping to be so sometime in the future. Many might possibly be considering buying animals from you. Are you REALLY going to risk pissing off those future customers just because they might be taking part in a razing of someone else from FC, who you would consider a lesser risk of being a potential customer?

THOSE are the kinds of things I need to consider when talk of assigning a moderator comes up. That and much more. Yes, I do read threads here, and yes I have seen some members being somewhat less than civil to other members. It is nowhere near as simple as some people here would like to believe. I've been through this before and gotten my toes thoroughly fried because of it. For me to NOT be reluctant to do that again would border on being insane.

As for the statement about everyone here BOUND to act in a manner similar to the chat incident, obviously that is not true. But I don't know who has that as only a potential and who is absolutely rock solid stable without a chance of (1) letting the modest powers of being a mod go to their head, (2) not being biased based on WHO is saying what, rather than WHAT is being said by anyone, and (3) being spooked at the possibility of damaging their own business based on what they HAVE to do in order to be effective as a mod.

I am certainly glad that most everyone here thinks that is a simple decision for me to make.

carol said:
Servers are expensive and this site uses a lot of space. I don't think there is a killing to be made of this site. The money issue just isn't there for me. I feel a lot of the members contributions lie in how long we sat in here answering everyones questions and discussing topics so this would be the place to go for cornsnake learning. Rich donated many hours, but so did a lot of other people. He could not have got this site off the ground trying to reply to posts all on his own. In fact he stated in the beginning his motivation for making this site was to get some of the work load off his back. When people emailed him questions about cornsnakes, he could point them to the friendly forum where there is always someone to take the time Rich didn't have to spend replying.

Agreed. And I have never said nor thought otherwise.

carol said:
We were all glad to help, we were having a great time, but obviously none of it moved us up in the respect ladder. It's just not right that a lot of good people that have proved themselves over the years are thought to be more immature than a random group of people. Just because a few of their peers lost their cool. Instead of my thoughts getting acknowledged I just got turned in a circular argument. I guess there is no reason to make sure we stick around, we have years of knowledge in searchable type, so we really are disposable at this point.

Respect? You feel that THIS is the criteria being used in a decision to pick a moderator? Carol, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you have not only never had to run a site where you had to pick a moderator, but have also never been a moderator yourself. Otherwise I seriously doubt you would think about it in the manner that you are doing so.

And how so that your thoughts were "never acknowledged"? I certainly do hope you don't expect me to be able to respond to absolutely every single statement and question in every single post in this thread? While it may certainly be feasible if I decide to do nothing else for the next week, it really isn't practical. Heck, I seriously doubt you realize how much time out of my day just this ONE post is taking from me.

carol said:
So when you've spent years and an untold number of hours with your peers to make a place successful, it's a little rough to take that dozens of you get judged by the behavior of a handful. I'm not spiteful, more like heart broken. I'm not leaving in a huff, I won't stop contributing to the site and I'm not angry, I am frustrated. I'm just having a hard time putting my heart into things here like I used to.

Why are you taking this so personal? You make it sound like you have engaged in this conversation solely with the expectation that you would be offered the job of moderator. Does anyone even remember what this thread was started for in order to address?

carol said:
As far as cornsnake communities, you've got the wool over your eyes. Not long ago, the CA people got together for a cornsnake BBQ, and were our own community. Tied together by different places, but not everyone there was a cornsnake.com member. It was a group of people meeting to talk about what they wanted where they wanted. Nothing wrong or spiteful about that. There are WAY more than 3 or 4, I'm sure you could count dozens of little corn communities of people who have become good friends, live close by, have the same morph interest, etc. Going to more than one place does not mean you are betraying one. Katie went and took pics of Mike's snakes without all of us, what an elitist! I hope you shared every pic with everyone here! (Sorry Mike and Katie).
Some of us have become friends here. You can call that a clique. You can say that's being an elitist. Surely there are many people in your town you are friendly with, but not all of them are your close friends, so you are an elitist as well by those standards. If you met a good friend at a restaurant are you bound for life to ONLY go to that restaurant with them? If you said "no" then you are an elitist by your standards. Would it be wrong to invite your friend to "your house" for dinner? There are a lot of people you'd shake hands with and say "Have a great day!", but you only trust a few to bear hug and say "I had a bad day."
I don't agree with a lot of things that have been said by my friends, and I'm sure they don't agree with some of my points either. I'm sure they all think I'm silly right now, not giving up hope that people will see it's not about spite. But contrary to popular belief, they don't dictate my actions. One thing we all agree on is we don't like being judged together, we are independent people. A handful have proven to be capable of getting very nasty, but so many more have proven capable of being fair and working for the better of the site. When that gets thrown out, some of us just need to take a break. In fact some of us should take a break, cause it's getting ugly and it really doesn't help.
I'm no longer interested in getting anyone to change their mind, but Brent it bothers me to see you judge with the same blanket judgement that is the issue. Well it's my issue anyway.

Well, this appears to need a repeat of things I have already said, but I don't think it is necessary. Members here going to another site and post does not bother me. It's just par for the course. I would be astonished if no one did. heck, when I go to some of the sites I frequent, I may post the same question on all of them just so I can get as many replies as possible to cover as many bases as possible. There may only be ONE person on one site (which one, I don't know) who has the answer I need.

But as for people boycotting this site because I happen to disagree with their mannerisms and have requested it cease, or they are otherwise incensed over my making a sound (in my opinion) business decision about this site, well, that just appears to be childish and immature to me. But in all honesty, if that is the way those people feel, then I wish them well. I'm sure they think they will find or make the ultimate Utopian site that will fullfill all their dreams, but something tells me that is just not going to happen. But really, I do wish them well on their quest.

Darn, better make a PART 2 of this or the server is going to yelp BIG TIME when I try to submit it..
Rich Z said:
You make it sound like you have engaged in this conversation solely with the expectation that you would be offered the job of moderator.
That was never my goal. Just so you and others don't see it that way I refuse the job. I'm sorry I kept this going.
Joejr14 said:
Just playing Devil's Advocate here...
Ah, the kinder, gentler version of your standard "I don't mean to be an 'a-hole', but....."

You'd recommend Jazz to be a chat room moderator? There are quite a few chat logs that are floating around that show a display far worse than 'gtfo'.
OOOOooohh!!!! "The Basement Chat Logs" !!! I feel like Bob Dylan.

Meanwhile, I'd be able to produce chat logs where your introductory comment is filled with so much whine - be it from your day at work, to a problem with one of your snakes, to your perception of the state of this site - that I'd be able to offer you some fine Wisconsin cheese to accompany it.

And not that my life is so pathetic that I even feel the need to maintain logs. I could simply hang in the room and wait for your appearance tomorrow night, or in a week, or in a year - dollars to donuts, your first post will be a complaint of some sort. To that end, I'll give you props for consistency. You've been a consistent whiny, childish cipher, so much to the point that one of my new neighbors (who has frequented this forum longer than either of us) has made the correlation - not necessarily the causation, but I'll let others be the judge - between the beginning of the lack of civility here on the forums with the beginning of your frequenting the forums.

I don't mean to be an a-hole about this, I just wanted to bring it to your attention. :rolleyes:

And you needn't run to Rich with this post, requesting that he do something about the troll who was mean to you. Rich has been keeping up with this thread.

Of course, since he said 'sorry' he's in the clear??
Whether or not someone has expressed regret over their actions has no bearing on their potential ability as a mod. (Not that I'd want the gig anyway.)

If one person would just create a "Cornsnakes Clique" room, this would be avoided. As long as that person is in the room, they're the mod. We have to resort to this many many times over the years we've been chatting. That gives you complete control over the room and lets you boots trolls and problems ASAP.
Go for it. With you as mod, I'm sure we'd all be clamoring to be there, if not to simply say "I remember him when...", as we prop the grandchilluns up on our knee to tell them a story.

Gotta go. I think I'm bleeding out - at least my eyes feel that way.

Part 2...

Joejr14 said:
Yeah, this entire thread is about how a handful of people lost their cool ONE time. One flipping time we got fiesty and bitched at a troll.

The first time this has happened, after months and months and months of repeated trolling in that chat room.

And now, because of one single chatroom snipet, we're labeled as immature.

Makes a lot of sense, right?

Sorry, I need to jump ahead a bit to grab this quote from Joe...

Joejr14 said:
Just playing Devil's Advocate here...

You'd recommend Jazz to be a chat room moderator? There are quite a few chat logs that are floating around that show a display far worse than 'gtfo'. Of course, since he said 'sorry' he's in the clear??

Joe, I'm sorry, but I just don't understand these two quotes taken together at all. In the first one you are plainly stating that the incident shown in the chat log snippet is a FIRST and ONLY TIME that anything like that has happened. Actually when I read that, I thought, hmm, guess I had better see if I still have any of those other chat logs sent to me in the past. But I continued reading on, and darn if that later post of yours just has me beat. Let me requote that sentence that baffles me:

There are quite a few chat logs that are floating around that show a display far worse than 'gtfo'.

Well what happened to that original claim about uniqueness of this sort of behavior? Are you now saying that it is NOT unique at all? Sorry if I have misunderstood what you are saying in those quotes...


Drizzt80 said:
Carol, I don't believe you or I are very far apart in our beliefs on this issue. I don't agree with any of those points I made either . . . those are the stated issues that others have posted either here or elsewhere. You personally got me to see past the chat room issue and to move on to this other garbage which is what is depressing me and keeping me involved in this discussion. Believe it or not, but I am just as saddened and broken up over this apparent division. Thing is, except for this thread, the UPS/FedEx thread, the Joe P. thread and maybe one or two others (edit: any hybird thread discussion!), where is all this animosity that people are offended by? The rest of this forum is still operating with questions being asked, friendships being made, chat working (heck, Joejr and I actually spoke the other night!!) etc. etc. etc. It's become the issue of $$$, advertising, and the other things I listed by the self imposed boycotters. I'm not losing sleep that they are posting/conversing elsewhere, that's their choice. I'm losing sleep over the fact that they are educated good people who I held/hold in high regard who I thought would be able to discuss and work through this problem instead of run away from it. That's my issue and I stated it before. Apparently that's being 'high and mighty', 'holier than thou' and the latest (and new favorite) 'boot licking'.

I think the thing I find most amusing about this is that some of the people who I know are saying those things are exactly the ones who complain about how some of the people on FaunaClassifieds act. And quite honestly, THAT sort of talk is exactly what comes from those sorts of people as soon as they get their toes tromped on for one reason or another over there. The accusations that anyone who is not FOR them must be against them. An ass kisser for not going with THEIR way of thinking and following THEIR banner.

Quite honestly, it is nothing to lose sleep over. Matter of fact, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if one or more of the people doing the boycott thing aren't in the process right at this moment setting up their own forum. And they certainly need a reason to give to new recruits for why their site will be better than this one...

Drizzt80 said:
Can you blame Rich for being gun shy? The reaction to his request (EVERYONE behave) about chat room behavior was a face full of BS. Dale/Jazzgeek is the ONLY person in those transcripts that made a 100% apology about, and acknowledgement of, his bad behavior. Joejr I believe somewhere in here has also thrown out a 'sorry'. The rest of the 'regulars' were defending the behavior as being acceptable for that particular situation, because . . . blah, blah, blah. But's it's not about the chat logs. The chat room has proven to be the catalyst for the other issues I listed above. And that truly confuses me.

I'm sure I have addressed this before, but hell yes I am gun shy! Don't any of you visit FaunaClassifieds? Did you happen to see what happened with several of the moderators I put into the Discussion Forums? Sheesh! I had a couple of them get a bug up their butt and start DELETING messages helter skelter. Had some people actively trying to undermine some forums because they didn't LIKE the moderator in them. Just in chat alone I had a moderator who was kicking off people who were competitors to his own business whenever they disagreed with him. And no, I didn't PURPOSELY pick people who I thought would do something like that.

And no, the excuse that the behavior was acceptable because the other guy deserved it just doesn't wash with me. Stooping to THEIR level makes you BE their level. My request here (actually probably seems more like a demand, I guess) was for people HERE to not stoop to their level and thereby make ALL of us look the worse for it.

Drizzt80 said:
so we really are disposable at this point.

I would like to think Rich is more of a standup guy than that.

Disposable? Sorry, I just don't see how that conclusion was reached. Was it because I just don't accept some people's arguments blindly? Or because I simply disagree with what they are saying to me?

Drizzt80 said:
That wasn't the point of my '3 communities' comment. I pointed it out above, but to repeat, it now creates 3 communities where decisions about morph types and genetics will be made. Much the same way that CS.com members haven't cared whether KS.com members followed along with them here or not. Now, if this tear in the time space continuum continues, there's the potential for that to happen with 3 separate communities.

Honestly, I don't think it is going to matter much. If any such information is considered to be valuable enough for someone to consider them a commercial breakthrough, they will post that information where the people are to read it. And quite honestly, I think the commercial aspects will be the driving force behind most everyone with this boycott thing in mind. In reality, all they are doing is cutting off their own nose to spite their face. I really can't imagine a wholesale bailing out of people here because of my demand to clean up the chat room. Matter of fact, I think many people would find such a thought to be downright hilarious.

Drizzt80 said:
Believe it or not I'm trying to NOT use blanket judgements. My judgements/words are based on some of the actions and words of those that have chosen not to be "fair and work(ing) for the better of the site." You carol HAVE stuck around and kept engaged in this conversation. YOU carol are attempting to fix the problem. I will most likely take a break from this thread now as well because I think you and I actually agree on most of what's taking place here . . . just from different angles or with different methods of 'attack'.

Actually I see more of the case of SPECIFIC POINTED details being brought up and NOT blanket statements at all. The blanket statements I am seeing are along the lines of "Rich considers us all as disposable", "Rich is siding with the trolls and making US out to be bad guys", and "Rich is only interested in MONEY, and nothing at all about us or this site." Basically just stuff that is being pulled out of thin air.

Drizzt80 said:
At the risk of being further perceived as 'holier than thou' maybe both sides can drop their ego's and hash this out. Is fixing this maybe a discussion better held by contributing members? Or otherwise? Who takes the first step, who holds out the hand for the first handshake?

Well that depends. If someone feels I am being hardheaded, obstinate, and unreasonable by expecting the members of this site to act better in the chat than what I observed in that chat log, then there is nothing to discuss. I have done my best when trolls were disclosed to me, no matter which side of the fence they may have come from. Sorry, I just don't maintain an audit log of such things, and doubt I ever will. The thing that concerns me the most is when I see one or more members here actually GOADING someone else into finally flying off the handle and then coming to me claiming I need to ban that person for being a troll. Yeah, some are going to dispute that this actually happened, but when I look at a chat log, I have to see what is in black and white. If there is more to it, then send more to me. That will be all that I have to go on.

Drizzt80 said:
Regardless, I nominate carol to be a moderator in chat. And while he has admitted to taking pleasure in feeding the trolls, I think Dean would be an excellent moderator if held it as a 'job' title. I would nominate him as well (he doesn't hold grudges).


That is not something that anyone should take lightly, as I indicated in my previous post. Someone here actually did volunteer for the job, but as I told this person, it will be a thankless job. Even if you are the BEST there is at it, you will piss people off if you do your job effectively. If you can't afford to do the job for fear of pissing off your customers, then you can't do the job.


hana said:
After a few hours to think...

Rich, I didn't mean for you to take my last post as a personal attack. It wasn't meant like that. Could I have gotten my point across a little more creatively? Yeah, probably so. I'm sorry if you're going to take it personally instead of what it was. And all it was, was a nod to the type of 'banter' you seem to think is no big deal.
I still stand by the fact that when you're making a choice that involves others you are accountable to them.

I am also sorry for the fact that this could have been avoided by a simple,"I'm sorry you feel this way" type of email at the time the reported chat happened. Had that happened, there would have been no harm, no foul.

I am also sorry that this has stressed me to the point that I felt the urge to 'lash out'. The attitude that has been taken by yourself and a few others has left myself and a few others wondering what we did so horrible in the first place. I am very sorry for that.

Once again, I was not attacking you, it was an analogy. I'm sorry if you felt that way. I hold no spite towards you as a person. I never did actually, and I don't begrudge you any money you might make off this site. But, I won't be pushed around.

I'm sorry.


Gee, I can't imagine why someone would take you calling them a "rectum faced pygme" as a personal attack......

Actually I'm not really sure why you went for my throat in the first place. Because I never responded to that chat event you sent me? Sorry, but I get a LOT of emails and pms every day from people, and sometimes I just haven't the time to reply to all of them. Matter of fact, I have 1,135 unanswered emails in my inbox right now. Granted some of them are marked that way just to call my attention to them, but if even HALF of them were people waiting for answers...... See what I mean?

But I do recognize that emotions have been running very high in this thread, and I really do not hold grudges. But still, you DID post something rather derogatory to me, and I just can't let that slide. So best I can do is to reduce you ban to only 2 days rather than the original 7. Sorry, but I just can't allow people to abuse me with no repercussions.

As an aside, you may want to consider getting a Contributor membership here. If you had one, you likely would have been able to edit out that slur before I ever would have seen it. :)


MohrSnakes said:
Maybe....Rich could pay me in corns and I would sit in the chat room ALL day long and monitor it. It would be my unofficial job. I would tell people to play nice and everyone would hug. :grin01:

Yeah, and this time next year you would probably be one of the most despised people on this site if you do your job properly. And if you DIDN'T do your job properly, the other half of the people would be at your throat as well. So half of the people would be coming to me to fire you because you were too overbearing or the other half would want me to fire you because you weren't doing your job.

I honestly think that some of you don't have a clue about that job. Look at the flak I am catching just in this thread. How many customers do you think I have now lost because of it? Was it worth it just to try to clean up that chat room? Probably not. But what was my alternative? Just let it keep on like it was? :shrugs:
OK, well, I'm really not interested in having my own motivations and actions presented to the public by people who will find the worst possible spin they can invent...

1- The reason I do not use the chat room here anymore?

This scenario where people are leaving the chat room because they did horrible things, and want to continue to do horrible things, but were told that they are not allowed to do horrible things, has got to be the most ridiculous theory I've heard in a long time. I didn't even say ANYTHING to Joe_Jo so I'm not sure what anyone thinks I would even be feeling "chastised" about anyway.

If you click on my name and select "Find more posts by Serpwidgets" it will plainly show that the last time I was actively posting on the board was September 21st. It had NOTHING to do with this thread which was started on the 11th and burned out like a week before that day.

So why don't I chat here? I HATE TROLLS. It's that simple.

We were getting constantly trolled by people from fauna, and then this ridiculous thread popped up. The chatters were complaining that the chatroom was being overrun with trolls, and everyone was so fixated on "gtfo" that they were completely ignoring that. I know many people think that the solution to any problem is to whine long and loud enough that someone else will finally be so annoyed by you that they will fix it for you just to get you off their back. But I believe the way to solve a problem is to shut up, get off your butt, and DO SOMETHING. That's what I did.

Since it was claimed that the chat software costs (some ridiculous amount that nobody in their right mind would pay) I went about looking for a chat that I could buy, out of my own pocket, and donate it to the site just so we'd have a place to chat without the constant barrage of fauna trolls. I found something I could afford, and after I had paid for it, instead of just handing it over to someone who will then not appoint any mods and just invite a bunch of trolls and let extremely annoying people stay in the name of collecting more ad revenue, I put it on my own site. I paid for it, after all, and I don't have to waste my time trying to convince anyone it's a good idea and begging them to implement it. Problem solved.

Of course, at that point, it becomes a "lose/lose" situation because if I post anything about it here, I will be accused of trying to pull chat users, and if I say nothing, then I get accused of being an elitist with my "secret corn chat" even though it has been linked from the home page on CCCorns the entire time it has existed.

Sorry to burst any bubbles, but unless MSN Messenger and all emails on the internet qualify as "Rich's chat room," I did not tell anyone about my chat through "Rich's chat room." I actually told only a couple of people, and then they told people they knew. There were a few who I would have been mighty glad to see show up, but I did not go about any real effort to "recruit" anyone and missed quite a few in the process. The scenario with me lurking in the CS chatroom trying to badmouth Rich and redirect members was good for a laugh though.

Also, as far as any accusations of it being a "secret" that nobody would find out about, uhh sure if you insist. Anyone who happened upon our page would be able to see it's there. This will be quite a few more people when we put up our 2007 pairings, a new gallery of our collection, and the eggcam is back up and running since we are expecting our first clutch within a week or so.
2- The Advanced corn forum is an idea I've had for a long time but have been too busy with other projects to start on. I happened to mention it during Tinley as something I'd like to eventually do in 2007 or 2008, and later on Zach emailed me and offered to host it. I accepted. Anyone who wants to is welcome to poo-poo the idea and act as if I don't know anything about forums or what it takes to run one, but the first time I ran a forum was in 1994-1995 when I ran a "political arguments" forum that stayed civilized.

The Advanced forum is not an attempt to compete with cornsnakes.com. I find it odd that anyone can read the "welcome and rules" thread and come to such a conclusion. I have no interest in running yet another forum where beginners ask the same questions over and over, and "senior members" who have become bored with the same old questions just patrol the boards looking for fights to pick because there's nothing else to do. Some people enjoy those questions and it never gets old to them, but it's boring to me. So, once again instead of trying to solve a problem with whining, I decided to fix it by creating a place where the "boring" stuff does not exist and by making it so that it is not easy for trolls/spammers/flamers and anyone else interested in disrupting the place to even have access.

Reason number two for the advanced forum is that I happen to know quite a few people who are extremely knowledgeable about corns, and read internet forums, but refuse to involve themselves in posting on them because there's always some bored person who will carefully pick through the wording of their every post, looking for something they can use as the basis for an attack. It's my hope that some of these people will be more likely to get involved in some great online discussions if they see there's a place where they can do so without someone trying to ruin their lives or their businesses.

Once again, if I advertise the existence of the Advanced forum I will be attacked for that, and meanwhile, not announcing it opens me up to being called an elitist with a secret corn forum. Pick whichever one you want. :grin01:
3- Why don't I post actively anymore?

Because, in addition to having google ads shoved in my face as if the $460 a year I was spending here wasn't enough (and the $25 of contributors wasn't enough to warrant consideration for them) this place has become little more than a shark tank. It's getting to the point where it's as bad as kingsuck and fauna.

I'm really not interested in discussions where people spend 500 pages arguing over ridiculous things in an attempt to further their personal vendettas against each other. I'm really not interested in opening a thread to find yet another pointless argument from someone who patrols the forums looking for anything they can try to spin in order to make someone look bad, and even call their targets bullies and elitists, and beg for further attention by labeling them as "boycotters" if they refuse to engage in a fight, especially when they themselves don't contribute any actual content to the site and really have no reason to be here other than to pick fights and create strife.

Simply put, I'd rather say it in a place where it is not buried under a heap of irrelevant and pointless posts.
Rich Z said:
Well gee, someone directed me to a site that had a little hate fest going on about me and this site, and what did I find also on the site.

A hate fest Rich, really? You interpreted that as a hate fest but a comment about hitting someone with a large board is just a joke?

If I recall correctly only one person said anything negative about you in that thread.

Rich Z said:
Ignored? In what way? Because someone may claim something that I disagree with and therefore I am not accepting their point of view?

Uncomfortable? Well yeah, certainly some might feel that way in the chat, but that is probably balanced out by the others who seem to enjoy what I saw going on in there. So when I requested that it stop, just who did that make feel uncomfortable?

I can't speak for others, but they've already given reasons that have nothing to do with google ads or a chat room.

As for me, you should KNOW why I'm feeling ignored and uncomfortable - and it has nothing to do with anything in this thread.

After 6+ years of online postings and chattings on a variety of reptile related sites and meeting the people I've chatted with in person, I have a few observations I'd like to throw out here


Unless you hire C-3PO (or another advanced NONHUMAN) you'll NEVER have a moderator that has absolutely no bias, prejudice excetera and that mod will always have someone crying "FOUL" at some point during their moderation of a chat/forum. Thankless job? Yes (and I hear the pay sucks too). Would I want it (not that I'd ever be expected to be asked to mod anywhere) NO....thats a BIG NO too ;)


Every forum I've ever posted on goes thru cycles of good postings and bad postings. It will seem like months go by with new members joining in with well thought out posts, a willingness to take advice and (criticisms) with a grain of salt and move on, and becoming a valued member, "value" equalling "not an a&*hole in general" Then comes the "Hepl, my cron sanke is DYING!" posters, who generally probably shouldn't own a goldfish let alone a hamster let alone a snake. But thru gritted teeth they get help, and hopefully join the "valued member" group (they don't usually, but it CAN happen lol)


There's a button in chat, it's called ignore, and it's your friend

On CLIQUES born on forums

They are on EVERY forum. Yes, one here too, and more than one probably. I like to think of myself as the "Clique of CKA", meaning I try to fit in everywhere, but thats just me, and I'm sure i'm guilty of "clique-ishness" too, as much as I disdain them. It's human nature to want to belong

On CONTRIBUTOR medals here and on Fauna

On a personal level I've been a contributor on both, no longer here as it expired, and with my wife not working to finish up her last semester of Nursing school I simply can not swing 25 bucks. I put my snakes in brumation early, rigging my basement to draw cold outside air over my rack for no better reason that I'm at a point where buying feeders is tough. I've always thought it was a good idea to contribute here because it has been hands down THE BEST CORN SNAKE site, period. As far as any "perks", such as access to "The Insiders Club", or even just to have a shiny medallion, they were just added bonuses. I've always felt it a worthwhile contribution and am looking forward to being able to continue. As far as the Google ads they just don't bother me, but thats me

JMHO after wading through all the pages on this thread it really seems like everything has been blown a little out of proportion. We all can't be living on this site 24/7, be adults, and get all worked up over the Internet, can we? This site HAS been more....hostile is not the word I'm looking for, but...I don't know, but the air here has been such that I've started posting on Kingsnake's corn forum again lately

I guess FWIW it's Rich Z's site, like it or not like, and there are plenty of places to go elsewhere if you don't. But to get all upset about stuff that happens "on the 'Net" is taking it too personally. I know I'll continue to post here (and elsewhere), answering newbs posts remembering I asked the same dumb@ss question when I was a newb, and using my buddy the "ignore" button when I feel necessary in chat, when I have time to. JMHO folks, and I'll be damned if I'm picking any sides to this either.
Rich Z said:
Gee, I can't imagine why someone would take you calling them a "rectum faced pygme" as a personal attack......

If you didn't notice Rich, she put a ;) at the end, symbolizing that it wasn't to be taken in such a harsh way...isn't that what you say gintha did? hmmm...7 day ban when it's directed at you, a laugh when it's directed at somebody else. maybe now you can see it from another point of view? nah, prob not
Mary-Beth said:
A hate fest Rich, really? You interpreted that as a hate fest but a comment about hitting someone with a large board is just a joke?

If I recall correctly only one person said anything negative about you in that thread.

Sorry, I read that thread and that is my assessment of it. Shame I didn't have the forethought to capture it as it has been deleted.

Mary-Beth said:
I can't speak for others, but they've already given reasons that have nothing to do with google ads or a chat room.

And I believe I have addressed them here.

Mary-Beth said:
As for me, you should KNOW why I'm feeling ignored and uncomfortable - and it has nothing to do with anything in this thread.

Well maybe I SHOULD, but I don't. Please tell me.
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