I am going to try and write this to not offend anyone, though I know I probably will.
This is kind of what I was going to point out. I am a total and utter newby with regards to snake-keeping, and indeed, with regards to reptile keeping. I've successfully maintained tree frogs for a year now- and that's my herp "background."
I did read books WAY before purchasing my snake. But then... I like to read books. I've also read books on Leopard Geckos, Cresties, Beardies, Boas, "hots" and just about anything else you can think of, with no plans of owning any (except maybe a gecko) in the near future. Some people enjoy reading books- and other people don't, for many reasons.
Some of those non-book people go to the internet instead. Maybe this is the first site they've visited about corns. Maybe they don't know the search function exists, or maybe (like me!) they simply cannot figure out how to use it to get viable results. I've tried several times and agree with a previous poster- partial shed brings up partial regurges, my snake shed, etc. but few links relevant to your question.
While I am a newby here, I am NOT a newby with fish. I am a member of a large fish forum, where I handle newby questions fairly regularly. Do I get sick of answering the same question over and over again? Yes. But that doesn't mean I won't do it, because I happen to want people to be successful at their new hobby. Is it my "obligation" to do so? No. But I think that a more experienced person saying "it's not my obligation to help newbies" is just sad. We were all new once- we all made the mistake of keeping the wrong fish together in a too-small tank. So for the future of my hobby (and having "new blood" around) I continue to help new people out as much as possible. I would think experienced corn snake folks would feel likewise.
Given my self-proclaimed status as 1) a "newby" here, and 2) an "experienced" person for other species and forums, it has been interesting to see things from the newby POV. There have been several instances where I have been shocked by how rude experienced posters can be on this site when dealing with a newby. Coming onto a thread where someone is obviously distraught over the death of a snake and blasting them for a simple (and self-admittedly SILLY) question is just ridiculous. There's no excuse for it. Or how about this reply "Are you new to the internet too? It seems strange to ask questions about a boa on a corn snake forum," posted as a reply to a question I asked about a persons boa pic. Why even bother to reply? Likewise, responding to a newby post with "Use the search forum" is innapropriate as well.
I think in essence, being a newby here has solidified my feelings of how experienced people should treat newbies. We should treat them as we would like to be treated, and, barring rude behavior on their parts, should do the best that we can to help them out. If you are an experienced poster who is unwilling or unable to devote your time to newby questions without being rude or sarcastic towards them, then just don't bother to reply. In that respect, you truly are under NO OBLIGATION.
moosie said:
Hi all
I do a lot of lurking on this board. Not only do I want to learn more about cornsnakes, but I am also scoping out what snakes I might want to acquire and who I might want to get them from. Character is very important to me and I strongly avoid buying anything from people who are unkind to other people, no matter how "justified".
However, as this NEWBY has pointed out- there's a fine line here that Corn Snake veterans must deal with that us fish geek veterans do NOT have to deal with. I, as an experienced fish geek, do not have any financial interest in a newby's questions, because I do not sell fish, nor will I ever.
Corn snakes on the other hand are typically sold by breeders to just the sort of newbies that some veterans around here are so fond of bashing. So you all DO have a pressing reason to be polite to people- those same people you put down today may be the customers of tomorrow, and they will remember you, for better or for worse.
I know I certainly will.
Now, bring on the flames. :flames:
P.S. Does anyone know the proper spelling of newby? Is it "newby?" Or "newbie?" I couldn't find it in the dictionary... :shrugs: :grin01: