Mrs InsaneOne
I See Snakes...
I usually try to avoid posting in the little 'cat fights' that I find while scrolling through the forums. I read them, laugh, snort, and move on without leaving my sarcastic remarks behind.
But there are times when I must speak out and now is one of them.
It's been said many times already, but I have to repeat everyone else because I can't repeat myself if I haven't actually said something at least once before.
Not every Newbie gets attacked and not every questioned posted by a Newbie gets flames posted. I've been lurking around these boards for well over a year (Yeah, my new identity fools peeps into thinking I'm new, but I'm not. Just my very own personal ID is new!
) and I've never been flamed or been CAPPED at in a post, even in my newbie disguise.
But then, I do my best to be mature about the questions I ask and I don't expect everything to be handed to me. My experiences with other members on this forum have all been positive and I've learned more then I ever could have from a book or caresheets on the net. The main thing though, is I've actually listened to the advice I was given and followed that advice as closely as possible.
The few times I've run acrossed Newbie's getting flamed and yelled at, was when the Newbie was being rude/hateful and disrepectful towards the person who was trying to help them. Very trollish behavior, or just sheer stupidity. It happens.. But that doesn't mean blanket statements should be made about older members jumping all over newbies for no reason should be made or even implied.
Basic manners make a difference and yes that does include typing sentences that are understandable. I can't nit-pick peoples grammer, because grammer is something I am horrible with. But I make the effort to see that what I post can be understood by most anyone else who reads it.
I'd say that common sense is needed 9 times out of 10, but well, common sense isn't too common in this day and age. A little bit of respect for those who have been 'in the business' wouldn't be remiss either. Not makes me growl at the computer quicker then someone who ignores very good advice offered by multiple people just because it's not the response they wanted to get. Why ask if you are not willing to listen?
Now, the other side that was mentioned was the 'oldtimers' were ignoring or not answering questions posted by the newbies. I am in a way guilty of that, but only after trying very hard to help someone. I passed on the advice that I was given by other older members and the person I gave it to was thrilled so much they PM'd me for 5 days straight asking the SAME question, just using different words and wordings. :uzi:
I'm sure that's happened to others here too. That person, the one PMing me, then went on to post a thread about the SAME thing. Why would I want to go through that more then once? If someone asks me a question, I will do my best to answer it and pass on what I know and what I have been told, but I don't want to waste my time fighting a losing battle. Because at that point it turns into this: :argue:
I think, and this is JMO, that if a newbie was truly concerned and interested in learning more about this hobby - they would put in the effort to do the research, ask for advice when something isn't clear, LISTEN to the advice that is given by those with experience, and be willing to handle the trace amounts of concrit that people sometimes hand out.
There really is no need to
just because you have been told by a breeder of 20+ years that your little corn isn't eating because you are offering it crickets when it wants nice plump mice. Just because some joe schmoe at the local PetCo told you it would prefer bugs to fresh meat. Holding fast to something that is NOT working, isn't going to work. You've already proved that by asking why it wasn't working in the first place.
But again, that is just common sense and as I stated earlier common sense isn't too common in this day and age.. Sad isn't it?
Jenn (I may be part of the peanut gallery, but hey, better the gallery than the peanut butter jar.)
But there are times when I must speak out and now is one of them.
It's been said many times already, but I have to repeat everyone else because I can't repeat myself if I haven't actually said something at least once before.
Not every Newbie gets attacked and not every questioned posted by a Newbie gets flames posted. I've been lurking around these boards for well over a year (Yeah, my new identity fools peeps into thinking I'm new, but I'm not. Just my very own personal ID is new!
But then, I do my best to be mature about the questions I ask and I don't expect everything to be handed to me. My experiences with other members on this forum have all been positive and I've learned more then I ever could have from a book or caresheets on the net. The main thing though, is I've actually listened to the advice I was given and followed that advice as closely as possible.
The few times I've run acrossed Newbie's getting flamed and yelled at, was when the Newbie was being rude/hateful and disrepectful towards the person who was trying to help them. Very trollish behavior, or just sheer stupidity. It happens.. But that doesn't mean blanket statements should be made about older members jumping all over newbies for no reason should be made or even implied.
Basic manners make a difference and yes that does include typing sentences that are understandable. I can't nit-pick peoples grammer, because grammer is something I am horrible with. But I make the effort to see that what I post can be understood by most anyone else who reads it.
I'd say that common sense is needed 9 times out of 10, but well, common sense isn't too common in this day and age. A little bit of respect for those who have been 'in the business' wouldn't be remiss either. Not makes me growl at the computer quicker then someone who ignores very good advice offered by multiple people just because it's not the response they wanted to get. Why ask if you are not willing to listen?
Now, the other side that was mentioned was the 'oldtimers' were ignoring or not answering questions posted by the newbies. I am in a way guilty of that, but only after trying very hard to help someone. I passed on the advice that I was given by other older members and the person I gave it to was thrilled so much they PM'd me for 5 days straight asking the SAME question, just using different words and wordings. :uzi:
I'm sure that's happened to others here too. That person, the one PMing me, then went on to post a thread about the SAME thing. Why would I want to go through that more then once? If someone asks me a question, I will do my best to answer it and pass on what I know and what I have been told, but I don't want to waste my time fighting a losing battle. Because at that point it turns into this: :argue:
I think, and this is JMO, that if a newbie was truly concerned and interested in learning more about this hobby - they would put in the effort to do the research, ask for advice when something isn't clear, LISTEN to the advice that is given by those with experience, and be willing to handle the trace amounts of concrit that people sometimes hand out.
There really is no need to
But again, that is just common sense and as I stated earlier common sense isn't too common in this day and age.. Sad isn't it?
Jenn (I may be part of the peanut gallery, but hey, better the gallery than the peanut butter jar.)