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Controversial Topic inspired by ‘Chat room - listen up, please’

I post pictures quite often. Usually after a shed, during feeding or to show off a new purchase. Theres some of my snakes I havent even got round to posting pictures of because they are extremely hard to handle and or photograph. But I'm working on them. I also like to post amusing pictures of the snakes eg my recent "silly snakes in silly places" thread. Trivial yes, but I thought I would share that days events. I don't expect comments and I certainly don't demand them. What bugs me is people who bump threads saying "dus ne1 not luv my sankes?!!one"

I reply to picture topics when pictures are of a morph or species I have a good bit of interest in. Plus good quality pictures usually get a word in from moi. If I dont comment someones pictures, It probably because I have already been shown these pictures in chat and said what I had to say (if anything) to that person at the time. I tend not to comment on bad quality picture posts, basically because I like to see an exact representation of the animal im slapping my 2 pence on. I understand the excitment of getting a new snake, but justify the animal by getting decent pictures and THEN posting them. I too am guilty of crap pictures now and again, But I'll only post them if its necessary eg my recent regurge problems. However now I have a new camera I rarley get a bad picture unless I have stupidly covered the lense with my finger etc LOL
Well about the photo quality, we can't all afford nice fancy cameras. When I do take pics I will often take about 20 to get one or two I like.
I'm still going to keep posting pics though because I am enthusiastic about the snakes I have. If I never win a photo contest or get 100 'gee what a great picture' comments, that's OK. I know there is more value to people than how expensive their camera (or snake) was. If you only have a cell phone camera and just want to share pics of your normal I say Go For It!
And the "posting pics to gain rep points" and "replying to pics to gain rep points" battle rages on. Lol. Anybody wanting to know how knowledgeable a person is only needs to look under their screen name for "other posts" and compare. Anybody who is jealous of another users' rep points needs to get a life. :sidestep:

I don't even own corns anymore, but I still come here regularly to see other members collections and conversations. In short, I miss you guys! Should I be in the "no contribution" group because of that? I don't think so. Some people take those little green boxes too seriously...........
Checkerbelly said:
Seriously, these people logged into a CORNSNAKE enthusiast website and then complained that too many CORNSNAKE PHOTOS were posted in the CORNSNAKE PHOTO GALLERY?! :shrugs: I'm at a loss.

I second that...Does the title PHOTO GALLERY not mean anything to people who do not want to see Photos of "other peoples" snakes??
Do they never ever post photos of their snakes???

I bet you any money you like the remarks were made by someone who is a contributing member ( which i will be soon ) and is over the age of 48,Single and dosnt do much with their life that they have to moan about what other people are doing on the internet :sidestep: :grin01:

It seems to happen on most forums when a few senior members have been there for a while or long time and then a wave of newer people come along and they get all upset they are not getting all the attention anymore.

Just my view as thats what it sounds like to me..
As far as im concerned ..Keep posting all your photos of your corns..I love seeing them and i know 90% of the members do too..

Personally for me i post pics for people to use for comparisons and because i know people like to see feeding pics and also people like to see snakes that have just shed and are going through colour changes as people like to be able to see what their snake my possibly turn out like..

A. Devil
Thank you all for confirming to me that all is nice a sweet on this forum about photo posting / rep. point / etc... and that there is no issue like I heard mentioned (r.b)
*big hug to you all*
ADevil said:
I bet you any money you like the remarks were made by someone who is a contributing member ( which i will be soon ) and is over the age of 48,Single and dosnt do much with their life that they have to moan about what other people are doing on the internet :sidestep: :grin01:

It seems to happen on most forums when a few senior members have been there for a while or long time and then a wave of newer people come along and they get all upset they are not getting all the attention anymore.
I don't even know which remarks are being referred to here. All I know is my own experience. When I've been berated for posting too many photos in the past, it has usually been by males of about your age, who were not contributing members, and who were not senior members of the forum. I do not know their marital status. Heck, I can't remember the user names of my former attackers, and I don't care. My feeling at the time was that these attackers were low-income guys who felt intimidated by how much I'd spent on snakes. Unfortunately, I think your demographic assumption might say more about your own prejudices than anyone else's. I don't mean that offensively, but if I were in the demographic you specify, I wouldn't have appreciated your assumptions.

I really can't think of any examples to support your second supposition. Maybe most forums do have the problem of senior members being resentful of newcomers grabbing the attention. I don't think I've seen that here. :shrugs:
Ok, what is up with all the people who think that it's bad to have an opinion, or a preference, or taste?

It's amazing that every time someone says something like "I like this better than that" there are several responses acting like they have just been personally attacked.

If I say "I like vanilla ice cream" or "I don't really like chocolate ice cream" or "eww, chocolate is nasty" this does not translate to "all people who eat chocolate ice cream are stupid smelly unethical evil scumbags."

We all enjoy our hobby in our own way, and we all have our own tastes and preferences. Why is this so difficult to understand or deal with?
Well, I posted some Severus pictures, and that's nothing more than be being a proud mommy. But there's such a thing as too much, so I haven't posted every picture I've ever taken of him.

I like seeing the pictures, and when I was trying to decide what morph I wanted, it was handy to have those.
Well, it never came to my mind that anyone would be bothered by a nice comment..... hell, if you don't want comments, post them on your website and not on a forum.... if people wanna watch pics; they are always in the first post or maybe the 2nd and 3rd too, so one does not have to scroll through the whole thing to see them. Maybe a few comments slip trough between the first photo posts, but I think people would get over that... :rolleyes:
When looking through Dean and Matt's progression threads, I have been tempted to post quite a few "nice snake" comments. However, I think that could be taken either way. I could see how that might be considered rude to insert comments where the purpose is to show how the snake changes from shed to shed. I'm sure the comments are appreciated now, but the intention is also for these threads to exist in perpetuity, and 2 years or 10 years from now I wonder if many people looking at that thread would care whether some dude named Serpwidgets thought the snake was pretty after its second shed.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Serpwidgets again.

CaptBogart said:
With all these pics located in one spot, your able to see diverse examples and can get an idea of what to expect realistically. You can also tell if you're getting scammed by someone trying to pass a morph off as something else by using it as a reference. We all know what a sunlog looks like now :sidestep:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to CaptBogart again.

shed'n my skin said:
Well about the photo quality, we can't all afford nice fancy cameras. When I do take pics I will often take about 20 to get one or two I like. I'm still going to keep posting pics though because I am enthusiastic about the snakes I have. If I never win a photo contest or get 100 'gee what a great picture' comments, that's OK. I know there is more value to people than how expensive their camera (or snake) was. If you only have a cell phone camera and just want to share pics of your normal I say Go For It!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to shed'n my skin again.

allright people............not much can be said that hasn't been already after reading the last 5 pages, but here is my $.02 whether you care or not:

i post pics for numerous reasons, but the main ones are:
1. show progression (ususally after a shed and mostly 3+ months after the last one)
2. show a new purchase (from an expo or really anywhere i get them)

now and then i might post for another reason, but it is rare. first off, if you don't like pics and you don't like cornsnakes............DONT GO TO THE PHOTO GALLERY IN A CORNSNAKE FORUM. stay away from it, pretend it is fire or some type of killer virus. if that would happen, this thread might not even be here. i love looking at snake pics (be it corn/king/milk/etc.) and is usually the first section i look for when i click on the "new post" link. and i also try to reply to most (95%) of them to show that someone has viewed it and also to express my feelings towards it. hell, sometimes i might even ask a question about the morph or genetics to learn something from it. that is the main reason i even came to this forum before getting a snake was to LEARN. i say, if people are learning and having fun then leave it be.

as for the rep points and post counts................good grief. this is like another elementary school fight. find something better to do than bicker of such bull*#&%. i like getting rep points but not because i want to "rule the forum" with the most green dots. it's because that says to me that someone has seen what i posted and it was liked. now that doesn't mean some of the stuff i post was not liked because i didn't get any rep for it, it just means that someone went out of their way to give me one. i honestly wish that there was a way to leave negative rep for the sole reason as i could find out if i said something wrong or mis-informed someone and gave a wrong answer.........now that i think about it, please dis-regard that last sentence. :grin01: as for the the post counts, i could care less what it reads. i know after being here awhile who is who and who knows what. someone could have 1000 posts and been a member since july 06, while another person might have been here since july 03 and has 265 posts. it doesn't take a "brain" to know who is more educated, just look at the posts themselves and see what "meat" is in them............you want a perfect example : an original

so, i might have left some stuff out..................but that is now my $.03. :wavey: