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Coyote Problem, California vs Arizona

Debate? I haven't been trying to debate with pointing out other political hilarity. You don't find the GOP platform in Maine funny?
Wow I feel embarrassed for my state right now after reading this all the way through! Way to represent...not. The first post was spot on hilarious though and pretty much proven accurate right away!

And speaking of Arizona, I leave tomorrow for Havasu and will spend as much money there as I can just to spit in the face of people here who are boycotting them.
I think Shiari is kind of right though. The Arizona governor would have shot the coyote dead, then called for a pick up to find out if it was rabid, because he or she would know about rabies in wild animals & be concerned. Total cost: $200.50. People who live in rural areas are well aware of that danger & would look into it. The joke would still be funny with that modification, though.
*nods* Joke would have been funnier if the rabies angle was still dealt with. Looking at it from a political point of view, yes, California dithers far too much. So maybe a modification there from "Coyote doing what's natural" to thinking of the various ways to save the dog (while it still ending up dead because of the waffling... sounds about right for the economy/budget here right now) would be be more accurate, and once again funnier.
Sorry if it offends anyone of the opposite perspective, but I have to agree with Megan on this one.

Also sorry, but anything that ends up with a dead animal in the story isn't funny for me.

Don't get me wrong. I "get" the joke, and I see the point that it's making. I just don't care for it and my thoughts coincide with Megan's on this point. I, too, have been a vet tech, as well as an animal control officer, a worker in a pet store, etc. One thing I've never been and wouldn't ever WANT to be, though, is a politician :).
*nods* Joke would have been funnier if the rabies angle was still dealt with. Looking at it from a political point of view, yes, California dithers far too much. So maybe a modification there from "Coyote doing what's natural" to thinking of the various ways to save the dog (while it still ending up dead because of the waffling... sounds about right for the economy/budget here right now) would be be more accurate, and once again funnier.

California governor: Oh dear! Oh dear! Should I help my dog? Dogs are domesticated, wild animals are more important... Oh dear! Oh dear! The coyote is just acting natural... Oh dear! Oh dear! and so forth.

Arizona governor: [sound of gun clearing leather] Blam. Blam. Blam. Where's my [expletive deleted] cell phone? [cell phone noises] Umm, Sam, can you call animal control to come get this [expletive deleted] dead coyote? Needs a rabies test. I'm going to finish working out.
By the time the Californians get the joke to be politically correct with the right words so no one will have their feelings hurt, you start to wonder what was the point. Maybe this just requires too much effort and we should do away with humor?
Wade, I was trying to analogize to the liberal/conservative mugger joke:

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a mugger with a knife comes around the corner, screams obscenities and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock Cal 40. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.

What do you do?

Democrat's Answer:
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor or oppressed?
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun, what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
Why is this street so deserted? We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.

Republican's Answer:

Southern Republican's Answer:
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! click.....(sounds of reloading).

Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?

Son: Git-r-Dun Pop! Can I shoot the next one!

Wife: You ain't taking that to the Taxidermist!
Now THAT joke is funny. And show just why both parties are completely ineffectual. Dither and "kill it flatter than dead" don't make good government.

And do away with humor? But doesn't that mean the Tea Party would have to disband? Nothing more humorous in existence.
Glad you liked! My favorite is the variant

Son: Nice grouping Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips I gave you for Christmas?

Daughter: Can I shoot the next one, Daddy?

Wife: You are NOT putting that on the living room wall!
I see where you're coming from Betsy. I am concerned about the disposition of the dead mugger. Many muggers are drug addicts and often have diseases, Hepatitis and AIDS to name just a couple. I wonder if it promotes a casual attitude among impressionable shooters to not have the shooter in the story put on ear and eye protection before shooting the mugger. Blood splatter could pose a serious health hazard to both the shooter and any innocent bystanders. Further the products of combustion from oxidizing cordite is known to the state of Californians to contain carcinogens known to be detrimental the mice in laboratory conditions.
I see where you're coming from Betsy. I am concerned about the disposition of the dead mugger. Many muggers are drug addicts and often have diseases, Hepatitis and AIDS to name just a couple. I wonder if it promotes a casual attitude among impressionable shooters to not have the shooter in the story put on ear and eye protection before shooting the mugger. Blood splatter could pose a serious health hazard to both the shooter and any innocent bystanders. Further the products of combustion from oxidizing cordite is known to the state of Californians to contain carcinogens known to be detrimental the mice in laboratory conditions.

Splatter is avoidable by staying 10+ feet away while you double tap the center of mass. Further cleanup can be done by the local FD with a hose, keeping them safely away from risky bodily fluids.

Most shooters know about eye & ear protection but sometimes prefer not to use it, so I think it's up to gun safety instructors to teach that. And oxidizing smokeless powder contains all sorts of bad things but it smells so GOOD!:madeuce:
And if I believe you're really scared, will you sell me some fine beachfront land in Arizona?

I believe we can have a Coyote and Drug Addict shooting contest over it. The person with the most kills and less splatter wins ;)
WOW, you guys are brutal. I had no idea a little humor could put women into such a frenzy.
I believe we can have a Coyote and Drug Addict shooting contest over it. The person with the most kills and less splatter wins ;)

Works for me. Are we using real coyotes & drug addicts or the knock-down kind like Nanci shoots? If we want splatter with the knock-down ones we can fill ballons with ketchup for added realism...